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King of Darkness
Last Activity:
Sep 8, 2020
Sep 19, 2008
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Jul 11, 1995 (Age: 29)
Home Page:

King of Darkness

What up Monica, Male, 29, from Eastcoast

"May your heart be your guiding key." Feb 1, 2019

King of Darkness was last seen:
Sep 8, 2020
    1. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      ^^ Hey hey, are we friends on msn yet?
    2. EtherealSummoner
    3. ADogX
      yeah I can now. You just the Scizor right?
    4. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      Do you want the real TT back or not broski?

      Play along!

      nice avie btw
    5. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      Dude, sweet new Avatar and Sig!! They're awesome!
    6. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      Broski you CAN'T win against Destiny. Believe me, I've tried.

      Just surrender lol.

      Dream? Hmmm Axel can't do that. He could appear in evil, dark TT...
    7. Answer Man
      Answer Man
      BBS has been one of my favorites that and COM because i liked the cards idea, it was very annoying when i ran out in fights and i had to die but it was still fun
    8. Destiny
      It was through Summoner's character the world was destroyed. Just stop your arguing and do what I say. I'm half tempted to tell Vox you're not ready to be on staff.
    9. Answer Man
      Answer Man
      I really must get it because i want to play it. Idk why its like i never played Days and i may never will because even though Roxas is one of my favs that game isnt lol
    10. Answer Man
      Answer Man
      haha thanks! Dude have you played Coded before?
    11. Answer Man
      Answer Man
      Right, so when i get on here its strange cuz i feel like nobody sees me lol
    12. Answer Man
      Answer Man
      Really i havent talked to Knight in a long time! I've been trying to re connect with everybody but its kinda hard lol
    13. Destiny
      There's an extent to everything...
      1.) Twilight Town was destroyed in the last RP. You basically brought it back to life, only a god can do that
      2.) Even if you're creator, there's an extent of god powers. It's very unfair to other players when the owner becomes god. That kills a RP, prevents said owner if they create RP's in the future a lesser chance people will join as well.
      3.) Abyss may have, but you were the first. I'm just telling you. I let it slide but sho was getting mad about not allowing Axel to come to your character. I figured I'd find out why but then thought about it and his character is allowed to interact. Now most good RP'ers if RP mods drop as many hints as I have in blocking out Axel and stuff would have taken them.
    14. Destiny
      1.) in a dream realm. That would allow Abyss to enter and also allow you and Cole to enter, but doesn't exactly allow Axel
      2.) an illusion, this would prevent everybody, so Abyss wouldn't have been allowed.

      The only other thing I can recommend is if Twilight Town is deep in the realm of darkness living an existence. But that would make everybody in Twilight Town a being of darkness or something. Something for it to recognize it's not in the realm of light.

      But the main point is it is not in the realm of light(not in existence)
    15. Answer Man
      Answer Man
      I always thought it would suck that the world would end on my last year of high school lol but be kinda funny cuz its the last! Its cool to know theres a another senior on the sight!
    16. Answer Man
      Answer Man
      Niiice! You gotta admit if we survive 2012 we would be like the best class ever!!!!
    17. Answer Man
      Answer Man
      Your a senior this year too?? Dude awesome!!
    18. Destiny
      1.) I can't find my post that looks up and sees it
      2.) You can't just do that. That is considered God-Mod.

      Here's the deal, Twilight Town is destroyed, got it? Next you have posted a lot on Twilight Town so here's your options before I call god-mod and delete them...
      1.) Jordan and Cole are in the Dream Twilight Town
      2.) It's all a mere illusion to lure Cole closer to Jordan
    19. Destiny
      KoD, we wrote all our posts reacting to a world faling to darkness. The world was covered in heartless, everybody vanished, the world trembled, and they all looked back to watch the world get swallowed to darkness
    20. Destiny
      No offense, but if a world has fallen to darkness, it has fallen to darkness.
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  • About

    Jul 11, 1995 (Age: 29)
    Home Page:
    Aspiring writer, video game enthusiast, and Pop! Vinyl collector.

    Good god, I'm a nerd.


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    (Game featured- WWE 2K18)

    PlayStation Nation