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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories' started by $or@, Jul 7, 2007.

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  1. ishotansem

    ishotansem New Member

    none of the zelda games ever had talking but they are a good game to play
  2. Zero

    Zero ♫♪♫Dear☺God♫♪♫

    Lets try to stay on topic. I kinda liked chain of memories.
  3. ishotansem

    ishotansem New Member

    woops sorry i liked the battle system in com its wasnt bad
  4. Zero

    Zero ♫♪♫Dear☺God♫♪♫

    Yea, the battle system is pretty good.
  5. Omega

    Omega New Member

    i didn't really get far in chain of memories. i don't have a gba.
  6. Kairi_2007

    Kairi_2007 New Member

    me 2 i m glad i finally get to use Riku he so good i wonder how Sora beat him
  7. Anitnexttoe

    Anitnexttoe New Member

    Simple, just read up about COM on the net, even though I should play it COM, I do understand KH2 alright

    As for COM not making any sense, well I think FF7 didn't make any but I still liked it.

    But if it helps, here is my (very crappy) low down on the game. (Soras' part and a little of Rikus')

    Marluxia plans to overthrow Xemnas with the help of Larxene, so he uses poor Naminé who is Kairis' nobody by making her replacing Sora's memories with fake ones of her, meaning she would be replacing Kairi. Mean while after Riku enters the castle Vexen fights him, gets some data on Riku and makes the Riku clone who he send to fight Sora, now the fake Riku also has fake memories of Naminé and that's why he and Sora fight but fake Riku loses. Anyways, after Vexen fights Sora, he give him a card to Twilight Town (first hint for KH2) so Sora goes there and fight Vexen again, but when Vexen loses onces more, Axel kills him, by the order of Marluxia who then lets Axel in on what he and Larxene is doing, then when they leave the room, Axel talks to Naminé about is she think what she is doing is right, and if not she should do what she think is right, so she runs out of the room. After that Sora and the fake Riku fight again, and Naimné shows up and stops F.Riku from hurting Sora, she then tells him what she has been doing and why, then Larxene turns up to fight Sora again, but Naminé tries to stop her, but Larxene just hits her across the room and then the last Sora Vs Larxene fights starts and it ends in Larxene getting killed. Once the fight is over Sora goes after Marluxia, before he gets to him, Marluxia and Axel talk about who the 'Traitor' and they have a fight, but before Axel can make his next move, Marluxia summons Naminé in fount of him and uses her as a shield, just then Sora shows up and Marluxia tells him that Axel was going to harm Naminé to get to him, so while Sora and Axel fight, Marluxia makes a get away, when the fight is over, Axel portals off (even if it looks like he dies but he doesn't as we know since he is in KH2). So Sora goes off to find Marluxia. When Sora finds him, Marluxia tells Naminé to take all of Soras' memories away, but she refuses, but Sora tells her to the the same thing, because in doing so, he would be keeping the fake promise he made to her, 'to protect her' but still she doesn't do it, then F.Riku shows up and Sora fights Marluxia, but only to find out he was a fake after all, so Sora goes to the last floor to fight the real Marluxia, when he dies, Naminé tells Sora that he can pick weather he wants his old memories back or to keep the fake one, but if he gets his old one back, he will forget Naminé, knowing this, Sora picks to have his old ones back, so Naimné tells Sora to go in to a pod where he sleeps for a year while Naminé chains his memories back together. (I know all that and I haven't even played it)
  8. ven_roxas

    ven_roxas New Member

    i think COM was important and i liked it.
    the order i played the games, however, was khI khII COM
    i understood khII, because it gives just enough info to understand what happened, but not enough to not play COM
  9. darkside

    darkside New Member

    i played Com before KHII, and i didn't get too confused, but i am glad to have played CoM because it really cleared things up for me. And i liked all the references CoM made to KH2, like twilight town, organization, namine, the apperance of roxas
  10. ven_roxas

    ven_roxas New Member

    i thought this game made sense. i didn't play it until after i played kh2 and kh2 made sense (for the most part)
  11. Ruxath

    Ruxath New Member

    I love Chain of Memories, and it made perfect sense to me honestly. I am glad I played it before KHII and the reference (Thank Namine) made me smile a little.. lol
  12. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    Has nobody noticed $or@ still hasn't posted and so we still don't know what we doesn't know and so this thread hasn't gone far has it?
  13. Xiam

    Xiam New Member

    whew, when I saw the discussion here I feel like a total idiot...

    I played KH:CoM, then KH2 FM+ (halfway), then read the summary of all KH series ^^;

    but for me, KH:CoM is great. If I didn't play this game, I would never known Riku Replica <3

    sorry, my bad...
  14. Earindel

    Earindel New Member

    CoM wasn't a spin off, it was more like a prologue to what KH2 was going to evolve into ........ As are BBS, 358/2 Days, and Coded; they are just prologues to what will become KH3 ............. Hey any titles for KH3 ...... I thought somebody had said it might be Kingdom Hearts 3: Keyblade War .......... Just speculation of course
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