Robert Peeler, the community manager of Square Enix and Raio Mitsuno, the product manager of Square Enix, have just released an in depth unboxing video for the Mark of Mastery Edition. I currently have one and it is an amazing package to have because of its contents and beautiful artContinue Reading

Various retailer such as Amazon, Walmart and EB Games Canada have announced a special and one time only Kingdom Hearts 3D Pre Order Bonus. What the pre order will get you for each retailer are a set of AR Cards which give the player specific Dream Eater companions within theContinue Reading

Square Enix has updated the JPN Official Kingdom Hearts 3D Site with some additional content. Extra Section contains screen-shots, reports, and special Kingdom Hearts 3D AR cards. Character Section has new Dream Eaters such as Meowjesty (Kingdanyan), Ursa Circus (Kuma Dadaiseekasu), Sudo Neku (Nekuppoi), , Taiou Kabuto, Vacation Seal andContinue Reading

Here is an update of the news from the following week. Dream Eaters are companions, who aid you in battle. When fighting, you and your Dream Eaters can perform devastating cooperative attacks. An individual Dream Eater has its own individual cooperative attack. For example: Koumori Bat It is a furryContinue Reading