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Last Activity:
Jul 22, 2024
Jun 24, 2007
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Chicago, IL
College Student


Your Supreme Lord And Savior, from Chicago, IL

Staff Member Administrator

Have i really been away for so long.....? Jun 13, 2019

NeRo was last seen:
Jul 22, 2024
    1. King of Darkness
      King of Darkness
      I guess after you reply to Devlin, depending on your relly, I can just end the RP
    2. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      I've never seen someone enraged with anything but anger... what have been missing DX
    3. Kitty
      You sound like my youngest sister. She's always starving.
    4. Kitty
      It makes me smile so hard. There's been quite a few recently, for that very reason.

      For all our faults, we are a pretty friendly and easy to join site. I'm almost proud of us today.
    5. Kitty
      Awesome. Should I ever win a fortune, I'll remember you, too. Lol.
    6. Khroma
      messaged you a few time on skype, but I think you were busy :O
    7. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      Not that they didn't pay attention, but that they didn't read it correctly.

      One does not give their servent a recharge, say the others will be there soon, and then disappear WITH the servent.

      That's just dumb.
    8. King of Darkness
      King of Darkness
      Yes, I do have Skype.
    9. Khroma
      alright thankz~ >w<
    10. Kitty
      Yeah, I don't even want much. But it would be nice to not have to worry. Money stresses me out more than anything.

      Oh well, 'tis life, I suppose.
    11. Kitty
      Yeah, I hear ya. I know people say "Money can't buy you happiness", but those people are probably rich or totally lying. Yeah, you can be happy without money, but having it sure makes it easier.
    12. Kitty
      I sure as hell hope so. I'm sure things will turn out well for you, too. ^_^
    13. Kitty
      It's not brand new. Five years old, actually, though that's like new to me. Though possibly I should have found some junker and paid cash for it. But I liked this one, and I figured I may as well grow up some time and have a real car. *shrugged*

      Probably not the stupidest decision I've ever made.
    14. Kitty
      Oh, the other chick's insurance paid off on my car (and between you and me, paid way more than it was worth), so I put a big chunk of that down as down payment on a new car. But since I didn't just buy a car outright with cash, but got a loan, too, I guess banks insist on having that full coverage in case the car gets totalled, so they're guaranteed to not be out any cash. I understand it, but I was only paying the bare minimum liability to be legal on my other car, so the full coverage on this one is about double that. Cue freak out. Not that I don't think I can manage it, but it worries me to have big bills like that.
    15. Kitty
      That sucks. I'm currently freaking out about my car insurance. Don't see why the fuck you gotta have full coverage just because you have a damn bank loan on the hunk of aluminum. And my company is totally gouging me for every last penny they can get, too. <_<
    16. Kitty
      How are you doing?
    17. Khroma
      hai Vox :OO

      let me know when you have time on Skype; I need to talk to you about something about GFX~

      (just flew half of the world, so our time zone is completely different now; and don't want to message you in the middle of the night. ...)
      oh.. and.. just to let you know.. you're going to have to deal with my horrible pessimism (and maybe lose patience with me). QQ
    18. King of Darkness
      King of Darkness
      Edited my previous post to correspond with yours.
    19. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho

    20. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      Stay on till we finish this thing boss!?
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    Chicago, IL
    College Student
    I'll slap you


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    My power is growing ever overflowing...
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Don't be afraid....
    T U M B L R

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