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Desert Warrior
Last Activity:
Dec 4, 2019
Apr 28, 2008
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Desert Warrior

Well-Known Member, from California

My times between logging on are far apart enough that the site forgets to keep me logged in. I have problems. Jan 27, 2019

Desert Warrior was last seen:
Dec 4, 2019
    1. Napoléon
      That's so sweet, even though it implies violence :3
      I wouldn't want you to be in jail, though. That would suck.

      I always thought that's how Naruto should end! Don't you think that would be an amazing ending ?

      I don't know how many of you I could handle though. I'd feel bad if I was giving more attention to one over another.

      You do, there's something about you that makes me want to hug and glomp you all the time.
      Would you want to hug and glomp me back ? :3
    2. Napoléon
      What happens if they hurt you though ._.
      We both know that I can't defend you against an angry person trying to beat you up. They'll end up breaking me in two XD

      Back when I was 12 years old I thought Sasuke was sexy =P
      Don't hate the player. I read his fight with his brother, but I never saw him getting Itachi's eyes implanted into his. I feel like I missed a lot.

      Does that mean we're going to start cloning you ? XD

      Aww really :3
      You make me want to hug you.x
    3. Napoléon
      Aren't you a brave one. I wouldn't punch anybody. I believe in making love not war ;3

      That doesn't sound close to being done at all >_<
      How's Sasuke doing in the manga ?
      What's Rave Master about, if you don't mind me asking.

      Of course my universe revolves around you. What other hot head could possibly keep my planet warm ? ;D

      You know Desert, I'm really starting to like you (:
    4. Napoléon
      You would really punch somebody if they were harassing you ? XD

      What's the last thing that happened in Naruto ? I can't even remember the last thing I read about, it was nearly two years ago! Something about Sasuke and his little mobsters invading some meeting and Naruto stop him... Or do something. I can't honestly think of it, I blame the fact that it's 10:48 PM XD
      I might look into Fairy Tail, it looked interesting but I'd prefer if it were done.

      Exactly ^-^
      I'm glad that you understand the concept of my universe.
    5. Napoléon
      Yeah, they go all over Europe too sporting the Canadian flag. They're afraid that they'll be beat up because they're American since the States hasn't been making any friends recently.

      There's no fillers in the Fairy Tail anime is there ? The ones in Naruto were terrible, so I stopped watching the anime because of it =\
      Fairy Tail isn't over yet though ? Well my real question is whether or not Naruto is finally finished XD

      When the sun leaves the sky comes therefore it's the suns' leftovers (:
    6. Napoléon
      It happens all the time if that's what you mean =\
      However, I'm not entirely sure that I understood your question.

      I always wanted to read Fairy Tail, but it's a long anime series and I don't think I could afford buying the manga ._.

      Yeah, but once the sunlight leaves that's when it becomes night, therefore, it would never be dark out if the sun stayed was out all the time.
    7. Napoléon
      I figured that you wouldn't understand =\

      That's cool. What are your favourite mangas ?

      You're right. How is your sky the leftover of it though ? Wouldn't the sky be only the leftover of the biggest star of them all; The sun ?
    8. Napoléon
      I would be ashamed if I were American, but that's just me.
      The day an American has balls enough to walk into Russia for a vacation and not strap a Canadian flag on their bag is the day I start to raise my respect for them from spit dirt to 1 mm above ground.

      Been watching more animes or cartoons lately ?

      How is your sky the leftovers of the stars ? (;
    9. Napoléon
      And you think your country is a saint ? America not only ruins it's own habitat it ruins Canada's too.
      I also didn't say that America was the most destructive either, I just said it's home to environmental destruction because it's true. Americans are so caught on money, in which they don't even have anymore because their economy is terrible, that they don't mind polluting and causing diseases such as cancer to some of the slum filled areas in the states. The health care over there isn't even as good as Canada's either, you guys don't mind letting people slip through the cracks and leaving them to die. It's sick.

      I stick with the fact that animes are different than cartoons. Mind you, I haven't watched either in over a year now.

      I base everything off of England, that means my sky is the United Kingdom's leftovers and your sky is my leftovers.
    10. Napoléon
      Yeah, mountains, trees and what not, but you live in America. The home of environmental destruction. I have a hard time believing that your mountains haven't been cut down to size and over powered by factories.
      If we meet in person, I won't be able to contain myself face to face =\
      I'm not a super sexual person or anything, it just pops out of my mouth sometimes.

