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Last Activity:
Oct 1, 2015
Dec 5, 2010
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Sep 20, 1995 (Age: 29)
Where the Seasons Arise


R.I.P. Captain Unohana, 29, from Where the Seasons Arise

ADogX was last seen:
Oct 1, 2015
    1. King of Darkness
      King of Darkness
      And sure. I warn you! I'm not that good xD
    2. King of Darkness
      King of Darkness
      Oh dude, I got you covered on like 20 of those Pokemon
    3. King of Darkness
      King of Darkness
      4857 1252 5417

      And shure :3
    4. King of Darkness
      King of Darkness
      Yeah, I got Black
    5. King of Darkness
    6. EtherealSummoner
      Yea. I like Pokemon. XD And ok. I'll get on.
    7. Kodakliv
      Oh cow I live in Wisconsin so I'm central too its 1pm right now for me. Same for you?
    8. Kodakliv
      I can be online on thursday if you want me too. I work today until 7 then I'm off until Saturday.
    9. Kodakliv
      Alright I'll change it in the morning, sorry but I only can go online when I'm at my folks home, since they have better wifi than I do. Mine keeps disconnecting. If you are open on Friday, would you like to battle me new team of pokemon?
    10. Kodakliv
      lol G Summoner wants me to slap you for saying that they should remake FF7. lol.
    11. Kodakliv
      haha aww, well S.E. said that they werent going to remake FF7 until another Final Fantasy game becomes better than it. lol So we might have to wait for a long time. lol
    12. Kodakliv
      haha thanks Adog I think I'll get the PS3 next because I heard that FF13-3 might be coming soon.
    13. EtherealSummoner
      Hm... I am not sure but I can try.
    14. Kodakliv
      umm I had a PS3 until it broke on me, and money is super thigh on me. As of right now I have a PSP, Wii and 3DS. I was thinking about getting the Wii U next or do you think I should save up to get a PS3?
    15. Kodakliv
      alright thanks alot man! if you ever wanna battle me just let me know, and we can make a time to do it :)
    16. Kodakliv
      haha ok I'll add you when I get home from work tonight :) and thanks! My name is Jon by the way or Koda.
    17. Kodakliv
      haha sure thing :) you have a 3ds right and are getting KH DDD?

      My FC is for pokemon White is: 0691 - 1870 - 3417
      My FC for my 3DS is: 0516 - 8446 - 2754
    18. Kodakliv
      Sorry I like to keep my team kind of private, I go online around and just ask people if they would like to face the new and improved elite four champion. The winner will get a prize, I only lost about 12 times and I've been doing it for a good while.
    19. Kodakliv
      I have Lucario level 87, I have Jellicent level 87, Krookodile, level 87 Ampharoas, level 88, Staraptor, level 91, and Charizard level 95. I'm the new elite four champion in Black and White, and I do special battles with online every other week.
    20. Denki Wolf
      Denki Wolf
      Well... crud, looks like this idea flopped....
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  • About

    Sep 20, 1995 (Age: 29)
    Where the Seasons Arise
    I love anime

    Gaming,anime,being lazy, playing Basketball and Volleyball


    Youtube: www.youtube.com/user/adogxsgaming
    Steam: ADogX-Senpai
    PSN: ADog-X
    Anime Multiverse: ADogX
    Twitter: @ADogXGaming
    Twitch: ADogX123