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June 5


Resident Tashian

Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

Any RPers still floating around? Aug 4, 2021

    1. Nova
      Whats frustrating you?
      lol as for me I guess I'm ok.
    2. Nova
      Hey whats up?
    3. Reonarudo Butsuchiru
      Reonarudo Butsuchiru
      Very good sir, very good X-D
    4. Reonarudo Butsuchiru
      Reonarudo Butsuchiru
      Hey Zhyriad, how are things?
    5. EtherealSummoner
      Hey Zhy. you doing alright?
    6. Reonarudo Butsuchiru
      Reonarudo Butsuchiru
      Yeah, I agree, but I'm such a fanboy.
    7. Reonarudo Butsuchiru
      Reonarudo Butsuchiru
      Hey Zhyriad, what's up?
    8. Zerieth
      I didn't avoid anything. You don't need to run every single thing by me to do it. So long as you hold to what your character can do it is allowed. If you care so much about the outlook i can simply just say i give up. It was starting to get annoying waiting a week for you to post.
    9. Zerieth
      It wasn't going anywhere except for either my loss or a tie. Btw, i was unable to get online over the weekend.
    10. Moogle
      Aaaaaalrighty then. So. . . . . POST IN THE UPPER CRUST GROUP.
    11. Moogle
      I'd assume she would, considering that she wouldn't want to scare off Malisa and her trinket. It was a perfectly safe assumption to make.
    12. Nova
      Sure. Whats up?
    13. GrandShadow
      thats cause i was going to have him interrupt Vent's training.
    14. GrandShadow
      sorry dude, i just logged on about five minutes ago
    15. Demyxx
      Hahaaaa, nah I was just kiddin'! :D
    16. Moogle
      Oy. Uprising RP postage. Not to be annoying or anything.
    17. Moogle
      I suggest you accept that Upper Crust invite.
    18. Moogle
      Sounds good to me. And I suggest that Talenia makes use of Malisa's Persistence Of Memory spell in order to retain control over her. Altering people's perception is fun, innit?
    19. Moogle
      Then a method for them to stay in touch? It'll make it easier for the lure. (I.E. "Help! I'm being attacked by heartless and I'm oh so helpless!")
    20. Moogle
      Ooooooooh! Here's an idea! How about a collab between us for the uprising RP? I'm thinking that your leader could enslave mine since she is a keyblade wielder - and yours feels entitled to everything. Like, Talenia could lure Malisa to an empty area (given that M wanted help to find her way) and attacks her. Given the current situation, M would attempt to fight back but is quickly overwhelmed and knocked unconcious. Then, T could place M under a spell/supress her free will, making the sorceress act as a 'bodyguard' for T as she goes to that meeting you mentioned in T's first post. I wrote this all on an IPod. . . Anyways, so how does that sound?

      If you do decide to work with this, we should probably put a disclaimer up as to ward other players from interfering.
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    June 5
    Tash Sultana saves my life. <3


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