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Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /var/www/html/squareelite/public_html/forum/library/Zend/Registry.php on line 206
  • Square Elite
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Last Activity:
Oct 10, 2015
Nov 16, 2010
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Noir was last seen:
Oct 10, 2015
    1. Aqua Fresh
      Aqua Fresh
      Great to hear you cheered up! So, mind if I asked what feared you?^^
    2. Aqua Fresh
      Aqua Fresh
      I apologize for the late reply! >.< Been busy, but, yeah, Busy. How abou you VanXVen?
    3. Ventus
      Ok dude, you really need to try harder on Neo-Kingdom Hearts. Be a little more descriptive and try a little more with your attacks. I don't want someone to summon a random piece of light. I don't know. It just feels lazy to me. Also, the move sounds really overpowered. In addition to that, think about what a big showing of light would cause. Attention. The people of Sora are darkness based. If the government saw the light, your character would be on the run. Think about how your character's actions can affect the story, short term or long term. Long term affects would be falling unconscious or getting stabbed in the arm, causing it to be paralyzed.
    4. Angel
      I'm so sorry. I'll have it done by next week if you can wait.
      I have to go to my great grandma's funeral this weekend.
      All this week, I've been traveling back and forth.
    5. TheKnightofAwesome
      well let's face it I have no life really :3

      and yes your posts were very delicious.
    6. TheKnightofAwesome
      I hear ye. I saw it today and was like "What the hell??? when did this happen?" I guess i've been more active than i thought.
    7. Noir
      Man, this week and weekends are good. *sigh*
    8. Angel
      Okay gotcha!
    9. Hatori
      I thought I did...o.0 Meh, *goes to do it over* Thnx for letting me know it didn't send ^^
    10. Angel
      Would you like text on your avatar? (Sorry about not putting text on the other it slipped my mind)
      Oh and what are runes?
    11. Destiny
      Hey can you work on your English please? Unless you live in another country besides U.S, Canada, UK, Australia, and other English speaking countries, you really need to work on your grammar. Usually I let it slide but it's really bad
    12. Destiny
      Hey can you work on your English please? Unless you live in another country besides U.S, Canada, UK, Australia, and other English speaking countries, you really need to work on your grammar. Usually I let it slide but it's really bad
    13. Luke
      Well i will, but i'll warn you, i havent RP'd in a couple years. So don't yell at me if i suck terribly haha
    14. Luke
      Is that an RP?
    15. Aqua Fresh
      Aqua Fresh
      Hello....! :)
    16. Remedy
      my name on there is....
      *drum roll*
    17. DarkAngel
      I "Trio" invite you to my group...The UNKNOWN.
    18. Thundercake
      o gee im fine! :3
    19. Remedy
      Pretty good... how about you?
    20. Abyssal Knight
      Abyssal Knight
      Thanks youll get there soon :D but it took me way too long I shouldve been an Elite
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  • About

    A little about my nationality- Japanese... I speak English, Japanese.

    Gaming (horrible at arcade games though), writing, drawing.

