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13 Darkness, 7 Light discussion

Discussion in 'General Kingdom Hearts' started by ADogX, Aug 14, 2012.

  1. darklordtransformed

    darklordtransformed New Member

    I know it is quite a bit of a stretch, but it could be Xehanort Braig Isa Xemnas Ansem SoD Young Xehanort and vanitas as the darknesses
    then sora,riku,kairi,mickey,donald,goofy,xion,ventas,terra,aqua, and xion as the lights shown when you fight xehanort in ddd

    the lights could be the 13 that overcame darkness, and the darks those that threw away light
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 20, 2015
  2. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    That's way too many lights!
  3. darklordtransformed

    darklordtransformed New Member

    the lights being the 13 darknesses, and the darknesses being the lights, like i had said afterward, it could be 13 that overthrew darkness and 7 that gave up light
  4. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    XD I'm confused! Okay, Mickey has always been on the light side. I don't think he's ever given it up. Same thing with Kairi, She's a princess of light and can't give that up.
  5. darklordtransformed

    darklordtransformed New Member

    she was however trapped in castle oblivion, and had been brought to maleficent in 1 for something to be done to her
  6. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Hmm okay. What do you mean overthrew the darkness? As in they no longer have darkness, or it doesn't overpower them?
  7. darklordtransformed

    darklordtransformed New Member

    both, riku let it in, not letting it overpower him, whereas sora, kairi, and xion would no longer have it
  8. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    And that's what I'm confused about, Riku threw away his light along with the other 13 of darkness?! So shouldn't they be lights as well.
  9. darklordtransformed

    darklordtransformed New Member

    sora, had vens heart, after ven had lost all of his darkness
    maleficent tryed to corrupt kairi, but failed, so that could explain why she was instead locked up
    riku, threw his light away, but then overpowered the darkness
    ven, had fought and won against the very embodyment of his darkness
    aqua had last herself in the realm of darkness, but then soras power was revealed to her, restoring her hope
    terra was stolen by the darkness, im thinking he may be brought back by riku
    mickey donald and goofy, could have all at one point lost their ways, but were restored, thier backstories are not delved into to far
    xion and roxas were both restored to light near then end of 368/2 days when they wanted to restore sora to his
  10. darklordtransformed

    darklordtransformed New Member

    i just noticed it cut off the last two from my first post, them being ansem the wise and lea,
    lea being one of the original nobodies,regaining his light
    and ansem having lost all light, but regaining it because of mickey
  11. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    So basically anyone is a candidate for being a light?!
  12. darklordtransformed

    darklordtransformed New Member

    anyone can wield a keyblade if worthy
  13. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    If Keyblades are man-made copies of the X-Blade, worthiness really doesn't matter.
  14. darklordtransformed

    darklordtransformed New Member

    but they are also magiccaly imbued to only respond to certain people, how you pick a new keyblade master is someone holds a keyblade and it does not go back to its owner, so something is shown in that, roxas was created with one, but xemnas was not. cloud, who was returned to light could not take soras keyblade, nor could jack sparrow
  15. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I haven't seen that. I've only seen the exchange of ownership. If you do not inherit the Keyblade, then you simple can't use it, or if you're not a current Keyblade wielder. Every Keyblade wielder is given their own unique Keyblade.
  16. darklordtransformed

    darklordtransformed New Member

    xion and roxas had both used the kingdom key, and xemnas doesnt have ansems keyblade,
    and terraxehanort had xehanorts, (although that one i understand)
  17. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    The creator said that the Kingdom Key that Roxas uses and what Sora uses are two different Keyblades. Xion's Keyblade according to Riku is fake.

    Xemnas isn't shown to wield a Keyblade, which doesn't mean he can't.

    My theory is that anyone can be a 7 of light and a 13 of Darkness. It's been proven when Xehanort tried to make Sora a darkness and failed. It's proven when Yen Sid said if Mickey and Him fail to choose 7 strong hearts then Xehanort would just use the Princess of Hearts.
  18. darklordtransformed

    darklordtransformed New Member

    that does still make a lot of sense, but wasnt yen sid saying he would just attack the princess's? it does however, make quite a bit more sense looking at it as them being used as the forces of light, but why would they train kairi, as a force of light to protect the princesses while she is one of said princesses?other than that it is quite a sound theory, i myself cannot think of any holes currently, although im extremely tired at the moment
  19. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    No, they would be used to forge the X-Blade. Xehanort could attack anyone to just cause trouble if he wanted. But that's not his goal.

    They chose Kairi because
    1. They don't have enough man power. There's only so many Keyblade wielders. That's why Yen Sid is quickly training Lea.
    2. The goal isn't necessarily to protect the Princess of Hearts. The goal is to create a small army capable of stopping Xehanort. Thereby protecting everyone. It just so happens that Kairi is a Keyblade Wielder and a Princess.
  20. Animeharem

    Animeharem New Member


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