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Last Activity:
Apr 24, 2017
Dec 19, 2010
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Cleveland, Ohio
Janitor LMAO


Remnant, Male, from Cleveland, Ohio

Remedy was last seen:
Apr 24, 2017
    1. Veritas
      Oh, and if the image is just black/white (like lineart, which is what I use it for), then you can go to the channels box, press a little dotted circle button thing on the bottom. From there, go to select > inverse. Make a new layer, and on the new layer, go to edit > fill, then fill the image in with black. What you get, is just the black lines from the image :'D Very useful for art.
      So yeah.
      I hope I didn't fail at explaining this too badly, haha.
    2. Veritas
      Alright, I made the background white. It took FOREVER. ;w;
      There you go.
      Now...I really don't remember what to do, like, step-by-step, but it's something along the lines of using the magic eraser tool thing and just clicking in the middle of a white space, then it deletes the white. However, if the colors of the image are too light, it'll delete those, what you do is you use the magnetic lasso and go around the white space, then once you've connected it, you just do the magic eraser tool in the center of that and it should erase. It's easy to touch up most images, as well. So yeah. C: I don't know if it's the easiest way or not, but it only takes a couple minutes at the most, and it's fairly simple.
    3. Destiny
      I don't know that's why I was asking. I thought that they were all going to save the king. But summoner seems to be going off and creating a different plot trying to get Kairi involved and go after his antagonist
    4. Veritas
      Hmm. That's weird. D:
    5. Veritas
      Okay XD
      Hold on, lemme actually make the background of the image white first >.<;
      I'm at my grandma's house right now, and her computer doesn't have Photoshop so I can't render it myself. I have to use Pixlr (which doesn't even recognize transparency on images and stuff with clear backgrounds, as far as I know), and it sucks.
    6. Destiny
      Hey question about KH3. I thought all the characters were sticking together and going after the king. I think summoner's trying too hard to get Kairi involved.
    7. Veritas
      It isn't? Awwh.
      Do you know why? It was a .png, so it should've been fine.
      And I have a couple images, but they're not renders - but their backgrounds are white, and if you don't know how (and are willing to do the extra few minutes of work), I can tell you how to make them transparent.
    8. xXAnTiFoRmXx
      ...curse you...(tears)
    9. FatewithFury
    10. TheBlueRose
      i iz 15 now...i feel old compared to u! D:
    11. TheBlueRose
      hello Zol! :3
    12. Destiny
      Looks awesome, what you've made are pretty awesome already. Maybe if later when I switch sigs and avvys again I'll use it, but the sig and avvy you made now are really cool.
    13. Destiny
      Haha awesome. I had to work on some RP stuff so I was flipping through when I saw it and when I saw I was last post I was...

      "Oh no's, it can't die not now"
    14. Destiny
      Hey you able to post in KH3, I'd hate to see it die after we planned something super awesome.
    15. Destiny
      they're awesome thank you
    16. Destiny
      Ok awesome, thank you
    17. The Heartless King
    18. Noir
      P.S. I'm actually older than you.. Did you gasp?
    19. Kitty
      I know someone (Avalantos?) had requested vertical sigs before, but I can't remember what the decision had been then. I suppose I don't have a problem with it. No bigger than 200 x 500, then.
    20. Sherry el Bridget
      Sherry el Bridget
      yup yup. love writing
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    Cleveland, Ohio
    Janitor LMAO