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Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by ansem the wise 59, Dec 10, 2007.

  1. sma2112

    sma2112 New Member

    Ok kid I've seen your posts and i see no real facts. That shit about your stepmom could easily be bull. And from what I've seen your argueing with Pulse and he is using real facts. BTW I'm someone whos been on this site for the longest time but I stopped posting for awhile cause I was tired of the same idiots argueing the same bullshit. Plus you dipshit a period is nothing like the pain from having a child. Pregnancy causes alot of different pains, so does labor, and there are lasting after effects.
  2. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    You think I don't know. I'm surprised though the way your acting you weren't banned or something, anyway to my point. You think I don't know that pain. No I did not go through it, but I have talked to a bunch about it, and my mom. It's defnately worth it. Now I do see an abortion for one thing and one thing only, that would be if the child is mentally or physically challeneged. Meaning he/ she will not be normal and will be missing a leg, won't be able to act like a grown adult when an adult. Now for a pefectly healthy baby then have it and put for adoption. Now it's the mother's own fault if they don't want the child. They went through the step to get it, so congratulation that women is soon to be a mother to be. Her own stupidity for getting pregnant if she doesn't want the kids and go through pain.
  3. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    Thats a horrible perspective, as you said before everyone should have a chance to live. Why do you know say its ok to abort fetus' that are possibly mentally challenged?

    Are you saying that if you lose a leg in an accident or get brain damage that you want to be killed?

    You just contradicting and confusing yourself now.
  4. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    No I'm talking about the one's with disorders once born they have little time to live because of an extra chromosome. That's what I'm talking about.
  5. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    You still want to abort all fetus' with an extra chromosome?

    That makes you, in your words. A murderer.
  6. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Not down syndrome, there's more severe ones, example...

    Chromosomal Abnormalities - Normal Number And Structure Of Human Chromosomes, Normal Cell Division, Alterations In Chromosome Structure, Genetic Counseling - Alterations in chromosome number

    So unless my bio teacher taught us the wrong thing, I'm pretty positive a bunch of this can kill a new born baby. Plus my uncle is really mentally disaordered and is always sad. He pees his pants, he can't walk, can't talk, his mind does not act like his age group, but instead of 45 he acts 3. Little kids that he adores so much are afraid of him. He always looks sad and depressed. My grandma told me so he wouldn't go through this pain she would have been better with an abortion, she did say though if it's a healthy baby then it should be put up for adoption.

    So go back to that amendment I wrote that should be added. That's what I believe.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 3, 2008
  7. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    I am just saying that most of those only for a certain percentage, how can you tell if there not going to come out all right until they actually come out?

    I would also like to add what you have said to keep abortion legal.
  8. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Did you even read the whole amendment I made?
  9. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    I tried, but really couldn't understand your last sentence (again), if you just link me to what your trying to say it would be easier.
  10. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    wow you know I'm laughing now, because here you believe in God, later you don't.

    My opinion from the start, my very post here.

    And there you have it, what Loco just said here is alot like me.

    Yes, my friend here, he has a great point ,and is good at making you stupid.

    Again amazingness from my friend.

    And there I spoke of the truth.

    Yes, and this is coming from the guys who rpovided the same stuff over, and over, and over again instead of diffrent stuff like me.

    Oh look I told you that already.

    You can call me a liar, but I'm going with her. Why because I barely lie, the only time I do is to keep secrets that need to stay secret.

    And there you have it, all of my favorite posts and points of this debate, I say this is close, because face it, in this debate you failed to provide evidence of your statement, but constantely asked us, so unless you can proove evidence as much as all of us against you did, you lost, game over for you.
  11. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    What Kairi Star is saying is she does'nt want a baby to have a horrible illness and have to go through the pain it's whole life. That would be torture.
  12. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    So I don't have to quote it all.

    A. I do not believe in 'God', but there is no real proof to show he does or does not exists. (Please don't show me that ridiculous face of God in the 9/11 smoke)

    B. I know thats your opinion, but you seem to be very contradictory. You say everyone deserves a chance at life except the mentally challenged. How is that fair?

    C. You people need to have more faith in yourselves, one person can make a significant difference.

    D. If you read my quote from that, you would see that relying too much on 'God' will make you blind. Go out and do things yourself rather than praying. Thats my opinion.

    If you pray for a minute every day of the year, thats about 6 hours of protesting you could have accumulated.

