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W.J. Solomon
Last Activity:
Jan 29, 2020
Sep 11, 2008
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W.J. Solomon

Solomon's Reprieve, Male

Dadliest catch. Jan 4, 2019

W.J. Solomon was last seen:
Jan 29, 2020
    1. LDC1121
      well you could cross all the way to the other side and join the Optimisim Team lol
    2. LDC1121
      lol there's a fine line between realists and pessimist, like 1st cousins or something haha
    3. LDC1121
      lol you can change that if you want to, I used to be kind of a "Debbie Downer" but now optimisim is my way of life. I tell my mom she's a pessimist all the time but she always says she isn't and that she's a "realist" haha
    4. LDC1121
      if you keep thinking negatively then you'll keep on getting no's, you gotta have a positive outlook on these type of things, look at the glass half full instead of half empty. of course I'm being a little hypocritical because I'm in the same situation you're in, well always getting rejected by guys not girls but you get my point lol I hate rejection and most times hearing no from every guy I've ever liked takes a toll on my self-confidence but I have to keep reminding myself that one day I'm gonna find the right person for me and I'm not gonna find them if I keep going around looking sad all the time.
    5. LDC1121
      well just think of it this way, for every one that tells you "no" you get one step closer to finding that one that's gonna say "yes"
    6. LDC1121
      that sucks, I'm sorry. Next time you should be brave and just go for it, it never hurts to just ask :)
    7. LDC1121
      aww how come?
    8. LDC1121
      well did you at least take pictures with her and have a few dances too?
    9. LDC1121
      did you ask anyone?
    10. LDC1121
      Did you take a date or go with a group of friends?
    11. LDC1121
      cool lol I almost forgot, did you go to your school's prom?
    12. LDC1121
      I know that feeling, there's nothing to do in my hometown either, if you ever want to do something fun, you have to go outside of the city to do something. You can always just hang out with your friends though, that's what I did instead of driving all the way down to the beach for the week like the rest of my classmates and I had just as much fun staying home with them than getting drunk in some hotel lol
    13. LDC1121
      aww come on, you only graduate from high school once, you gotta party it up! ;)
    14. LDC1121
      and you did an awesome job in all of them :) so any big plans for celebrating graduation? maybe some Senior Week action? lol
    15. LDC1121
      rofl these were awesome! I especially liked the chippendales one :D
    16. LDC1121
      that's awesome, what were the skits about that you were in?
    17. LDC1121
      oh ok so it's kinda similar to what my college drama club did last semester. They had a holiday themed showcase where all of the skits performed were somewhat holiday themed. But it's cool to here that you enjoyed yours, did you perform in some of the skits or were you just watching?
    18. LDC1121
      OH! except for this one guy, I had just clocked off and was sitting behind the cash registers just waiting for my mom to come and get me and chatting with some of my co-workers who were still on the clock, when this man comes up to buy tickets and starts going on this 10 minute long tirade about how women are crazy, over-emotional, golddiggers, who keep bleeding guys dry for all of their money and how we should pay for our own things instead of depending on a man to buy them nice things and take them out places, and he kept directing everything at me! Like seriously dude?! So I just laughed off everything he was saying, because he sounded stupid, he thought I was smiling and laughing because I agreed with him, but I was actually laughing because he made himself look like a moron and I laugh at people who act like idiots. But aside from that it still was a pretty good day lol
    19. LDC1121
      It was good for me though because I'd rather have my first day be on a slow day than a really busy one, which will mostly likely be tomorrow since the weather should be cleared up. And I'll be working box office again so today was good for me to get my practice in with a smaller crowd so I will be able to better handle a larger one tomorrow night. All in all it was a good first day.
    20. LDC1121
      great, so was it like a showcase or did the students put on a performance as a whole? and on a side note just so I don't forget lol I just came home from my first official day of work and as predicted I was on box office. They had me working next to one of the experienced employees so it wasn't too bad. I was really nervous first starting out but I eventually got the hang of it. I had to ask a lot of questions the first couple of hours. And then she eventually had to go on break and left me alone for 30 minutes and I was kinda freaking out but I handled it pretty well. Luckily today was surprisingly not that busy for a Friday night, because we had a tornado/severe thunderstorm warning all day today, and the weather was honestly pretty nasty out today with strong winds and heavy rains so it's really no surprise that people were choosing to stay home today, despite the fact that the new Snow White movie opened today.
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  • About

    Writer, filmmaker, musician.


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    Infinite is such a pointless word. Everything has a beginning, and in the end, death shall surely claim us all.
    The question is, will he claim us as just another soul, or as an equal?

    My youtube channel I am currently a part of!