Are you excited about Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD Remix’s release? Because, Square Enix will not let up. Square Enix has decided to bless us with 17 high quality screenshots of Kingdom Hearts 2.5 Re Coded Screenshots, which will appear in High Definition cinematic cut scene. These scans were brought to usContinue Reading

The introduction of Organization XIII into the Kingdom Hearts franchise created endless possibilities for the continuing of Sora’s story and adventure. Thirteen new, mysterious and tricky villains would harbor new obstacles, worlds, possibilities, and alliances in the universe of Kingdom Hearts. Although having said that even something as fresh andContinue Reading

Hi, I just wanted to post about the great games coming out next year from Square Enix and 2009 has a fantastic lineup of games coming out from the company.   Square Enix Games Here, I will be listing all Square Enix Games ranging from Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, andContinue Reading