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Last Activity:
Apr 21, 2013
Jul 7, 2008
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Kickass Keyblader!, from Canada

Ventus was last seen:
Apr 21, 2013
    1. Destiny
      I can't make a lengthy post unless I'm givin a little more to write off of. And once again where was this guy. The last I read, DW's character teleported Jun, Lilly, and Ty away to Destiny Islands, you landed on the beach and you were yelling/talking to Jun that's when Sora came out to investigate.
    2. Destiny
      1.) People do have lives though, you are going fast especially since I at least get on through my iPhone hours on end to see what's going on(I just don't make RP posts through it often)
      2.) You're post is still unclear. From the way you said is only Ty, Jun, Lilly, and Sora(who approached them) is around, no keyblade master
    3. Destiny
      What the heck is going on in Betwixt. One moment you land in Destiny Islands, and now he's shouting at keyblade masters. For one you're going way too fast, I barely have time with all this machine gun posting. In just a morning when I check my phone they'll almost be five posts, then when I'm at school and get home, almost double plus that.
    4. Moogle
      That's alright. Happens all the time.
    5. Become
      I'll get to that a bit later. Still putting together the post in my head.
    6. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      Am I online now?
    7. Moogle
      Ty's mom is LONG dead, remember?
    8. Italia07
      Hey There!
    9. Moogle
      You're welcome!
    10. Moogle
      Garrrrrrrrr, I finally got that post up! It took me a while!
    11. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      Requiem was gonna post tomorrow. I figured I'd wait until after that post.
    12. Roxion
      up for an RP? I could use more people
    13. Nova
      Hey I read your post in the SOTW. Not sure why you deleted it but I thought you should know I did agree with you and ga wanted to say bravo. That's all lol
    14. Destiny
      I can't really post in harry potter, you able to maybe post again and give hintof what you're doing
    15. Italia07
      that's what my little sister is saying too X3 oh, how i've converted her so badly it's kind of funny

      lol, guess we'll just have to wait for the season finale in a few weeks to see the insanity unfold at the least to see if our assumptions are right :P
    16. Remedy
      yes i agree with that, there are much more mature people
    17. Remedy
      Sora I think you should enter SOTW10
      the only person that truly bashed your work was ric, everyone else loved it!
      Hope you do enter
    18. Italia07
      ah, ok. sorry. got distracted by doctor who on TV o.o and I'm kind of sleepy
    19. Desert Warrior
      Desert Warrior
      I was kinda wondering why you posted twice without him doing anything after I posted.
    20. Noir
      Well, have you forgot Neo Kingdom Hearts which that RP belongs to you?
      Gold will run to Destiny Island but it took him long, so who is Aixzra?
      Rainbowkeyblade posted in the actual RP..