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Last Activity:
Jul 11, 2018
Jul 3, 2009
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Hogwarts, send a message via owl. Appreciated.
Disposing the One Ring with Frodo.


Kuroko Fangirl, Female, from Hogwarts, send a message via owl. Appreciated.

So, haven't bought KH 2.8 yet. Is it worth the money? I checked online and the average play through time is abysmal.... Jul 10, 2018

Napoléon was last seen:
Jul 11, 2018
    1. Khroma
      itz like Axel and Roxas with the ice-cream stick in 358/2 Days >w<
      really?? O_______O -shock face-

      you're not helping out, "a bit" D:
      you're helping out tonz and tonz and tonz and tonz and tonz >w<
      I want to be happie, too.
      I haven't felt it in so long, so if I do become happie, I don't even know it. ;w;

      I cried when I read the last line.
      okaay, take your time~ (Skwippyneedztogoshowerfromtherapy>w>'')
      I'll reply back to your other message after I show/eat dinner/after I finish practicing piano.

      I wub you too >w<
      (Skwippy+owner love <3)
    2. Khroma
      but owner also won in an aweshume way too >w<

      I try to be..
      but Skwippy hasn't experienced "happy," since she was 6.
      so Skwippy just putz up a fake smile.
      but my owner already is helping me~
      owner being my friend already meanz a lot >w<
      (meanz so much you don't know how much it meanz <- this phrase again. QQ)

      and I sent PM,
      don't cry when you read it though. DD:
      or I'll cry with you >w<
    3. Khroma
      LMAO. that made me think of it too~~
      I love being your Skwippy until the endz of time >w<
      (I win? :D )

      yea... I understand what pain people have to go through..
      I want to make it so that they won't go through it, so that they be happie.
      like jealousy. I used to have it so bad... but I didn't want the person I was jealous to be hurt.
      so I suck it up for them and let them have what they wanted >w< (normally were friend/teacher, etc.)
      thank you owner >w< <3

      I send PM to you,
      because.. itz sorta.. stingy and classified information (not to you though~)
    4. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      Destiny's like an older sister to me. L&D would be the younger sister.

      You're the cutey ^^

      Sho kitty have Nappy's cell phone # so he can text/call her?
    5. Khroma
      I wub being your Skwippy even moreee >w<
      -teary eyes-

      I'm sowwwiieee.
      ish my fault that I got you all into this -cries- does. I don't want surgery on it, so I have to do therapy instead.
      i thought my neck was normal, too. until the therapist started working on it for a good 45-minutes. >w<
      but I'm glad itz me who has these problemz. I don't want my brother or my grandparentz to have it.
      so I'm glad itz on me ;w;

      Skwippy has been feeling teary eyed today ish all.
      Skwippy only wanted to have fun in a thread ;w; instead she brought chaos.
      and Skwippy used to do all kindz of hurtful stuff to herself when she was little >w<
      (itz so unbelievable; you'll really think I'd be lying QQ)
    6. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      Sho only ever works with one person Nappy. Arabelle belongs only to Sho kitty! Nappy is Arabelle, therefore, Nappy belongs to Sho kitty.

      *Meows sadly*
    7. Khroma
      Skwippy doesn't want to >w<
      and I wub being your Skwippy (so much you can't even imagine how much) ;w;

      I don't want Sho kittie mad. I don't want to make anybody upset, so Skwippy sacrafices a lot on herself to make otherz happie (in return, Skwippy is hurt, but glad to see otherz happie).
      I had argument with Sho two times already, and I don't want third argument.
      I don't like arguing, unless I really have to. >w<

      I have Scoliosis, (mild), and my cartilage is swollen in my neck (all around) for about a year and a half.
      my mom never told me, and she thought it was a gland problem because glandz can be wacky.

      and I haven't token my DID (split personality) and my Depression/Severe Anxiety medicine today either,
      so I'm having rough day dealing with stuff QQ
    8. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      I don't like sharing my Nappy =/_\=

      Then why dosh yo siggy and title mention only Khroma...?
    9. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      To find it, you must go beyond the possible. Beyond the impossible. To the possimpoble. I think that's how you spell it.
      I've been there for 3. Total years of me going to college? I have no clue. I figure I'll be there until I die.
    10. Khroma
      Sho kittie wantz my title of you being my angel taken off ;w;

      I don't want to, but I made a "deal" (something tellz me thatz odd.), because Sho told me,
      "You can keep the title lol, as long as you understand that I'm her number 1 math loving kitty "

      and Skwippy will reply to your reply later when she feelz better <3
      Skwippy feelz a bit uneasy today after having her neck and back fixed again in therapy this morning. >w<
    11. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      You're spending more time with a peanut butter kitty, then with your mathematical kitty, who came way before that peanut butter kitty...

