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What's Your Favorite Drive Form?

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by Reonarudo Butsuchiru, Feb 5, 2010.

Your Favorite Drive Form

  1. Valor Form

  2. Wisdom Form

  3. Master Form

  4. Final Form

  5. Limit Form

  6. Anti Form

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. I still remember how fun it was in Wisdom Form to strafe around shooting off bullets and magic spells at enemies. In The World That Never Was it was so good at taking down those obnoxious Berserkers.
  2. Marquis

    Marquis New Member

    definitely Anti & Final (although i wish i'd known this were multiple choice before i voted)

    oh yeah Valor was awesome too, liked it more than Final
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2010
  3. SeriouslyWicced

    SeriouslyWicced New Member

    I love final form. I remember as soon as the Roxas/Sora fight was done I went to Olympus to get it. Took me about 20 times but when I got it I was giddy >_< The attack and magic is insane! Also voted for master as well. Valor was also powerful but I like being able to use magic if I need. Only magic I ever used was curaga and thundaga tho.
  4. Namine Lonsinger

    Namine Lonsinger New Member

    final form ^_^
  5. Raven

    Raven New Member

    It's sad being the only person who liked wisdom..

    I wasn't impressed by any other form, especially final, except that one - the fact that I could kick Donald off the team was a bonus..
  6. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    lol yes about the only benefit of wisdom was getting rid of donald for a good amount of time but the problems I had with wisdom was that all you really did was shoot at the enemies and I'd rather smack someone around with my keyblade than just shoot them, but that's just me, personally I'm caught between Master, Valor, and Final form, I can't stand shadow form at all, bleh!!
  7. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I think if I'd used it more, I might have grown to like it more. But like LDC up there, I'd rather smack someone around with a keyblade than just shoot at 'em. And I dunno, I was just really clumsy with the wisdom form.

    I really think their strength was in the abilities you got by leveling them up. None of them were really that useful in battle for me- I was too afraid of getting anti-form to drive during most boss fights, anyhow (that'd be my luck). And yes, getting rid of Donald is a plus.
  8. jjas132

    jjas132 New Member

    Final Form while using Oblivion and Oathkeeper RULES. Funny thing is I unlocked this form for the first time in Space Paranoids, so I didn't realize I'd unlocked it right away. xD
  9. Namine Lonsinger

    Namine Lonsinger New Member

    lol ^_^ that sucks :D
  10. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    To me, the wisdom's attack almost look like it was used to be based on how Ultimecia attack in Dissidia. Am I'm the only one to think like that.


    Final Form is overrated. No excuse.

    Master Form is nice. Have one keyblade in one hand and the other keyblade floating. Very balanced.

    Wisdom form is nice to fight from far away. It is not bad and you can cast unlimited spells.

    Valor Form has not been used much but it is the only form to fight only at close range.

    I have no idea what is a Limit Form except that it is Sora's original clothes and that it is from the Final Mix version of KH2.
  11. Dragoon9108

    Dragoon9108 New Member

    Thank you....

    Thanks Ultimecia, what is limit form?:confused:
  12. Father-McKenzie

    Father-McKenzie New Member

    Limit Form is basically when you activate a Limit. Just another fancy term for it.

    Anyways, probably Valor and Master form. Wisdom form sucked because it was like controlling an awkward FPS, and Final was just too fast and "goofy" for me when I used the attacks (like I would come up to an enemy and sometimes completely miss since it goes waaaay too fast. >.<).
  13. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    The Final Form is more like your "Berserked" version. You go overboard with power that you just cannot control it.
  14. Liane

    Liane New Member

    I voted for Anti-form, even though I only got it once (or maybe twice...). My game report said that i used Valor form most, simply because it was first on the list.

    Ehh, I never really used the forms, just like I never used the summons.
    Triangle and x were the only buttons that mattered to me really, and I couldn't really be bothered to actually select the forms.. :)
  15. LatiJediLukeAndLeia

    LatiJediLukeAndLeia New Member

    My favorite form in Kingdom Hearts 2 would have to be Valor Form.
  16. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    I really dislike the valor form only because you can't use magic in that form. That just leaves me with potions and I use magic a lot more than potions.
  17. Kirstin

    Kirstin New Member

    I very much like Valor. I liked the red design on his clothes, and the fact that it is much funner with the physical attacks and such.

    Master form is also one of my favorites. The yellow looks smashing upon Sora, and I like that I can combine physical attacks and the magic!
  18. ace

    ace New Member

    I would have to say that my favorite is master form. I like the yellow. I would have to say i very much so dislike the wisdom form the most because all you do is shoot little burst that dont really do much. I only have achived valador, wisdom, and master forms, how do i unlock the others ?
  19. ansemkiller

    ansemkiller New Member

    i would actually have to say wisom form. i always used that in hollow bastion to get final form and the ability u get from wisdom form realy helps against the fight from sephiroth. i also liked the fact that you have as much magic as final form but it takes as muck drive orbs as wisdom
  20. Gillmar

    Gillmar New Member

    I guess Valor is the coolest form, showing strenght and awesome moves

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