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13 Darkness, 7 Light discussion

Discussion in 'General Kingdom Hearts' started by ADogX, Aug 14, 2012.

  1. Animeharem

    Animeharem New Member

    He's the thing its not kairi or Axel xehnort said there missing 3 lights because at the time he thought he caught sora, sora have himself and ventas. Another hint said the 13 darkness is the 7th light so if the were missing 3 when sora was captured and the 13th darkness is the 7th light? Who could it be, its roxas. He's the last member
  2. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    That doesn't make any sense.

    Xehanort doesn't know who the lights are. The 13th darkness is not one of the 7 guardians of light.
  3. Animeharem

    Animeharem New Member

  4. Animeharem

    Animeharem New Member

    Yes it is mickey and xehanort both said the 13th darkness and the 7th light is the same person
  5. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Xehanort thought Sora was going to be his 13th darkness but he was wrong. Sora was always going to be a light. The 13th darkness can't be a light. That doesn't make any sense.
  6. Animeharem

    Animeharem New Member

    Xehanort didn't think that because mickey named them off he it was him sora riku ventas aqua and Terra. But when he got to the 7th one him and xehanort both said the 13th darkness is the 7th light, did you forget both riku and roxas was both darkness that had the power of light but its roxas cause he is made from darkness bit got the power of light
  7. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    No they didn't say that.

    This is what they said:

  8. Animeharem

    Animeharem New Member

    I know dude light comes from the key blade and darkness came from the heart, the creators already confirm its roxas and said there bringing him back in kh3
  9. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    No, they didn't. The creator confirmed nothing. He has said time and again that he's not telling so whatever information you're getting is wrong.

    Whatever you're saying about light and darkness is also wrong.
  10. Elfdemon

    Elfdemon Member

    Sorry to break it to you, but that will absolutely completely certainly totally fully entirely downright never happen. He will never get a Keyblade and he will never be a Guardian of Light. That's an absurd thing to think to be honest.

    Who I think the 7 Guardians of Light are:

    Who I think the 13 Seekers of Darkness are:
    Master Xehanort
    Young Xehanort
    Ansem, Seeker of Darkness
    Apprentice Xehanort/Terra-Xehanort
    Riku Replica

    As for the last member, I'm not sure. I think the possibilities are: Luxord's Somebody, Marluxia, Marluxia's somebody, Larxene, Larxene's Somebody, Demyx, Demyx's Somebody, or a new character.
    Angel likes this.
  11. Elfdemon

    Elfdemon Member

    You have to be a Keyblade Master or on the same level as a Keyblade Master for the Bequeathing (the Keyblade inheritance ceremony) to work. Sora was neither of those when Jack touched his Keyblade.

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