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He did win in such a dramatic fashion
That his father did disown him
“Son Hencefoth ye have won.
and such an epic victory did you partake in
That ye did win it all.
In fact, thou hast won quite dramatically.
Ye shall no longer be my son.”
And henceforth, Kai was exceedingly joyous
And so Kai did run away into the wilderness
In the wilderness Kai did weep tears of joy
Insomuch that he did water the forest with his tears
And it was known that Kai did weep for seven days
And seven nights
And on the morn of the eighth day
a woman of exceeding glory did appear before the saddened warrior.
And the woman did speak in a voice likened to the angels.
"Saddened Kai, why do you cry?"
"Glorious woman. Thou shalt look away. For ye are too glorious to look upon a failure such as me."
And the woman, who was known to be Hope spake
"You're right. Bye."
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