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Last Activity:
Dec 13, 2021
Aug 24, 2007
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Awarded Medals 1

Nov 13, 1985 (Age: 38)
Kentucky, USA


I Survived The BG Massacre, Female, 38, from Kentucky, USA

Staff Member Administrator
Kitty was last seen:
Dec 13, 2021
    1. Napoléon
      Hey Kitty, there's a new kid called Final-Form who can't change his avatar. I think he needs your help.
      It's strange because everytime I try to get on his profile it brings me up to this other, Final Form, who joined back in 2008. Yet, it says that this guys' registration was only a few days ago =\
      I'm debating if it's just my computer.
    2. EtherealSummoner
      Oh... then the kind of music that I was ready to suggest to you might not be the kind that you would want to listen then. Never mind.
    3. EtherealSummoner
      I am curious but what kind of music do you listen to? OH! And answer my last question from two days ago.
    4. EtherealSummoner
      Wanna work together to take down DW's high scores? DX he's trying to take mine down too.
    5. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior

      The funny thing is that with one click I made our scores equal. Then a couple more clicks made my score higher.
    6. Remedy
      Hey i actually have a suggestion
      yah know how the sig maximum is 500x200?
      what if there was also another sig max. of 200x500?
      so we can have vertical sigs as well?
      kinda like this one...
      in the text i screwed up the size
      i realized it actually 120x360
    7. Remedy
      no problem, i'm not in too much of a hurry XD
    8. Remedy
      ahhh lol imma dumb blond
      i saw 90's 60's and 70's and automatically thought "YEARS!"

      anyways i agree with you i like it around high 60's low 70's
    9. Remedy
      uhmmm... uhhh? How did we get to years? I asked about summer...
      i either didn;t understand your answer or wrong person XD
    10. Remedy
      VanitasXVentus just bumped about 3 threads...
    11. Remedy
      oh... that must suck...
      well are you at least excited for the sun?
    12. Remedy
      You excited for the school year to be over? Being a teacher and all?
    13. ADogX
      I think the first was Toxic something, and the other was the newest member. Sorry if this is all pointless. I'm just one of those people who prefers to see all their work =/
    14. ADogX
      I'm sure for 2 reasons:

      1. An hour after he created his account, I gained 50 points and leveled up

      2. He made his account in front of me and I saw him put my name as a referer
    15. Plasmos
      about time, irritating ass site. ugh, thanks Toph.
    16. ADogX
      Hey Kitty, I asked DW about this but he told me to ask you. So...

      I got my friend to join the site, and told him to put my name in the referer section. I got the 50 points for it, but it's not showing I got the 2nd referal on my page. It still says I have 1. Any ideas? Plus, It's still saying I have 50 points for referals, even though it should say 100.
    17. Remedy
      Thanks, I can't wait to see it!
      As for the "Sup", well just getting through life, yeah?
      Summer is about to start, and school about to end... so been a little happier than usual, which is a good thing.
      You're a teacher... you relieved the school year is almost over?
    18. Napoléon
      That makes sense, so long as you're working atleast you're getting paid. Money seems to run everything these days and only a small percentage of the population is loaded with cash =\
      It's like how civilization was functioning ages ago, except now if you really can't afford to live or survive atleast we have Wal Mart as opposed to trash cans. For those unfortunate hobos out there, there is always a food bank or shelter more than happy to serve. I kind of feel pity towards homeless people :|
    19. Napoléon
      I could imagine how adorable the children would be, preschool must be a fun job. (Excluding the kids who get their boogers everywhere and eat the play doh >.<)
      Skipping school is handy sometimes. Did you ever have those dull activity days where they expect you to pay 2-3$ in order to watch a basketball game just to see your school lose again? It's a waste of my two hours :|
      You could always become a rebel and skip teaching for one day ;]
    20. Remedy
      Hmm felt like stopping in and saying, well yah know
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  • About

    Nov 13, 1985 (Age: 38)
    Kentucky, USA
    Way too lazy to fill this out. Ask if interested.
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