      They're not the same >_<
      Animes are for more mature audiences and cartoons are for 5 year olds.

      Don't judge me XD
      Darkness spreads from east to west, in my world your sky is my left overs >_>'
    11. Napoléon
      Well then I'll just hide in a bush ^-^
      Do you really live in a mountain ? I have such a hard time believing this.
      I know right ?! I'm containing myself for you.

      Anime and cartoons are different.

      Well your night sky is my left overs because it gets dark here four hours before it gets dark where you live.
    12. Napoléon
      You have such a dirty mind too ;3
      I'm amazed that I haven't used any real sexual words with you yet XD
      Wait, would we just be in an open field. I thought we could hide in place >_<

      I don't consider anime to be cartoons. They are two COMPLETELY different things.
      Samurai Jack= Cartoon
      Naruto= Anime

      I do, my city doesn't pump out a lot of pollutants so there's never a haze in the sky. It's quite pretty. I love star gazing.
    13. Napoléon
      Could you see me running off XD
      I think I'd be scared to death and huddled in a corner...
      I feel like saying that instead of reading 'under' the first time I read 'nude' and the sentence sounded so odd. I got to, "Just follow me, and if we're ever nude .... " I knew I had read something wrong. It didn't sound Desert like.

      I was actually mocking you when I said, "You're too swift for me." XD
      Desert, I just never met someone your age who still watches cartoons. It's like one of the new wonders of the world for me!

      I could only imagine, literally. I must visit to see this wonderful night sky (;
    14. Napoléon
      I believe that's one of the, 'easiers said than done' things XD
      Unless if we're tied together, then I'll be able to stick by you.

      You're too swift for me.
      There's nothing wrong with liking cartoons... ... ... You go ahead and watch them all you like ^-^

      I thought that you didn't like your mountain village ? It'd probably feel like home there for me XD
    15. Napoléon
      But how would I know how to do it right if I've never played the game before ? Unless I get a crash course before we start playing airsoft =\

      You're pretty good at catching on to things ;D
      I thought it was encouraging saying "There's nothing wrong with cartoons sweetie." I called you sweetie.

      Can you even see the moonlight in LA, what with all of the cars and pollutants =\
      Sounds romantic though, and I'm above 5 ft so I'm not short!
      Weeeeee X3
    16. Napoléon
      Well isn't that sweet (:
      If I meet you, I'll play airsoft too all right ? Some people might have to go a little easy on me though ._.

      You made me giggle.x
      There's nothing wrong with cartoons sweetie.

      I don't want to be a dwarf. What do you consider short ?
      I'm light though, so twirling can still work, I just would prefer not being considered light and short T.T
    17. Napoléon
      I don't know if I really want it to, so it might not work XD
      I don't see me getting into a game like that, but you never know.

      That's exactly the point dear; it's a cartoon =\
      I spend my time watching other things as opposed to little cartoon men running around and vanquishing evil. For some odd reason, those shows have completely lost their shine and epic qualities to me.

      Not bad, I was afraid if you were over 6 ft XD
      I'd feel like a dwarf if you were T.T
    18. Napoléon
      I could always dye my hair back to blonde, but I don't see that happening =\
      I have a beanie hat. Would that work ?

      I thought so too back then. I haven't watched it in years for reasons that I will not disclose with you because you still watch it =P

      I was talking about fast dancing but slow works to. How tall are you ?
    19. Napoléon
      If I ever met you I might play airsoft, other than that I don't see me trying it out anytime soon =\
      I can see me getting injured, bruised, and lying dead in the middle of an airsoft field.
      Mind you, I don't think camouflage will hide my flaming red dyed hair. =\

      I use to watch Samurai Jack back when I was 13 xD
      We don't watch similar television shows at all.

      What can I say, I'm dedicated. I might have to be picked up off the floor at the end of the night, but I should be able to last!
    20. Napoléon
      Clothes isn't much protection when you think about it though =\
      I played paintball once and it hurt like a b*tch when I got shot in the arm. Do you have to wear head gear while playing airsoft.
      I like your, "I'm just going to assume you're referring to an actual airsoft gun" X3

      Well I don't like Family Guy so we're floating on the same boat in that department. What other tv shows do you watch other than South Park and The Simpsons ?

      You're so cute. I'll tango with you all night ;D
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    Sometimes I think that if I had all the time in the world I still wouldn't get around to doing some of the things I have been meaning to do.