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Taboo Sho
Last Activity:
Apr 20, 2024
Feb 22, 2012
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Awarded Medals 1

Dec 20, 1994 (Age: 30)
Home Page:
Twitch Streamer

Taboo Sho

The Math Emperor, 30, from USA

Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

Time to pick up the slack. Nov 11, 2020

Taboo Sho was last seen:
Apr 20, 2024
    1. Destiny
      I have no idea, honestly, it's been a very stressful week with a crap load of crap (to put in better terms) happening. So RP, though it's probably what I need as it's always a good stress reliever, is the last thing on my mind. Sorry.
    2. King of Darkness
      King of Darkness
      You know it's your post in Void right?
    3. Destiny
      Eh, they're questionable, I'll shoot you a PM then.
    4. Destiny
      No he's a little better, but firearms only shield, eh.

      Also what's going on with Revolt? And how good are you actually at keeping secrets?
    5. Destiny
      There's a difference between unbeatable and god mod in RP's, and it comes down to the strict cut off power prior to god mod and skill
    6. Destiny
      Y'know, he's got a point, BK, your character is super powerful on the mode of god mod with those multiple abilities and such
    7. BK-201
      Sorry, but since your character is all powerful (as most final bosses are) then you could just give him a shield generation ability.
    8. W.J. Solomon
      W.J. Solomon
      Well, I hope that'll go well.
    9. BK-201
      I never confirmed that you could use it.
    10. W.J. Solomon
      W.J. Solomon
      Fuck all this shit lol. So who's ur second.
    11. W.J. Solomon
      W.J. Solomon
      This is all your fault lol. You need to specify shit. That could have been massively bad.
    12. W.J. Solomon
      W.J. Solomon
      Well then I happen to be one of the few who looks up to your character. I made it look like my character was one of the first you picked up out of the wastes
    13. W.J. Solomon
      W.J. Solomon
      Not in the slightest sir. If you try I shall cut it off
    14. BK-201
      Sorry bro, I went out with some friends for burgers.
    15. W.J. Solomon
      W.J. Solomon
      So you have received your second in command sir.
    16. Destiny
      I don't know, I don't even have a story yet, let alone a RP
    17. Destiny
      Kishin' are complete chaos though, so I don't see that plausible.

      And Percy, yeah my bad. I never got into the series, I just know a little about what it deals with
    18. Destiny
      Nah, not this time. I'm not returning Alexis. I'm going a new character. But just a lot of the same elements from Reaper exist.

      As for demi god, there was this sort of Peter Jackson type idea I had a long while back if I can remember the story, that may be a possibility for the demigod thing.
    19. Destiny
      I spoke to Vox some about Reaper, and I came to conclusion that Reaper I'm going to leave dead, and although you can't do the whole son of Hades's thing, hold onto Devlin, I'm going to create a Soul Eater RP instead, once I come up with a story for it.
    20. King of Darkness
      King of Darkness
      Fixed it. My bad.
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  • About

    Dec 20, 1994 (Age: 30)
    Home Page:
    Twitch Streamer
    Nothing much to say really...

    Kingdom Hearts, fanfiction etc...




    "The Scourge of Hyrule Castle"

    "Calamity cannot be avoided. In time, everything will fall."
    Thanks Hope for the set!

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