We have exciting news! For those just tuning in, Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD Remix is a compilation and a HD remastering of Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix, Re:Coded, and Birth by Sleep Final Mix. Now, that we are all count up. Let’s get right to it. Kingdom Hearts 2.5 release date for December 2nd 2014 in North America and December 5th 2014 in Europe, exclusively on the Playstation 3. I know fans would rather have an earlier release, but wouldn’t this make an excellent holiday gift? Furthermore, a trailer, for E3 2014, was released alongside the release date announcement. It is exactly what you expect. The trailer transitions from each game, highlighting various scenes and gameplay. But, what is exciting is how the trailer concludes. About 40 seconds is dedicated to a Kingdom Hearts 3 teaser. Check it out below!
Kingdom Hearts 2.5 release date
North America – December 2nd 2014
Europe – December 5th 2014
Japan – October 2nd 2014
Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD ReMIX E3 2014 Trailer
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