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Zombie Apocolypse!!! (actual RP)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by TheKnightofAwesome, Aug 19, 2011.

  1. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Craig looked out through the boarded window that he and his team were staying in. Night was still going on which meant the Zombies would be at their most active. He kept his shot gun with him at all times to ensure that if Zombies ever found them at their camp he could instantly jump into action.

    now he addressed the others in the group.

    "It's about 5 more hours til daybreak. that's when we should make our move. No one goes out unless it's an absolute emergency, and if that's the case no EVER leaves without a partner to go with them. I managed to snag some shoulder bags and fanny packs when we raided that store today so keep these on you to hod extra ammo. I want our sniper to be placed at the window but only shoot if we are under attack. we don't want to give away our position to the Zombies. when it's all clear tomorrow We will head out for the next town and continue our routine of raiding stores and finding shelter. keep your walkie-talkies on you at all times. now i want us to sleep in shifts we will leave the sniper rifle at the window so one person keeps an eye on the streets while another keeps an eye out for the door. Jenna," he said addressing the young girl with them, "You watch the door, I have the streets first watch."
  2. 8-Bit

    8-Bit New Member

    Hikaru waited in his house silently making sure nothing had broken through his barricade. He quickly and silently walked upstairs to the roof and took out his binoculars. "...Damn..." he said as he saw the zombies rip apart another survivor. He tried the walkie talkie. "Hey if there's any survivors...quickly make your way to Crawson Street and go to the third house on the left...I have plenty of food and water..." he said and waited for a reply.
  3. Kairi831

    Kairi831 Active Member

    Jennifer walked to the door and watched outside the near by window. Her heart was racing and pounding, as quiet as it was, anything with a loud rucus would startle her. Jennifer kept on hand on her shotgun, its the only powerful weapon she has to defend herself. As other citizens mourned and hoped this would get better and remembered the old days, Jennifer rolled her eyes and showed no sympathy for them. She was tough and sitting around pouting wouldnt help us get anywhere.
  4. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    "Any movement?" Craig whispered to Jennifer. He kept watch on the street, Zombies roamed around but none came near the warehouse where the team had taken shelter. It was just another California night and they had to make it to Washington D.C. before the ships took off without them.

    Out in the street a a tag team of survivors tried to make a break for it but soon they too were infected and joined the undead ranks.

    "Damn.." muttered Craig. "Those poor bastards didn't even stand a chance...."
  5. Kairi831

    Kairi831 Active Member

    Jennifer didnt take her gaze off the window. She shook her head slowly, not wanting the fast movements or sounds to signal the flesh-eating, undead creatures to their spot. Jennifer saw only 2 creatures but, they soon ventured off into the night. 'Damn!' Jennifer thought. 'This is crazy!' You can tell by the look in her eyes she was about ready to say screw it and just unload on these specimens.
  6. 8-Bit

    8-Bit New Member

    Hikaru quickly darted out of his house slicing two zombies with his katana. "Let's see how long it takes until i have to shoot !" he thought beheading a zombie in a single stroke. "Damn..thats crazy...he said as he saw the number of zombies. "Shit..." he said jumping into the air and slicing zombies like crazy. "OKAY BITCHES COME AT ME !!!!!!!!"

    OOC: I'm in Craigs line of vision
  7. Xeren_Ozone

    Xeren_Ozone Member

    Mark was gazing out the other window. Nothing moved anywhere. "There aint nothing over here, Living, Dead or Undead." Still, his gun was pointed out the window. He turned around and saw everyones disgusted face, and could see the other group become infected. "Those things sicken me." He said. He turned back around."We might wanna be careful. The last thing we need is a group of zombies attacking our little hell-hole of an outpost here." He heard the idiot that ran outside. "Well, atleast that butt-brain will distract those freaks."
  8. 8-Bit

    8-Bit New Member

    Hikaru was in a bad position, he was completely surrounded. "Fine..." he said breaking out his AA-12 and shooting like crazy. "Eat some of this brainless assholes !!!!" he said killing three zombies a bullet. "This gun is awesome !!!" he said popping zombies heads here and there.
  9. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    OOC: Kairi and 8-Bit you have recieved one strike eack for machine gun posting. two more and you will be ejected from the RP.

    IC: Craig saw Hikaru taking on Zombies.

    "Damn FOOL!" said Craig. he wanted to help this guy but he didn't want to risk giving away his position and endangering his whole team. "Mark!" he yelled to one of the teammates. "Take the sniper rifle, and cover me, but don't shoot unless you have to." he grabbed his own shot gun and moved down stairs. he used his sledgehammer to waste some undead and moved his way to the boy shooting and making a big noise.

