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00 Counter -RP-

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Noir, Nov 3, 2011.

  1. Xeren_Ozone

    Xeren_Ozone Member


    Zeik greeted his fellow member of the 00-Counter. "We fight. If we die, then we die for freedom."(I was suddenly reminded of the Dragon Age II Demo lol) He replaced the clip in his Rifle. "Here they come." He looked through the scope of the gun , and fired a round. It whizzed through the air, and hit a Vack hanging on a building. Naturally, it fell. Then he heard the scream. "What was that?"
  2. Noir


    "I'm not really sure." Raji replied as he looks everywhere.
    "Well, what was that?" Kaito questioned.
    "Screams of monsters are always Vacks in this world. Am I right?" Raji answered and questioned.
    "Yep." said Kaito as he looks through the window.
    "With this sword I can fell down." Kaito was about to jump off the room in the room.
    "But, no, you will be hurt.. also we don't have any missions available at the time.. so- WAIT!" Raji spoke but Kaito jumps off.
    Kaito uses his sword as a safety landing. Kaito encountered a nest of Varacks.
    Kaito slashed neatly the Varacks and then he slashed the rest of the Varacks, blood falling in over. Kaito stood up. Kaito then enters the 00 Counter building because of jumping off the building.
    "Sorry. A nest of Varacks near us would attack the storage room-" Kaito hears some rustling sound far away in the storage room.
    "....This is a joke, right?" Kaito runs to the room.
    "To begin..." Bruthilius woke up in an energy field.
    Bruthilius corrupted it, making a energy fort.
    "Hmm.. I shall take all of the energy here. I can even freely take it." Bruthilius takes all the energy and keeps them in a lantern.
    "Hehe.. it's time to go.. My minions are waiting." Bruthilius leaves the fort.
    After 1 hour, Bruthilius goes to his own fortress.
    Bruthilius was standing almost 40 feet tall due to his age, with sharp and strong demon horns and a Vack mark on his chest revealing that he was a Vack or impossibly might be the God of Vacks. What power he will truly understand in the end? What could possibly could destroy a whole country?
  3. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Tron looked at Raji and said "Have you seen Trio?" "You won't be seeing your friend anytime soon..." said a voice. Tron turned to see Xriot in the doorway INSIDE the 00Counter base. "WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE TO HIM?!?!" Tron asked worried. "Nothing..." said Xriot "...yet...he's back at the bttle site of me and him...used his last breath to scream a usless fighting word..." he smiled and disappered. Tron ran out of the room and grabed his Bike to travel to where they had last bttled Xriot. I just hope I am on time... thought Tron as he blasted of into the night.
  4. Noir


    Kaito's chest flamed again. Kaito held his weapon tight.
    "....Was I infected?" Kaito questioned himself. He thinks of him as a baby, with a drip of a demonic water dropping right at him.
    "I don't know." Raji replied outside Kaito's room. The door opens.
    "Look at this." Raji hands Kaito a special necklace.
    "Brother...hood necklace?" Kaito sees the brotherhood in the cross.
    "That means I have one too!" Raji smiled.
    "Oh.. okay.." Kaito's face turned red.
    "What's wrong?" Raji see's Kaito's face, turning red. Kaito looked at Raji.

    "Oh.. it's nothing.." Kaito replied. Raji held Kaito's shoulder. Raji said "Come on, cheer up. How about daily training?"
    "Okay." said Kaito.
    Meanwhile, a green boy who was actually 245 years old, looks around in his home.
    The green boy's name is Saxum. He is actually a half-blood Vack, because his mother was a human who had superpowers.
    Without his armor, he looks like a ordinary green-haired boy except for horns and his "wisdom teeth" is very sharp. But that doesn't make sense.
    Saxum looks in the basement. He sees a hole. More than that, he sees a portal.
    "It's still here.. well I might gonna check out." Saxum puts in his armor.
    Saxum teleports to his father's fortress. It has many guild flags in the walls.
    Saxum sees his father's throne.
    "Dad. So it's just you sitting for centuries?" Saxum sighed.
    "I am.. why?" Bruthilius replied.
    Bruthilius is like a minotaur, but more demonic and has glowing red eyes. He has large demonic-ox horns and a muscular body. He is furry.
    But Bruthilius shrinked down taller than his son. In his human-sized form, he had red hair and a black armor with glowing red stripes.
    "Go to the 00 Counter Base... check me.. if there WILL BE A WAR!" Bruthilius shouted.
    "Hmph, fine... okay." Saxum takes off his armor.

    Later, Saxum was riding a fallen 00 member's bike. Saxum was near 00 Counter as he sees the base, very tall.
    Then he sees a boy walking around. His name was Kureha.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2011
  5. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Tron saw Trio being suronded by Vacks. He brought his Bike to a screaching halt aginst half the vack and used his blades to take care of the rest. he grabed Trio got him on the bike and called the fortress. "Raji! Kaito! get the the infermury ready! we have an agent down!" then he saw something shineing in Trio's hand then said "And let the doc. know we might have something..."
  6. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    Kureha was just walking around for no reason before noticing a young man on a 00 Counter bike, he quickly used his power to scan every aspect of the boy, for it was strange seeing a regular civilian on 00 Counter bike. "A Vack ?!" he thought to himself before quickly whipping out his two pistols and jumping to the man position. He didn't need to get confirmation, the Vack probably killed a 00 Counter member and took his bike. He was far away but the data gave him the exact distance and how to get accurate shots. Kureha opened fire on the Vack aiming for vital spots.
  7. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Tron heard the shots and just bearly doged one bullet as a second grased his back. He pulled out his Bow and Arrows and said "I am a member of 00 counter! show your self or I shall use force!"
  8. Noir


    "! Hmph." Saxum's eye glowed.
    He became bullet-proof for a while without noticing, but he dodged the bullet by using a slow motion ability.
    "Can't believe. So this is.. the 00 Counter?" Saxum said, eyeing the base.

