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Last Activity:
Oct 1, 2015
Dec 5, 2010
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Sep 20, 1995 (Age: 29)
Where the Seasons Arise


R.I.P. Captain Unohana, 29, from Where the Seasons Arise

ADogX was last seen:
Oct 1, 2015
    1. Denki Wolf
      Denki Wolf
      Ok, here let me help you out a little.
      Rp battles, are kind of like a Chess game, you have to move your peices in a way, that you trap the other side.
      But, like in Chess, you can't control the other players character.
      Also, Dodging can only be used in logical conditions.
      Like an earth bound pokemon getting hit by earthquake.
      He is too big, or too heavy to move out of the way fast enough, but a Pikachu can quickly jump into the air, due to his high Speed stats.
    2. Denki Wolf
      Denki Wolf
      Dude, you need to edit your post.
      Controlling some on else's character, without there permision is a big no-no.
      It's called God-modding.
      I'm warning you now, so that you don't get int trouble later, with people who are up tight about Rp-ing.

      May I ask, if this is your first Forum Rp?
    3. Goldfish
      Sorry, dude. missed out on that one >.<
      I'll get it done when I can. Not right now. Today's full of little jobs =\
      Maybe after work tonight =]
    4. Denki Wolf
      Denki Wolf
      Fight well, and he will survive.
      Best I can say.
      Just don't over drasticate dodging or attacks.
    5. FatewithFury
      didint even noe bout it but yeah i can now im too lazy to find it myself gimme da link...
    6. FatewithFury
      Oh shut ^ Adog wow sooooooo wazup
    7. Denki Wolf
      Denki Wolf
      No Problem
    8. FatewithFury
      wow adog wow no i do not it just kinda turned into that ok i dont noe how it just did......
    9. Denki Wolf
      Denki Wolf
      Sorry, I went to bed early last night.
      I'll Respond today.
      Oh, and we need to do only one attack per post.
      I already talked to Zol.
    10. Napoléon
      I don't like Justin Bieber enough to buy his music (therefore, I don't have any.)
      He's Canadian, I've got to represent xD
    11. Goldfish
      Too much sun = too much cancer =\
      And I want to see snow as well!

      ps. Boomerang is coming right back at you
    12. Goldfish
      Wise words from a College Drop Out goldfish =P (Though I plan on coming back soon)
      And me Australian? I just live here. Been about... 18 years now. I'm originally from Indonesia =P
    13. Goldfish
      Finish School. Enter freedom. LIVE!
      To an extent where it's responsible. I mean you don't want to kill yourself or ruin your life in the end XD
    14. Napoléon
      No I can't get past you (;
      I'm not entirely sure why he hasn't :\ ...He must be busy at the moment.
    15. Napoléon
      Ohh you caught me (;
    16. Napoléon
      I didn't know you played basketball OR baseball xD
      Man, you're too 'sport' active for me >.>
    17. Goldfish
      That's when I go out and have some dirty fun. It fills that loneliness for me. But I guess it's different for everyone. I've had my fair share of relationships so I'm just doing a stupid "Hey, I'm a bachelor" role at the moment.
    18. EtherealSummoner
      Hm... ... ... OH! Well, I don't know how to explain it but it is rather hard. it is like working on two separate picture for me and then copying one onto another, separate picture as the background and merge in for depth but I don't know how to tell you any more clearer than that.
    19. Destiny
      Huh? You mean multiple pictures in one sig. I don't know how to use gimp and it's been almost a year, no... it's been over a year since I used the photoshop photo editor. I want to say in gum, you have to add another layer, I'm not sure, you're best asking Demaian or Goldfish they're graphics people.
    20. Remedy
      Hmmm... i did something kinda cool with it... i outlined everything with the color
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  • About

    Sep 20, 1995 (Age: 29)
    Where the Seasons Arise
    I love anime

    Gaming,anime,being lazy, playing Basketball and Volleyball


    Youtube: www.youtube.com/user/adogxsgaming
    Steam: ADogX-Senpai
    PSN: ADog-X
    Anime Multiverse: ADogX
    Twitter: @ADogXGaming
    Twitch: ADogX123