The Keyblade, a mystical and magical weapon that a user with a strong strength of will and heart can summon forth. Wielders of this weapon use them to protect the light or seek the dark. There are many different Keyblades within the Kingdom Hearts series and these are the bestContinue Reading

Apart from Christmas,something else that’s coming soon is the game that nobody can pronounce. Dissidia (if you didn’t know already) is an action game combining the heroes and villains of the Final Fantasy series on the PSP. Here is a quote from wikipedia: Character movement is fully functional within theContinue Reading

New 358/2 Days Scans Hey everyone, thanks for patiently waiting for these! And yes, you’ve guessed it. KHPlanet has brought you brand new scans thanks to our friends over at KHinsider. These Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days scans came from Nintendo Dream Magazine and they feature a four page article onContinue Reading