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Taboo Sho
Last Activity:
Apr 20, 2024
Feb 22, 2012
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Dec 20, 1994 (Age: 30)
Home Page:
Twitch Streamer

Taboo Sho

The Math Emperor, 30, from USA

Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

Time to pick up the slack. Nov 11, 2020

Taboo Sho was last seen:
Apr 20, 2024
    1. Destiny
      I set up my post for the PM discussion, you can do the PM or whatever.
    2. Destiny
      Oh also off topic, in your private with Napoleon, your posts needs to be three lines.
    3. Destiny
      Well that's what I was leaving it to you. You could finish it in your next Marluxia post. But I finished it in the last post.

      The Post Completed

      I'll PM you what I'm thinking though.
    4. Destiny
      Oh ok. Then I'm going to finish it in the original post(edit in the original post). Then I'll continue Angel in my next post.
    5. Destiny
      Ermh no sleep? What?
    6. Destiny
      Am I ending the Angel Lu thing? You never answered or do you want to continue and or end it.
    7. Destiny
      Well Angel 'dies' as well, her heart is damaged remember.
    8. Destiny
      No, no because this is four years prior to kingdom hearts 1, so the kid would grow up knowing neither parents. I got better idea. We can do another private if we must or an origins sequel after the events of whatever kh game.

      And as for your post, now your offline, but if you come online, pm it to me in different pm's and I'll add them to your last post.
    9. Destiny
      Or they could try for one and it doesn't work till after Lumaria is back.
    10. Destiny
      Posted, feel free to continue or whatever, I have to go though.
    11. Destiny
      You going to be on for a while for posts? It seems every time I finally quit waiting on you and I go to work on some other stuff, you show up lol
    12. Destiny
      None of it is my fault..

      Now then KoD messages
      1.) The post I undeleted, the creator cannot have undeleted. It violates rules to a way extreme outside of the creator's control. The only one who has control over power saying to undelete would be if it's a regular mod(green) the vet super mod for that section(me, so obviously not), then the admin if the admin has a clear understanding. For instance Kitty does not have a clear understanding of the happenings in the RP section, therefore she's not supposed to undelete it either.
      2.) Vox and I are talking now, and without me having to say a whole lot, he already caught onto the gauntlet being a god mod. P.S. you should be hearing from him shortly about that
      3.) KoD another great example about him not being a fan of Devlin being a clone.

      Now go write a legit post, and let this be a learning lesson.

      P.S. anymore bad mouthing, pointing fingers at staff or members in general about anything you're going to receive an infraction
    13. King of Darkness
      King of Darkness
      Devlin clone? Tbh broski, I'm not a fan of seeing a Devlin clone.
    14. King of Darkness
      King of Darkness
      What post was that? The clones one? Doesn't bother me.
    15. Destiny
      1.) I can see your VM's Sho, as I pointed out in the past, they are public
      2.) Well your control over the Gauntlet is getting to be more than it should. Every post you try to show the power of the gauntlet to an extreme of godly. Vox does not do that with Virgil, and if he's telling you to do that, then he and I will chat later about that.
      3.) that doesn't even make sense.
      4.) you still summoned these clones without permission, and dont you dare lie, I for one was not asked, Vox maybe, but Abyssal and I sure as hell were't
      5.) Then follow them
      6.) Ok, so the member Ku, not another character
    16. Destiny
      Sho, do I need to give you an infraction?
      1.) you don't go bad mouthing a member of staff, you definately don't somebody whos been on staff as long as they have and they're a super mod
      2.)Vox knows how to control it.
      3.) I told you already a RP is about flow, and you're destroying the flow.
      4.) making a clone is like powerplaying in a sense, the owner of the character may not appreciate it
      5.) go read up the RP guide lines for actual explanation to the stuff you clearly do not understand
      6.) who on earth is Kurai?
    17. King of Darkness
      King of Darkness
      Why do you think I never fight him? Abyss and I both try and stay away from Vox's character. That's an arguement, my friend, I'd go with.
    18. Destiny
      Ummm no, just no. In the realm of kh everything is made up of light and dark. Secondly it comes
      Down to how it's handled. Vox knows how to handle Virgil, you do not.
    19. Destiny
      Easier Fix (post deleted)
    20. Destiny
      I'm going to delete you post. Your being just as bad as what you were accusing KoD of. That gauntlet as KoD also hinted is just as much god mod.
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  • About

    Dec 20, 1994 (Age: 30)
    Home Page:
    Twitch Streamer
    Nothing much to say really...

    Kingdom Hearts, fanfiction etc...




    "The Scourge of Hyrule Castle"

    "Calamity cannot be avoided. In time, everything will fall."
    Thanks Hope for the set!

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