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Last Activity:
Apr 24, 2017
Dec 19, 2010
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Cleveland, Ohio
Janitor LMAO


Remnant, Male, from Cleveland, Ohio

Remedy was last seen:
Apr 24, 2017
    1. Destiny
      Well most 13 year olds are lucky if they can even speak perfect English let alone type proper grammar that which is usually taught to them about freshmen year of high school.
    2. Nova
      hello thanks for the hi have a nice day
    3. Roxel The ultimate nobody
    4. Roxel The ultimate nobody
      Roxel The ultimate nobody
      Scared Cmon Face me heh 2v1 is fun!
    5. Roxel The ultimate nobody
      Roxel The ultimate nobody
      I'll take you on but read my arena rules first!
    6. Destiny
      No reason to appologize for a mess to be created, multiple people are involved and such.

      But as for your writing, yes too much a demmand for battling. Battling is great but it gets boring pretty quick, it also can get confusing without a lot of details so readers(or other RP'ers) can truly picture the battle in their head.

      You have occassional gramatical mistakes, those most often made when one types quickly and does not go back through to read it. Heck, in my last VM for you I see my own grammatical mistake with could which should be couldn't or could not.

      Then one thing which will help greatly with your writing (and if you have problems gaining RP line limit) is add details. Details make readers, happy campers. With details every precise detailed can be pictured in ones head and be made real.

      Really besides all else, it's pretty good, especially for your age.
    7. Destiny
      No I knew, I just with all the chaos, could find a good way to post him. Unless I can make a rather good post that truly adds to the story, I won't post. Plus if you haven't already you'll see my post in your RP's ooc
    8. EtherealSummoner
      Oh yes. Make sure that you make a list as to what summons are available in your roleplay and the types of races that are available. People will not be able to know what they can summon and the members here may try to make up a race of their own that would not make any sense.
    9. EtherealSummoner
      Yep. A little bit better.
    10. zeno101200
      Yeah I know the drill. Sorry about that, my internets been weird, and I've only been able to get on with my phone.
    11. W.J. Solomon
      W.J. Solomon
      I just stop caring about it eventually
    12. W.J. Solomon
      W.J. Solomon
      Dude no offense but his sign up was basically a list of powers and feats. Destiny and I actually tried to put time into ours and he says mine are crap???
    13. W.J. Solomon
      W.J. Solomon
      I say it's up to you. If you wanna test him then have him PM me and we'll try him out with a battle...
    14. Vor
      look people will want to join regardless of alot and the temp i presented was better than most of them ( i would call destiny's better than mine since she barely tried in that temp she made) so can you please reconsider
    15. FatewithFury
      cuz i havent been on latley and three pages have gone by already and i havent posted thats all but yeah thats a relief...
    16. FatewithFury
      am i out of roleplay???
    17. EtherealSummoner
      I suggest that you add in some more detail to the plot. People will hardly be able to join if they really do not know what the story is truly is about besides the fact that magic is disappearing and that a evil dictator is absorbing the magic.
    18. Vor
      I signed up for your KH3 role-play check it out
    19. EtherealSummoner
      Meh. Just create your own final fantasy. You can try to do a final fantasy roleplay based on the magics disappearing and how heroes (can be from the games or made-up) are trying to save the magic.
    20. urahara64360
      thanks for the welcome
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    Cleveland, Ohio
    Janitor LMAO