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June 5


Resident Tashian

Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

Any RPers still floating around? Aug 4, 2021

    1. Moogle
      Yeah. I've wanted to include him like that for the longest time. . .
    2. Moogle
      Actually, I was going off of the whole "Merlin can time-travel" thing from Sword in the Stone.
    3. GrandShadow
      i don't mean to rush you but once you post your character, we can start the Uprising RP
    4. Zerieth
      His defense. If you noticed, i have a chain blade wrapped around your guys ankle threatening to rip it off.
    5. Moogle
      That reminds me, I need to pester DW, Hope, and SB to finish the damn thing already.
    6. Answer Man
      Answer Man
      sup dude, haven't seen you in a while, Xmas shopping got you tied up?
    7. King of Darkness
      King of Darkness

      Have a Merry Christmas Zhy, and a Happy New Year!
    8. Moogle
      Get to judging old chap!
    9. Zerieth
      Just get something up.
    10. Zerieth
      Beta is not explainable. It' s the rules. If you won't be on for a few days you need to inform everyone. And Alpha you ended up winning. Summoner never made his move.
    11. Zerieth
      I think you've had warning so i guess you lose the rp arena beta and alpha fights.
    12. Answer Man
      Answer Man
      you should it's good.
    13. Answer Man
      Answer Man
      true, you sign up for KOD's Ward rp?
    14. Answer Man
      Answer Man
      so what's up with your rp dude?
    15. Zerieth
      The turn order is summoner, you, moogle, you, summoner, you... So you can react to moves they both make.
    16. Zerieth
      I just re read the turn order. Its your turn since i'm letting you react to both characters. You will get twice as many moves they do and your post limit is 20.
    17. Zerieth
      I'm the same. XD. As for summoner, i'll throw that turn order in his face. I think your right.
    18. Zerieth
      We've already started, but I will arrange for something in the near future for you to test this on.

      Now, Summoner and I are both waiting. Bloody well post something.
    19. Zerieth
      If thats what you think, then why not just become a judge and show this to me in practice so i can get what you are getting at. I don't compare the strategy's in posts because i'm doing it as I read. A lower word limit will irk me a little, but that may be the way it is because the player didn't have much to say.

      Also i have not seen a person deviate from their capabilities. Now if you have any questions, kindly ask them in question form so i can figure out what you mean.
    20. Zerieth
      If you mean the you have lost 1 point thing, protesting isn't going to change it. If you read back a good ways in the RP Arena ooc, you'll find the reason why that it there.
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    June 5
    Tash Sultana saves my life. <3


    Set by Hope
    Thanks OtherDog!​
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