• Square Elite
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Comments on Profile Post by Derek

  1. Become
    I have it on my computer.

    You should do a nuzlocke.
    Nov 2, 2017
  2. Derek
    I am actually! :D No losses yet but I did modify one rule, I get to choose the one pokemon in each area to catch, if I want it.
    I haven't played Gold in ages so I wanna enjoy it some, ya know?
    Nov 2, 2017
  3. Become
    I guess. I'm just operating on the duplicate clause (and probably shiney too).

    My team is still strong with no losses. I actually think gen 1 and 2 might be easier for nuzlockes.
    Nov 2, 2017
  4. Derek
    What's that?

    It is due to lack of abilities and I think that special split in the stats hasn't happened yet. I've lost two so far though, getting a bit cocky trying to level grind. Dx
    Nov 2, 2017
  5. Become
    Duplicate Clause absolves me from having to catch the first Pokemon I encounter if it's something I already caught. It just defaults to the next new pokemon.
    Nov 3, 2017
  6. Become
    The special split did happen for gen 2. It's mostly the lack of special abilities and that later games introduced more expansive movepools to make previously lackluster Pokemon more effective.
    Nov 3, 2017
  7. Derek
    I see. I'm not sure if I could win with even the double clause haha. I've gotten cocky and lost several mon...
    Nov 3, 2017
  8. Become
    What's your current team?
    Nov 3, 2017
  9. Become
    Now I'm kinda pissed at myself. Had a chance to catch a Miltank and accidentally ran from it.
    Nov 3, 2017
  10. Derek
    My team right now is only four, a Togepi (trying to evolve), Cyndaquil, Pigeotto and Onix.
    Miltank is broken af. x'D
    Nov 3, 2017
  11. Become
    It's a good bulky Pokemon though.
    The core of my team up until this point has been: Croconaw, Alakazam, Golbat (working on Crobat), Flaafy, and a Sandslash. I've been rotating others in as necessary at various points in the game. I had been using a Ghastly, who was a major player in the battle against Whitney, alongside my Sandshrew; the two of them really pulled through, tactically.
    Nov 3, 2017
  12. Become
    I'm still deciding on how I want to round out the team going into the Elite Four though... It's a tough call right now, but I figure that it's never too early to start thinking of that. At the moment, I'm foreseeing good chances, in so far as their ability to survive. I think the Ice and Dragon gyms, as well as the Rocket battles coming up, will be the major threats.
    Nov 3, 2017
  13. Derek
    Where'd you get Ghastly!?
    The dragon gym more than anything else I'd say.
    Nov 3, 2017
  14. Become
    Ghastly appears in Sprout Tower at night.
    Nov 3, 2017
  15. Become
    It was basically necessary to catching Abra.
    Nov 4, 2017
  16. Derek
    I usually just throw pokeballs and hope one gets Abra lol. I manged to get one abusing save states....sadly the emulator messed with my phone. TuT
    Nov 4, 2017
  17. Become
    It would seem that my Croconaw is feeling inadequate, due to having witnessed several team members reach their final evolutions while he's still at his second stage.
    Nov 5, 2017
  18. Derek
    Why is he taking so long? Are you blocking his evo?
    Nov 6, 2017
  19. Become
    No good place to train him.
    Nov 6, 2017
  20. Become
    I took him into Burned Tower and ice punched some koffing and got him his evo yesterday.
    Nov 6, 2017
  21. Derek
    Ohhh that's right, he evolves at a kinda high level no? At least compared to that area.
    Nov 6, 2017
  22. Become
    How's your Nuzlocke going?!
    Nov 23, 2017
  23. Derek
    It's dead sadly. My phone rejected the app. TuT
    Nov 23, 2017
  24. Become
    That sucks.

    I got through the Pokemon league, but at the cost of Alakazam and Machamp.
    Nov 29, 2017
  25. Derek
    Oh no. D: Were they huge loses?
    Nov 29, 2017
  26. Become
    Alakazam felt more like an asset loss.

    Machamp felt more personal, because she was a huge factor in helping my Sandslash defeat Jasmine.
    Nov 29, 2017
  27. Become
    Like, Alakazam wrecked three gyms on his own, but really didn't bond or work with the others.
    Nov 30, 2017
  28. Derek
    D: So both sucked to lose in their own way. Now that you've won the game can't you pull them from the PC and heal? Or do you release them? I know some people just pc store.
    Nov 30, 2017
  29. Become
    I released them, as per the nuzlocke rules. I'm doing the post game.
    Nov 30, 2017
  30. Derek
    How much post game is there? Wait you were on Gen 2 right? Lots of post game. =D
    Dec 2, 2017