      Sho kitty doesn't feel loved ;_;
    12. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      *Insert Kitty cries here*
    13. Khroma
      -reply to your edit because i can't fit everything TTwTT -

      uuaa~ >w<
      my brother chose them for meeee~
      and glad you liked thwem owner :D
      Skwippy isn't alwayz happie .. she tries to be dough~~

      you should have a theme song toooo :OO
      and mai owner needz a nickname.
      Skwippy feelz odd calling you, "owner." LMAO. >w<

      and has you eber read/watched manga/anime, "Chi's Sweet Home"?
      I have manga volume for some of them >w<
      ish about a wittle cute cat that got lost and a family picked her up and named her, "Chi." (small in Japanese). >w<
      itz funnie manga and anime~~ (images for chi)
      ish Chi~ QQ!!! small and wuffie like Skwippy :D
    14. Khroma
      ish better but popsicle and spinach isn't good enough either. D:
      owner needz to eat fruties too :O
      ...I wonder how posicle and spinach taste like together. ...-start to imagine-

      kwittie and owner love forever >w<
      you chuld descwibe Skwippy, so Skwippy can draw herself in her sketchbook~~~

      oouuu~!!! <- Skwippy got thatz fwom you~
      does owner love cupcake? what type of kupkwake?? :O

      LMAO. we should continue to add it on later.
      and then abbreviate everything so that it'll be all random letter before Skwippy~

      then I will worry so much about owner if you didn't make it back >w<
      Skwippy will start crying TTwTT
      hahaha, there were no female cuz the school was afraid they'd mate. happened 2 yearz ago, and the school didn't know what to do. LMAO. QQ

      Jack?? but I'm Skwippy the adowable, fwuffie, luffie, hwuggie kwitty (thatz getting hard to remember. D: )
      and nnnuuuu. I don't want chu to get in trouble and mess >w<
    15. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      That's because the :cool: is just too cool to top.
      3. I'm going to try and get out as soon as possible.
      Rant now. Why wait?
    16. EtherealSummoner
      ... *Starts cheesing at my announcement that I made* ... :D HEE HEE HEE!
    17. Khroma
      here you gooooo~~
      the password is: Napoleonishmaiowner

      teh first one is my brother and his friendz when they mess wif me in his birthday party~
      and try to tick me off, so I can get my (wooden) sword >w<
      (because they think is cool).

      the second one is me going, ”WAAAAAAAHHH -put hand on head and lock in back and forth-"
      because I panic a lot randomly for no reason. LMAO. D:

      and the third one is sad-happy (so ironic. LMAO.)
      there should be more... because Skwippy ish split.
      -too lazy to find more- ;w;
    18. Khroma
      song will be in 2nd VM :O

      but just eat pwopshical is bad for health D:

      hua~ wike how evweybwady on KHP knowz I'm ywour kwittie >w<

      -bake coconut kookies-
      here you go, bestownerintheworld :D
      Skwippy likes vanilla kookies. (if therez such thing)

      Skwippyz your adowable, fwuffie, luffie, Pweanut Bwutter kwittie
      (the name getz longer and longer. LMAO.)

      relief to hear there was no mudslide or big storm >w<
      ...I had 8 pet chickenz. they were all male and look all same.
      so I didn't name them. LMAO. D:

      but I don't want trwable again. >w<
      ...SkippyMGzalot. >w>''
    19. Khroma
      and I wub bweing your wittle Skwippy :D
      nnnnuuuuu. ywou're the bwest w-owner~~
      oouuuu. I do actually :O
      my brother (only have 1 older brother) gave me couple theme song~
      I don't have URL, but i has file~ does you want the filez? :O
      I have couple, because Skwippy split~

      Skwippy is human fewd. QQ!!!!

      hehe, yush~~
      hwuggie-nessss and kwittie-ness :D

      -nomnomnomonomonomonomonom chomp down-
      what other kookies dosh w-owner like?? :O

      because Skwippy could be annoying sometime? :<

      waaaaah D:
      there wasn't thunder/lightning, right?? no mud-slide right? D:
      oouuu <-got that from owner~
      dwukie pwond must've bween kwute >w< I raise pet chicken for AP Biology~

      Skwippy has been doing okay.
      and got into some problemz with Sho kittie twice.
      but everything is okay now~~
      Skwippy hopes to be fwend with Sho kittie in the future~
      but I stop posting in the Boy vs Girl 500 ....
      well, I had to stop because I was MG-ing.
      and I can't help it, so I stwop. >w<
    20. Angel
      So your back from camping?
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  • About

    Hogwarts, send a message via owl. Appreciated.
    Disposing the One Ring with Frodo.
    Just your usual friendly Canadian girl. I enjoy the small things in life and cats. Rocking chairs always cheer me up too.

    ... That and hot chocolate.

    I speak two languages: English and French. I am currently learning Spanish... Wish me luck!

    Merci. À plus.


    Nudity For Life
    Resident Chemistry Nerd
    Awesome Avvy by the one and only Kitty ~! <3​

    Napoléon - It can change the world !
    Angel (Angie) - One penny at a time.

    A Mari Usque Ad Mare
    "Spread the love; One person at a time"
    Skwippy x Spwaky Ninja Kittie League
    Skwippyz My Spectacular, Adowable, Fwuffie, Luffie, Mwagical, Pweanut Bwutter Hwuggie Kwittie

    Je t'aime​