    Raji was affected by the slow motion ability.
    "What the!? We got company. Kaito, let's go!" Raji shouted.
    Raji opens the door and quickly goes outside. He sees a strange-looking young man.
    Looks like a Vack.. strange hand. Kaito thought.
    "Oh, now you're calling reinforcements. Come and fight me, if you dare! I'll surpass my father soon enough." Saxum pulled out the Red Queen sword.
  9. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    Kureha created a grapling hook out of data and pulled himself straight to Saxum's location before slashing the Vack right across the chest. He then jumped back a good ten feet before relaoding and taking aim again if the vack was to attack once more.
  10. Noir


    "Gadgets.. who give tips.. none of you knows ideas. How I am scanned even when I'm royal?!" Saxum said as a bullet finally got straight to him.

    Meanwhile, Kaito heard Tron's voice that he must tell the Doc. that they know something.
    Kaito later straightly goes to Dr. Keno's room, but he is sleeping as he is tired.
    "Doc?" Kaito said.
  11. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Tron feel to the ground in pain. Was this the end for him? he looked at the man that had a gun and said weakly "you have to belive me...I am a 00 counter member! I need to get my friend to a medical center fast!" then in a risky move he droped his wepones off of his person and said "Please! there is not much time...for either of us!"
  12. Noir


    Bruthilius had his face blanked as he seemingly sees nothing in his sight. He was motionless and he wasn't moving even a single breath. Bruthilius was revealed to be bored. He stood up in his throne and the door opens as he moves next to it.
    The door opened, with a bit of sunlight passing through. It was sunset.
    Bruthilius walked the way to find his son.

    Raji heard Tron.
    "What did you say?" Raji questioned.
    Saxum crawled away. His armor appears in his body, turning his body to a Vack again.
  13. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Tron heard Raji's voice as he said to the comlink weakly "I...need...help..." then Tron fainted and fell to the ground. Trio woke and saw Tron on the ground bleeding. "TRON?!" he said weakly as he got to trons side and sensed that someone was there. he slowly turned his head as he grabed his blade ready to block any strike that may ocuer. "Raji..." said Trio to Trons comlink, "Get someone from the HQ here now..."
  14. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    "You think running away will help you...please..." he said as he shot the vack two times in each arm and leg. "Now, I've wanted to ask this for a while...why do you fight...there's really no logical reason I could piece out...so tell me why ?"
  15. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Trio grbed his Arm and fell to one knee. "HAVE YOU NO SHAME?!?!" he said as he steared the man in the eye's. "You want to know why we fight?! I will tell you why!! We fight so that we can live peacefuly...so that people like my brother won't be turned into vacks!!! Go ahead and kill me if you wish but it won't help because WE AREN'T VACK!!! WE are the one's fighting them!!! we are 00COUNTER!!!"
  16. Noir


    "Okay then, up we go." Raji heard the voice from the com link. The base shakes as Raji moved to a tile.
    "The end is near? Already?" Raji was shocked, but he quickly ran into the medic room. He called one of the doctors.

    "Help my friends, please." Raji stood up and said to the doctor. Raji goes out of the room and the doctor followed. Raji and the doctor goes to a futuristic portal. They instantly go back to the 1st floor, and Raji found the door. Both of them went out.

    "Guys, I hope everything will be okay, so, Doctor, please take care of Tron. Trio will explain, I think." Raji said.

    Saxum goes near the 00 Counter garden and replied.
    "Stop with the shooting first." Saxum breathed heavily. "I am actually the son of Bruthilius. That is true and there is no way not to believe in it and me. My father and I were enemies of 00 Counter, because they were the only ones who are strong left in this world." Saxum explained.

    Meanwhile, in the Doc's room, The Doc awakens.
    "Why are you here?" He said.
    "I need help." Kaito replied.
  17. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    "Saxum eh, I see... you would probably make a good hostage if you weren't so powerful so... how about joining us." Kureha said with a smile. "You can fight for something better, the vacks have no friends only allies... unlike us they would simply stab you in the back with no remorse if it proved beneficial for their own selfish desires...choose." Kureha said, his hand still warm upon the pistol.
  18. Noir


    "I want a more interesting story of my life.. what should I choose?" Saxum thought.
    Saxum stands up and walked near them. "I'll join you, but I hope my father doesn't find out." Saxum replied.
    Saxum stood up and the armor shrinks until it became a heavy capsule.

    A new Vack was born when Saxum became a part of the 00 Counter. It was samurai-like, and appeared first near a nest of Bijins.

    The Vack was called Samojin, and it slashed the Bijins with one wave slash, except for the offsprings.
  19. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    "Wonderful... looks like your daddy is nosey..." he said as he emptied both pistol magazines and loaded a cartridge of armor piercing rounds. "Time to die." he said as he continuing blasting the huge Vack, every bullet piercing the monster's armor, dealing heavy damage to the Vack's weak spots.
  20. Xeren_Ozone

    Xeren_Ozone Member

    IC: Ziek Burns

    I flung awake, gasping for breath. My black and gold armor had faded to grey and a pale yellow. I had no memory of what's happened during the last few months. What i do know is that cryotubes aren't very kind on
    My armor. I appeared to be in the wreckage of the Pillar of Seasons, one of the greatest warships in the military. A Vack heard the tube open. I put my helmet on, grabbed my weapons next to the tube, and fought back. It was down in a few minutes, but I realized I needed help. I checked my helmets comlink, and found one of the few people I could trust. "Trio, where are you? I need your coordinates."

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