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Comments on Profile Post by NeRo

  1. Kairi831
    Sure! I check in periodically between work and college to check up on things. :)
    Oct 25, 2017
  2. NeRo
    College huh! whats your major.
    Oct 25, 2017
  3. Kairi831
    Going into nursing. I'm taking the Anatomy class in the winter along with a speech and english class. The speech and english will be easy since according to almost everyone Anatomy will make me want to rip my hair out
    Oct 25, 2017
  4. NeRo
    That sounds like quite the large plate you have. Don't overwork youreself. i finished college with a bachelors in computer science.
    Oct 26, 2017
  5. Kairi831
    Hey that's pretty cool! A lot of people I know are going to school for some sort of computer degree. My boyfriend is majoring in game design as well as minoring in computer engineering.
    Oct 26, 2017