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Last Activity:
Apr 19, 2014
Aug 2, 2011
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Between here and there
Pupil- Jobless :)


Semi-present, from Between here and there

Reprise was last seen:
Apr 19, 2014
    1. Aqua Fresh
      Aqua Fresh
      haha, I had to look back at our conversation history.
      I've been quite busy! High school and College.
      Also, so many concerts.
      How about yourself?
    2. Aqua Fresh
      Aqua Fresh
      Oh, you're Veni!
      I didn't recognize you! ><
    3. EtherealSummoner
      That's fine. Long as it is done, I understand.
    4. EtherealSummoner
      Sweet. I saw the Final Fantasy article. Going to put it up on facebook now.
    5. EtherealSummoner
      Um... I am not sure if Kitty is actually going to do it and Destiny said to go on and put up the Final Fantasy article for now and if Kitty is done with the picture, then you can switch out the featured image but for now, use this picture.
    6. EtherealSummoner
      Sweeeet. -_- But I am still uncertain if Kitty is going to do that Final Fantasy picture made so have a backup just in case.
    7. EtherealSummoner
      Don't worry. You can type up the article now but if Kitty is unable to do it, then I'll try to find someone else to make it.
    8. Angel
      I'm glad you posted that article. I was way too lazy to.
    9. EtherealSummoner
      ^_^ Sure. No problem. I can give you Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest. Kitty is trying to make the Final Fantasy picture now so once she gets that done, I'll give it to you so it will be the featured picture to represent the TGS Final Fantasy.
    10. EtherealSummoner
      Well, if I can remember correctly, this is what I told Angel in which I was going to do:

      1. I will do the Final Fantasies, Dragon Quests series, Lord of Vermillion, Emperor Saga, Symphonica. Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest will have their own articles while Lord of Vermillion and the others will be in "The Others" articles pt. 1.

      Is there any of the three articles that you would like to do? I do not know if Angel would want some of the game contents mix in with mine.
    11. EtherealSummoner
      Sweeet. Thank you so much. I really need all of the help because I can't just

      1. Operate Facebook
      2. Do articles.
      3. Moderate the whole forum.
      4. Meet up with Destiny and Vox
      5. Operate the Arcade and boost activity.
      6. Work on life.

      That is a lot and I need some help every now and then. Want to help me with the articles that I was going to do?
    12. EtherealSummoner
      Angel already had the IOS Remix TWEWY part up. days ago. What we need is some help on the articles. Don't you have a browser that can translate all or most of the japanese? My Google Chrome can do that.
    13. EtherealSummoner
    14. EtherealSummoner
      ... A thunderbolt... :(
    15. EtherealSummoner
      That I wanted to get on my college account to check up to see what my teachers had put up online and I also wanted to study on the powerpoints. ^_^ No more Slowking amnesia for me!
    16. EtherealSummoner
      ^_^ I remembered now! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!
    17. EtherealSummoner
      *starts panicking* DX OH NO! I forgot what I wanted to do next! I had amnesia!!!
    18. Khroma
      your siggie ish up in mai shop nooow~~
    19. Noir
      k i got it
    20. Noir
      Oh great, the RP is called The Spirit World. It's like a sci-fi fantasy religion action epic adventure, well yeah, so many types of genres for this RP.
      It'll be fun, I promise
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  • About

    Between here and there
    Pupil- Jobless :)
    I'll mail you the copy when I publish it.

    Ice Skating, and anything that goes boom :p
