Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix In honor of Kingdom Hearts’ 10th Anniversary, Square Enix is compiling the first works of the Kingdom Hearts series into HD. Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix and Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories are the two titles chosen for this production’s remix and because of Kingdom HeartsContinue Reading

A new KH 10th Anniversary soundtrack, [Melodies & Memories], will be selected and voted by you, the fans, as part of Kingdom Hearts 10th Anniversary. The fan selection contains 350+ tracks and mixes over the entire span of the series. Melodies & Memories will hit shelves in Japan on SeptemberContinue Reading This is the fourth block bullet about the related ideas; キングダム ハーツ III ・「KH3D」のシステムや物語が「KH3」に繋がる ・「KH3D」のエンディングが「KH3」の物語に続く ・ナンバリングは正統な進化を行う(ナンバリング以外は大胆で挑戦的な物に) ・3以降の構想もある ・もし将来KH3を作るなら(携帯機ではなく)おそらく据え置き機 ・アイデアや作りたいという気持ちはあるものの機会がまだ訪れていない ・シリーズを手掛けてきた主要スタッフはヴェルサスで忙しく、BbSチームはKH3Dで忙しい ・もし作る時が来れば、コンセプトを念入りに作る予定 KH III “Kingdom Hearts III ・KH 3D’s ending and KH III are related/tied together. ・KH 3D’s ending are continued in KH III. ・The numbering changes [level system?] (OtherContinue Reading

Kingdom Hearts 3D News Now that the release date of Kingdom Hearts 3D has been announced for Japan, Square Enix is now trying to push their agendas even more as it takes on the world by storm. Square Enix will be releasing a ten year anniversary Kingdom Hearts box thatContinue Reading

Hey guys, some sad news has just been recently released. In  a recent interview with Nomura, Nomura mentions about Kingdom Hearts 10th anniversary. For that date he apparently has something planned for the fans to enjoy. What that something is though, has not been released. However he did mention KingdomContinue Reading