    "Dammit boy! quite shooting! you want every mother-fucking Zombie and it's undead brother to come after your pale ass!?!" come inside now while we still have time. the next wave wont be here for a few seconds!" he led the boy inside and took his gun before he shot anything else. he stuck out his hand. "I'm Craig, the leader of this here outfit. and whether you like it or not you just joined us. now if you want to make it out of this alive i suggest you shut up and listen to what i have to say. We're going to Washington D.C. to make it out of here and onto the ships to Europe, we move by day when the Zombies are less active and use the daylight to get supplies and find shelter. now that your here you do what i say when i say it, it's the best chance you have to make it out alive, you got that? that stunt you just pulled could have EASILY got you an possibly many others killed. So none of that. And do you know any others that are still alive?" cuz we're moving on to the next town once daybreak hits. then we never come back to this hell hole again. If we're lucky we can make it into the next state. by a little past noon giving us great time to find food and shelter."
  10. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    OOC: Disregard that last post until I can find a way to get it taken down. RP will resume from my last post.
  11. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will called from his position down the hall, scope kept on the head of a zombie shuffling towards the door. "Craig, we have a problem! That next wave is coming sooner than you thought!" He barked, looking to his right and seeing a wave of about 15 or 20 zombies down the street. And I see no way unless we circle the block and outrun them, but there may be some new breeds around." He continued, keeping his eye on the zombie leading the group.
  12. Kairi831

    Kairi831 Active Member

    Jennifer sighed. "Alright-" she said cocking her gun. "-where are these things, how fast and-" Jennifer was interupted when zombies came running towards the door. "Shizz." Jennifer hissed as the zombies came. Jennifer slipped the tip of her gun in of a window and shot one zombie. The bullet performed massive speed as it hit in the zombies abdomen. The zombie fell and started crawling. "Crawlers." Jennifer muttered.
  13. Key King

    Key King Member

    Lee grabbed his colt, and looked out the window. I don't get it. he said, i mean i've fought through the war, and yet we won. and mind you, the enemy was just as smart as we were, just as well armed too, but then you send in these..these..monsters, and they wipe out civilization, how does that happen?! They're as easy to kill as humans too! Though, I geuss it does take at least two shots to kill them. at least my colt'll knock 'em on their butts. good gun, the colt. anyways, just wanted to point that out. he opened a window and pointed into the street, bracing himself for what would happen.
  14. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    "Their strength comes in their numbers." said Craig as he fired his Shotgun at another Zombie. "Also the National Guard was taken out due to unpreparedness and fear." Craig finished off another Zombie. "We've been to far compromised, we have to leave now or we wont survive the night. once we take out this wave get to the armored cars!" oce the Zombies were cleared out Craig led the way to the garage. "We managed to get these armored cars that were left behind by the National Guard, it makes it easy to get around without having to worry to much about Zombies. we should head out to the next town then set up camp. in the morning we can head out into the next state. we have an entire nation to cover before the ships leave without us and strand us in this living hell."
  15. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will dropped the zombie in front of the wave, hoping to trip a few stragglers but all they did was trample the dead corpse. "Craig, that wave is here and we're getting beaten." He said, jogging into the passenger seat of the same armored car as Craig. As he got in he looked at Craig. "You know this isn't our brightest idea ever?" He asked, talking about how they planned on moving at about 4 hours from daybreak.
  16. Kairi831

    Kairi831 Active Member

    Jennifer followed Craig and Will. She hopped into the backseat after running and shooting zombies. After 2-4 shots each, they went down, but more zombies followed. "Ugh! This is just to muxh." Jennifer said breathlessly. 4 hours till daybreak. We can do this. She told herself. With a sworm of zombies heading towards them, Jennifer peeked out the window and fired. One, two. Down. One, two, three. Down. Maybe this'll be easy to get used to but, when you got thousands of zombies just following you, then, its just annoying.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2011
  17. Key King

    Key King Member

    Lee just kept firing. he was backing up towards the car, shooting zombies as he went. instead of getting in the car, he climbed the side-mounted ladder and onto the gun turret. not much ammo, but it'd do. he conserved the machine gun's ammo and just kept using the colt. he pound on the roof to let them know he was there. he reached into the small sheath at his waist and drew his knife. it was heavy duty, meant for tearing through flesh, metal, or just about anything else that might need cut. Using the knife he cut off the side-ladder. not that the zombies were smart enough to climb it, but still no point in being vulnerable. the zombies were swarming the car now. 4 hours till daybreak, he thought, we're not gonna make it.
  18. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    OOC: Kairi if you could lengthen you post a little bit I wont have to penalize you, so I recommend you do that.

    IC: Craig turned to Will as he started the car.

    "That's why these babies are armored. we can out last these thing until we get out on the road. We'll just drive out of town, they won't be able to follow us on foot." once everyone was inside, Craig drove out a full speed. he ran over a few Zombies with the car and continued on the road out of town.

    "by the time we get to the next town it should be light out, so let me lay down some ground rules: 1: No shooting unless we have to. we don't want a repeat of what just happened. 2: Keep the walkie talkies on at all times. 3: never EVER go off alone. once we get there we will form two teams one team will search for a good place to speand the night the other team will go off in search of supplies and ammunition. I will designate team leaders once we get to the next town, you will do what your team leader says when he or she saus it, is that clear?"
  19. Key King

    Key King Member

    Lee was relieved, they had made it. he fired into the crowd while they were leaving the city. pretty soon the machine gun was out of ammo. he had shot down at least 50 zombies. he climbed through the hatch at the top and into the backseat. he said nothing, but he looked at his comrades. he reached into his sidepack and pulled out a box of bullets. there were some loaded clips in the bag already, but since he hadn't used up all the bullets in his current clip he just loaded it up with the ammo. he holstered the gun and sheathed his knife, it was gonna be a loooong night.
  20. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    OOC: ok key king you can keep that post but you get one strike for "Machine gun posting". and if you don't know what that is read the General RP rules. two more strikes and you will be ejected.

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