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Last Activity:
Jan 28, 2021
Sep 28, 2008
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Graphics Designer / Software Developer


Plasmos, from KHInsider

Plasmos was last seen:
Jan 28, 2021
    1. Kitty
      Decided to rejoin us, eh?
    2. Avalantos
      ooh, elaborate that first comment!!

      also, you can't expect much from a KH forum graphic wise, these people are supposed to be here for a love of KH and typically arent interested in graphics. Though for the past 3 years this place has been a roleplay forum.
    3. Avalantos
      This site is all about sigs anyway when it comes to graphics. it was good for a while but if your really into graphics your grow away from that. I aint made a sig in almost 2 years, dont think I could make one these days.

      Thiis place aint what we knew, its somewhat dead to me but I check up to make sure its still alive.
    4. Avalantos
      haha, had enough? the gfx on this site is going to drop significantly, what people consider to be acceptable is going to be pathetic cos of you leaving :P
    5. Kitty
      She hasn't even been on since she's been appointed, as far as I can tell. She should be the one to do it, but if she never logs on, it's not gonna happen. Which will mean I get stuck with it.
    6. Kitty
      I suppose I'm still at the point where the sameness and the idiocy amuses me. Eventually I'll return to the point where it just annoys me, and I'll leave again.

      I think you should come back. I don't want to do sotw. XD
    7. Kitty
      She's not done anything anyway, don't see how it matters if she stays or not. *shrugs*

      The site's never gonna change, but you should come back anyhow.
    8. Kitty
      So what is your deal? Leaving me all alone out here?
    9. Roxel The ultimate nobody
      Roxel The ultimate nobody
      Wait what? Who? I have absolutely no idea who your even talking about. -_- I dislike being framed, I'm not this demon of darkness guy I'm me, why are you accusing me of this?
    10. Roxel The ultimate nobody
      Roxel The ultimate nobody
      I'm not trying to tell you sob stories Dem, I told you I despise pity. I learned life MY way, I don't need pity I don't need sob stories I see no need in them at all.
      Yes I know I am an Idiot. And who the hell needs drama bro It's just like pity, worthless.
    11. Roxel The ultimate nobody
      Roxel The ultimate nobody
      Yes Demaian... I don't need anyones pity Dem, just need something to keep me sane so to speak, I despise when people feel sorry for me it makes me sick. Like I said I don't ever need or want pity. If some guy came up and put a gun up to my head I'd pull the trigger for him. My life is how I create it, how I shape it. Thinking about someone pitying anyone makes me want to hurl, I despise it, absolutely friggin despise it. I don't even care about my ex, all he ever did was pity me because of my life. I got tired of it... I never want pity, it's either go through with it or die I suppose but hey I bet you all the money in the world when I die I go to Hell. And tbh I can't wait :I
    12. Roxel The ultimate nobody
      Roxel The ultimate nobody
      Okay ^_^ And I'm not belligerently retarded... I'm just different is all. But I'm used to it so it doesn't offend me.
    13. Roxel The ultimate nobody
      Roxel The ultimate nobody
      Who? Ok now you lost me. Who is Shadowrayne?
    14. Roxel The ultimate nobody
      Roxel The ultimate nobody
      Like I'd show my true face XD I'll show you and only you Demy, anyway I lied because that "male model" (ya right he's an emo) used to be my step-brother's (age 23) best friend until popularity took them both. Anyway I deleted it so I feel at ease. Also might I add, that I'm not 16? I'm actually 18, born April 12 1992 in sturdy memorial hospital at 9:34 pm exactly. Never forget, THAT'S the truth.

      This will be deleted by either myself or current user in 5 minutes
    15. Abstract
      Hey there.
    16. EtherealSummoner
      Uh... are you going to start the SOTW 2 vote thread or what?
    17. Roxel The ultimate nobody
      Roxel The ultimate nobody
      I find it interesting when I think about it you know... btw did you edit summoners post about me liking you and him being ok with it? Oh like I was saying I find it interesting that I'm gay but yet haven't been picked on that I know of in school... though tbh I went emo a few years back but hey fate is cruel. Anyway, I have to know what is going through my mind because Toph struck a nerve when she reminded me of how I treated you and a few select others.... but yes I'm stuck, my heart says you, but my brain says well I don't know... besides me being and I quote, "an adoring fan" what do you think about it? Do you believe it's for "attention" or do you trust me, because I want to do whats right here Dem, really and if I should follow my heart I will.
    18. Ultima Star
      Ultima Star
      well there's been more probs than that Im sorry u_uwell I'll be back on monday at the latest or so they've told me hehe
      I'm at uni atm so can't stay logged in that much plus i lost some classes and yeah it's gonna be a pretty hectic week for me. I'll log in as soon as I have internet, how's Sotw going btw?
    19. Ultima Star
      Ultima Star
      Dani T__T!!!! I still don't have internet at home plus I've been going through a lot of trouble lately, it's likely that my internet will be back this weekend but I don't really know DX I'm sorry ;__; I promise that I'll work a lot when it comes back D= please send my apologies to diante tell him I'm very sorry about all this ;_;
      see ya take care
    20. Avalantos
      Been reading, some people just enjoy arguing with others I guess.

      Will pop about some some when I get time. May be lurking for a few days
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    Graphics Designer / Software Developer
    Graphic Designer, WEB designer, well known in the KH Community for my artistry. To view some of my latest projects, click the link.



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