    E. So he is saying that Obama became president due to him praying?

    F. No, but someone else said science is wrong, thats why I brought it up. Its not just you and me in this debate.

    G. The material I provide seems to be working, thus you have to keep changing yours.

    H. How am I narrow minded? I have said that I am pro-choice, you really can't get more open minded than that.

    I. I didn't call you a liar, but now you have brought it up I can see that your step-mum could be lying. Granted she has no reason to lie, its just a possibility.

    And to your fateful last comment, I have said I am pro-choice. I have provided evidence using your deceleration of independence. You have seem to contradict yourself often, you said that the deceleration of Independence is right about free will and pro-choice but then you go onto saying that Abortion should be illegal unless the baby is mentally ill.

    There is no point in making something illegal unless its illegal for all anyway. I fI were female and wanted an abortion I could just say it has an extra chromosome. Then again, throwing myself down the stairs would be more convenient.

    P.S - Saying you won a debate shows how childish you are, my views will always be the same, a debate cannot be won. I am just expressing my opinion, I don't expect you to follow it. Your arguments however seem all over the place with your mental health arguments.

    Edit -
    How does she know the baby will be as bad as others? It could grow up to be a fine adult for all we know, there is no way to tell.
  13. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Don't bring that up. You can look anywhere in the U.S. Constitution (If that's the one you're going off of,) and it will not say that. So many people get that confused. I don't know why.

    I will start by saying that I haven't done any research on Indonesia. But I personally think that there are other countries that are worse.
  14. Abortion is murder and no one has he right to kill someone. Therefore the mother does not have the right to murder her own child. She should take responsibility for her child.
  15. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    A. Well the fact that Jesus was real and the fact that recorded in History when he died on a clear no cloud in the sky sunny day a terrible storm started happening out of the blue the world went black and in all the churches the special flags ripped in two, because christianity started.

    Oh also if maybe you didn't stop asking for "photographic" proof, then I wouldn't post pictures of that, Plus it's been on the news and seen by millions. I guess though you don't notice these things.

    B.Cause most of them end up suffering and end up in the hospital every month and go through pain. My uncle can't talk he always looks sad, he pee's himself, and can't walk he's often mocked by teens everywhere when my grandma takes him out in public.

    C. Oh yeah and I didn't go and suport the debate team when tey talked about things I believed in, I can't be on the debate team and make a change myself until I'm in grade 11, 16/ 17 years old.

    D. You can do both that's why I put loco's comment underneith, and I do, I go out and do food from the heart, I'm in girl scout improving the community, I go to every school board and city meetings and sometime voice my opinions. Alot of a bunch of that I do with my church, and this here is thegirl scout promise and law...

    The Girl Scout Promise

    On my honor, I will try:
    To serve God* and my country,
    To help people at all times,
    And to live by the Girl Scout Law.

    The Girl Scout Law

    I will do my best to be
    honest and fair,
    friendly and helpful,
    considerate and caring,
    courageous and strong, and
    responsible for what I say and do,
    and to
    respect myself and others,
    respect authority,
    use resources wisely,
    make the world a better place, and
    be a sister to every Girl Scout.

    E. No I'm saying he is often mocked and he's also someone of pro choice, and the only person in marching band who is marching band is mocked is pro choice, and the only person in marching band who is hated alot believes in abortion. (we do debates as well in marching band)

    F. Yes, but most of your comments were directed a bit more at me. I decided to throw in there.

    G. No, I'm providing pleanty of proof, because you kept asking for it, plus it's good to have lot's of evidence in court and not just one, if this was a court meeting and all my proofs and stuff was evidence and your only topic is an evidence, my client or me be safe while your or you be guilty.

    H. I said that because I was not narrow minded because I have alot of evdidence and proofs and more of what I believe.

    I. I work for the main site, unlike you I'm goly and usually try not to lie, she barely lies( I feel bad for her marring a liar though, my dad is a huge liar and a tad a jerk, that's why my mom divorce him).

    I bet you don't even know the declaration of Independence off mind. You don't live in these United States of America, so I highly doubt you know the Declaration of Independence, or all 7 articles of the constituion or all 27 amendments of the bill of rights, nor the signers, I have to learn this, and I know 15 amendments off heart, almost all of the declaration of independence off heart, and almost all articles of the constitution. I'm sure you don't even know who the people were who worked on the constituion without looking up or who the father of the constitution is.

