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A Lost World OOC

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Dreich, Apr 5, 2009.

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  1. Dreich

    Dreich New Member

    well I've been trying to decide if enough people are still interested in this for me to continue it...I have a feeling that if I do continue it people will continue to be interested, but to be honest it seems like everyone has found plenty of RPs to keep them busy and what not so I think I'll just say...

    This RP is To be continued at a later date if I find enough interest at that point
  2. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    ~_~ I've been waiting for people to post.
  3. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Hare, haven't you read the top? He killed it, whether he knows it or not. Dreich, never make a post like that or you will murder your rp. No wonder no ones posted on in here for so long.
  4. Dreich

    Dreich New Member

    you wanna rephrase that? to be honest MY post didn't kill the RP...it was other people not following the guidelines more or less given by my post...if people had made it to where my post designated ( a simple task you'd think) there would be no problem
    if you would like to argue please re-read the RP before you start making accusations
  5. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    re read it. Still say you killed it stone dead. Its fine, it was slowing anyways. It woulda died without help.;)
  6. Dreich

    Dreich New Member

    I personally have done that with RPs on other sites and they never are dead they are just like it says...TO BE CONTINUED
  7. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Its just what happens here. It takes some doing to reopen the things. I'll help get everyone back when you start up again. But remember, thanks to a little something called inactivity, this WILL be bumped from the first page. People will begin to forget about it. I hope this does re open. I like the way the story is running.
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