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Last Activity:
Apr 30, 2014
Mar 9, 2008
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30•05•2010, from Location: Location:

ü was last seen:
Apr 30, 2014
    1. PaintedDragon
      Heya Kupo, what's up? Just felt like dropping a random hello, I'm trying to get to know people on this site. heh
    2. Twilight Keyblade
      Twilight Keyblade
      I hope you are'nt leaving tonight. I want to post with you on the rp some more.
    3. King of Darkness
      King of Darkness
      HEY KUPO! how r u??
    4. Goldfish
      RE: 10 questions
      *All of them/ 1 hour/ Tree>Three, Mistake>Mistakes, No third mistake/ 70/ 9/ The Match/ White/ 2/ none/ your name*
      Highlight for answers, Ask if your confused with any of the answers =D
    5. Destiny
      1) It was to spam, it was on the second, end of the second page, meaning you were snooping out, for me, when I've seen many make mistakes before

      2.) It was not spam, you posting what you did was, I was doing my job, and eventually I plan to get those threads put into the ultimate guide for RP'ing and re organize the RP section when everyone else says I can

      3.) You're not mature, I can proove it with PM's and even your post in my profile, plus that's not the reason. If it was I'm sure you'd be nicer to me, wouldn't insulted me over and over and over again, and not give me a nega rep when it was uneeded

      4.) Just shut up kupo, I'll let you know right now your actually giveing me fuel in which you could get banned, so you decide what you want.
    6. Destiny
      Yes you have...

      1.) you bumped a thread for a sueless comment, a comment that could have been relayed to me or you could have let it go

      2.) you go and spam about a thread I made for a specfic purpose in which I stated clearly

      So far my little theory is prooven right, admit it, you came back fro revenge on me, that's why you been posting to try and proove me wrong, get me in trouble, and make me mad. All you've been doing is making yourself look bad, so grow up and be mature.
    7. Destiny
      Well I remeber you saying, I'm never coming back, this takes up my time. So why not tell me, no tell us all why yo ucame back. Make a thread why don't yyou, you've been on a spamming spree.
    8. Destiny
      Well then answer me this little miss all sunshine and a pain in my butt, why'd you come back?
    9. Destiny
      What do you want now, kupo, you cause enough issues, it's about to become real ugly if you don't shut your big fat mouth and sending me messages.
    10. Ventus
      Welcome back, by the way.
    11. Ventus
      Well, I want to move on and also I'm losing interest of Kingdom Hearts.
    12. Ventus
      hey kupo, how are you?
      I'm going to be leaving the site in a couple of months.
    13. Keyblade Barrer92
      Keyblade Barrer92
      hey, hows it goin?
    14. RebelMurf
      heyy Kupo ^^
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