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Last Activity:
Apr 19, 2014
Aug 2, 2011
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Between here and there
Pupil- Jobless :)


Semi-present, from Between here and there

Reprise was last seen:
Apr 19, 2014
    1. EtherealSummoner
      ^^ Not staff apprentice any more! YAAAY!
    2. EtherealSummoner
      :0 What have you been doing lately?
    3. Moogle
      Reply in Dominion ASAP, please
    4. Angel
      Seems like a spammer to me!
    5. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      Exactly. Just thought I should run it by you.
    6. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      I moved Caitlin through a dark corridor to Exilus's throne room in my last post, simply for the sake of getting more information into one post. Is that alright with you?
    7. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      Alright, I finally posted. You should try and get a post introducing Caitlin when you can. I would particularly like it if Caitlin were to interrupt Exilus's training with Asiila, maybe with some important information about the enemies, like knowing the heroes are grouping up or something.
    8. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      Actually, I'm pretty sure it's my turn, not that there's an actual posting order or anything. I'll try and post before the end of the day.
    9. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      No need to apologize, I want to make sure that you are completely happy with whatever decision we make. At this point, I would suggest that you have your character come back from a personal mission (as I suggested in my last message). Have Caitlin seek out Exilus, then I'll have Exilus explain what she missed. Then, Exilus will proceed to initiate the next arc of the story. Does all of this sound okay to you?
    10. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      Hey Reprise, just read through your character Caitlin. In her history, it already describes the events that we had planned on RPing. It seems like it would be easier to just assume she was already a member of the Syneptophy, as her history suggests. Maybe you could have her return from a personal mission, and introduce her that way? Just some thoughts. If you want to go with the original plan that's fine as well, just wondering why it was set up this way.
    11. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      Ah, sorry about that, I must have missed it. My bad.
    12. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      I just realized, you should probably post the template of your new character before I introduce her. At the very least, I need to know what her method of extra-planetary travel is. The apprentices will be intercepting her on Keyblade Gliders.
    13. Moogle
      A post in Dominion, if you please.
    14. Khroma
      oh. qqq
      whatz the problem?
      does it not link? D:
    15. Khroma
      they don't?
      the linkz work perfectly fine for me;
      they should take you to mediafire,
      and then the password (which i posted in the thread).

      does it not link?
    16. Khroma
      alright, speaking of those feature images and what not,
      they're up in the thread in Staff Lobby. ^w^
    17. Khroma
      arghhhh. that would never happen, sadly. qqq

      hahaha, perhapz at some point of time or another.
      (オツ) is just something I made up which is similar to, " orz "
      but is slightly different and typically, itz pronounced as "o-ts."
    18. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      Yes, it would probably be best to wait until Exilus is done speaking to Glyde.
    19. KuraiKeybladeMaster
      Yes that was the thought, as Exilus has numerous apprentices that sort of act like his elite troops. They'd just be some random group that happened to cross paths with your character. Now the question is, how are we going to play this out? I see two options: 1) In my next post, I can narrate the apprentices finding your character and escorting her back to the castle, or 2) the same except that it would be in your next post. If you think that you can express the evilness of the apprentices appropriately, then I'm fine with you taking control of that small group for the purpose of getting your character to the castle. Which option would you prefer?
    20. Khroma
      LMAO. hahahahaha, no need to feel apologetic.
      and itz really not a problem ^w^

      aahh; no need to say sorry for that; I don't mind answering those questionz.
      maybe, maybe not. last time he posted a VM on another forum, I didn't really respond. (オツ)
      prolly if we made an agreement saying "that" never happened then prolly, if not most likely, yes.
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  • About

    Between here and there
    Pupil- Jobless :)
    I'll mail you the copy when I publish it.

    Ice Skating, and anything that goes boom :p
