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Last Activity:
Apr 21, 2013
Jul 7, 2008
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Kickass Keyblader!, from Canada

Ventus was last seen:
Apr 21, 2013
    1. Destiny
      It's quite alright. Thanks though :)
    2. Destiny
      Ok, just whenever you can
    3. Destiny
      When you can, could you post in AKHS.
    4. Remedy
      Feel free to take that hope sig i made XD
    5. Cloaked Schemer
      Cloaked Schemer
      Sora! I wasn't aware you had Xbox. I thought you operated on a PS3 console. :3
      I'm so glad, haha. I can't wait to actually start playing with you sometime or another.
    6. Nova
    7. Destiny
      Awesome, it's up
    8. Destiny
      Oh I see. It'doesn't work on mine neither, so I use eBuddy on my iPhone
    9. Destiny
      Pretty good and awesome. Haven't seen you on msn lately
    10. Destiny
      Hey, I'd hate to do this, but your activity isn't the greatest at the moment. I think you should try to be active but yeah.

      I do not want to wait on people. It's been far too long since a RP has been finished and I'd like to see this finish. So to prove if you're in this, you have 24 hours to reply to this(currently 5pm edt/-5 gmt)
    11. Destiny
      Are you in the RP or not? Also where you've been on msn, I've been trying to get a hold of you a bunch of times but never got a reply.
    12. Destiny
      Sorry for late reply, I've been busy busy busy. They're trying to trick him to go the darkside
    13. NeRo
      Its alright i'm not mad, remember i'm here to help. Its my job to keep everyone happy after all. Just make sure you do the same stay happy and have fun thats what this forum is about.
    14. NeRo
      You should know very well not to approach me in that manner. You'd be wise to not ever speak to me like that again. For starters did you once see me call anyone a crybaby? I don't think you got my message and where i was coming from with it. I'm not referring to the votes or popularity brawl. Next time read carefully before going to the admin with something pointless. If you must know i'm referring to "Critique and the lack there of in this forum and how people take it" So Next time it would be wise of you to think before you speak. Did i once " blame" anyone for anything or mention anyone in specific. I'm gonna say this once and only once.

      Watch yourself
    15. Destiny
      Could you pm why. And you can't let him bother you if that's your reason, you just can't. PM ok, not trusting vms currently
    16. Roxel The ultimate nobody
      Roxel The ultimate nobody
      O btw nice siggy in sotw, It's Ventus not Roxas right?
    17. Roxel The ultimate nobody
      Roxel The ultimate nobody
      HEY SORA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're just in time, I'm fighting summoner in Power of Destiny!
    18. Remedy
      hey ummm are you permanently leaving video game wars?
    19. Destiny
      It's afully late right now(11:30) so I'm going to have to wait till tomorrow if you're available on msn.
    20. Nova
      Yeah I hope you're still online. If so just a sec
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