The newest Dragon Quest- the brand new Wii U port of Dragon Quest 10– is revealed to be on the list of Square Enix games that will be featured in the Tokyo Game Show. Square released the Wii version of the game last month, exclusively in Japan. It has beenContinue Reading

Tokyo Game Show is an annual convention held in Chiba, Japan for various game developers to display new releases and upcoming titles. Square Enix, like every year, will be on the floor showcasing their titles. Below are a few which will receive their debut. Square Enix Tokyo Game Show 2012Continue Reading

Hey guys, sorry it’s been a while, boy have I been busy. To start my week off, my computer was hit with this massive virus. Throughout the week I have extracurricular activities to attend to and school work, and you really do not care about all of this about me.Continue Reading

Earlier today Tetsuya Normura twittered about trailers and news for some of the upcoming games for the Tokyo Game Show. His exact message is below. Tetsuya Nomura Quote and Kingdom Hearts 3D Weather sure is nice. Good morning! Last night I talked with Taba-chan about various things. 3rd Birthday ofContinue Reading