    Actually yes it can then debate teams would never stop competing. They would go on and on maybe last years or decades. It's whoever can show and express the more point of views strongly, and I say I did pretty much that.

    Your edit- First off if you can tell that the blood is not healthy or if the mother got a disease that could mess up it's brain and stuff like my grandmother did when she had my uncle, or maybe it started forming wrong with its head sticking out of his chest and missing an arm. You can see it on ultra sounds everything is picked up, and if you want to argue about that, bring it I've been in and out of the hospital for an unknown cause until I went to childrens and with an ultra sound discovered I have a cyst bleeding into my abdomin and stomach wall.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 5, 2008
  16. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    Yeh, Jesus was real, there is no evidence that he was the son of god or whatever you believe, and I have read no where about the storm. But that may have happened, I don't know.

    Yeh, 9/11 was on the news. But no channel in the UK would be stupid enough to broadcast a 'face of god' on the news.

    Some mentally ill people live onto have a good life. You want to take that opportunity from them due to you believing the majority will be sad?

    The debate team is nothing, its an extra curricular activity, nothing comes out of it. Its just a practice for those who want to be in politics. As I said, go out and march with others that believe in you. better yet, start your own. I'm sure that twilight fellow will be right behind you.

    You can do both, but I am saying if you do one (the one that actually does something) you can do much more of it. I don't understand what the girl scout law has to do with anything. Like the majority of groups similar to them, they teach basic morals. Things you should already do.

    So your elected president is mocked because he is pro-choice... then why the fuck was he elected...? And it shows how mature you are that you hate people who's opinions differ from yours.

    It is good to have a lot of evidence in court rather than just one piece. But my evidence seems to be beating all your evidence. To put it in an easier to understand way, my evidence is an eye witness, your evidence is a bunch of assumptions...

    Working for the main site has nothing to do with this... I do lie, but not to land someone in shit or to get out of trouble. If I do something wrong I will face up to it, I lie to help people and make them feel better. Being a liar is a good thing in some cases. Being 100% honest makes you a respected asshole. I know you said you try not to lie, but I decided to add that in their for advice.

    I don't have to learn about the deceleration of independence, I couldn't care about it, I just am putting in what I have heard about it from movies.
    Me, I have to learn 2 years of sociology in about 6 months, that is effectively about debating and peoples views on things. I know that there is other things and the peoples views is probably one of the least important things I have covered so far.

    Debate teams never stop competing. There is always someone who will disagree with the laws and teachings and stand up to them.

    You can tell the blood is not healthy, but If i didn't want the baby I could have a home made abortion which would be me at a health risk as well...

    And honestly, I am not going to argue about the last part. I stay away from hospitals, I have only ever been in one at my birth. I hate hospitals.
  17. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    Isn't there a choice where you can transfer the fetus to another women? If so, why can't the pregnant women that doesn't want the child, do that option?
  18. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Actually it's not a 100% positive it'll work, they believe they can they've been testing it.
  19. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    Still, what if its 75%. Pregnant woman can do that option. WHy can't they? Does it seems easier to just get abortion as their best way?
  20. samibabi

    samibabi New Member

    Really? There's NO proof that Jesus was the Son of God? What about the bible? You would argue that it's not a "real" book, but the fact is, it's considered a highly historical document, and it's the most read book in the world.

    I have to say, this debate is getting ridiculous, you guys are debating about several tangent issues that have little to NOTHING to do with the issue at hand. Please refrain from talking about these things on the public forum because in all honesty it takes away from the purpose. If you want to bicker like that, do it over PMs. Please don't call me cocky, I just think that people don't want to hear arguing like this that has nothing to do with this issue.

    Mentioning "home made abortions" is especially disturbing. There are people out there who are stupid and cruel enough to do these things, and they end up doing long-term damage (infection etc.), and killing an innocent child in the process. Also, calling an unborn child a fetus does NOT make sense to me. It's a baby, plain and simple. At the point of conception, there is a human soul connected to those cells. Taking away that soul should only be God's choice. You may argue that having legal abortion would decrease the amount of "home made" abortions, but I honestly think that people would do them anyway. The fact is, abortion is equal to murder in my book. Human life is sacred, and should be treated that way. People say "I aborted my fetus" instead of "I aborted my baby/child". I suppose they do this because they think they are justifying their actions, but they can't. Saying that you ended a baby's life just sounds cruel, but that's because it is.

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