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Any RPers still floating around? Aug 4, 2021

    1. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      Alright then, I'm all ears.
    2. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      Okay, that sounds good. So, from this point, what else do we need to decide?

      One thing would be to decide what worlds are going to be used. I was thinking the total number would be around five or six, a little less than the KH games, but probably about the right size for a smaller RP.

      I suppose we could each choose three worlds to put in; that would make it simple and we'd both have input. Also, are Square Enix worlds okay?
    3. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      Hmm. That sounds interesting. Are we still going to use Disney worlds, or would we use Original worlds? Maybe a mix of both?
    4. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      By that, do you mean having a separate continuum completely?
    5. Moogle
      Got it, got it.
    6. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      Alright, I think that could work well. So, what is needed to set the stage? Placement in the KH timeline is the first thing that comes to mind. Since the RP has a similar set up to BBS, we could set it around then, maybe a little bit before. What else do we need to set the stage?

      On another note, we established I can have minions, but does that extend to full characters? For example, is it alright for me to have a Xehanort/Vanitas or Exilus/Asiila dynamic? I'm not saying I want to, for sure, just wondering what your thoughts would be on that.
    7. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      Sounds good to me, I think I'd prefer it that way; not because I don't want to work with others, but because I'd like the focus to be more on the master and apprentices. Now that we figured that out, I have another question. How much plot should we conceptualize before starting. For past RPs I have created, I've usually created a general overview, not more than a sentence or two, and then construct a couple of plot points that can be changed or put into the RP at will. From that point, I just let the story become the players' creation and see where it goes. Is your RP creation process similar?
    8. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      Haha, your assumption is correct. If you have no objection, I'd love to take the role of the villain. Though that makes me wonder, is this going to play out as more of a factional RP, where it's villain and henchmen vs. master and apprentices, or should the villain be lone in the sense that only one person would play the villain and his minions?
    9. Destiny
      No not really, I probably won't till end of April/mid May
    10. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      Good to hear, I'd really like to have a KH RP. If we're agreed on that, then we can begin conceptualizing. I guess one of the first things to decide would be what characters we're going to play. I'm assuming we'd take the roll of the master and the villain?
    11. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      Specifically in the context of Kingdom Hearts, or just as a player set-up in general?
    12. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      Hmm. This may seem obvious, but what about a Kindgom Hearts RP? We could have the main participants be a master, his apprentices, and an enemy. Plus there's a lot of room to work with. We could shape it to be pretty much any kind of RP we want.
    13. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      Huh, that's... interesting, haha, though, sadly, cop shows are another area that I'm simply not interested in...

      So, your only parameter for this idea is that it be functional with a low player count?

      If my original idea doesn't interest you, we could always work together to come up with something new.
    14. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      Yes and no. In the original source material, the Half-Demons are humanoid versions of demonic creatures such as Succubi, Gargoyles and Medusas. So, they wouldn't all look like Hellboy (though a Gargoyle might), but they do still retain heavily demonic features. In the source, there were six distinct variants that formed a hierarchy but, again, it might be better to drop that and let players come up with more creative Half-Demons.
    15. Destiny
      Hey, and it goes insane, you?
    16. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      Yep, the Half-Demons are the protagonists. The players would be students (or alumni) of one of the Academies and fight as a group of four against the angels. So, ideally, the best number for this RP would be five. However, we can always have the team be a little irregular with less or more member.
    17. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      Okay, the idea is something I've been kicking around for a while. It's a medieval fantasy world with mid-level magic (magic can be learned by anyone, but it takes work and is not all-powerful), and a touch of steam punk here and there. The world is being attacked by angelic beings that have been sent by God to eradicate the denizens of the world. The main inhabitants of the world, and the main targets of God's righteous fury, are Half-Demons, of which there are several different kinds. There is also a string of special Academies that trains these Half-Demons to fight against the angelic menace. The students of these Academies fight in groups of four, which works for a squad-based RP. Normally, each person in the group has one of four designated roles such as a sniper or mage, but that could be dropped in favor of more creative character designs.

      What do you think so far? It can be changed or added to however.
    18. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      If you're interested, I've been thinking about running a Soul Eater campaign. Other than that, the first squad-based setting that comes to mind is Naruto. We could also do some sort of original setting... in fact, I have one that would fit the bill for this. I can give a short summary if you'd like.
    19. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      Of course, I'd be willing to help brainstorm. But by making it unlike other super sentai, wouldn't it take away from the idea in the first place?
    20. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      Ah, super sentai. That makes more sense. Sadly, unless the theme/setting was significantly different than Power Rangers/Sailor Moon, that sort of RP wouldn't appeal to me.
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