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Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by ansem the wise 59, Dec 10, 2007.

  1. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    Im in sami's point. It's true. You are taking a life. Yes, it might not have a mind, but does it have a heart?(literaly, not simbolic), yes it does.
  2. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    ABORTION IS MURDER. You can't deny it. You can't say that that thing inside a womb isn't a human being.IT IS. Thats how we human beings are made, through sex. Once the sperm enterz the egg, its a human being. Don't try to define certain steps to say its not, because YOU were once that little thing in a womb, and you got to make it all the way. So, why doesn't all the other little guyz and galz that are to come? Oh, because some chick got raped? But then your a murderer? Why not give it up for adoption? Rape isn't a good excuse for murder. It only makes the situation worse. For liberalz its okay to murder, because they are just that sick and twisted. They just want everything to fit around their lives and their schedule. F that. YOU CAN'T SUGARCOAT EVERYTHING!
  3. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    I agree with you that people need to be more self reliant, but God is real. You learn that through life experiences, and RELYING ON YOURSELF helps you find that truth, that lifes hard and difficult sometimes, but you just get through it.LIFE is god's test.
  4. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    The life I have led makes me despise God, being raised a catholic it was a big step. But I believe in karma, I do good, good things happen etc. God has nothing to do with it as the decisions I make are my own.

    Yes, people say that the Fetus is a live child but my perspective of a child is life after birth. Anyway, I have said I am pro-choice so if people don't like abortions, don't have one. Cant you just let other people murder?
  5. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    I believe karma IS God. All other references to god, king of kingz and lord of lordz, ruler of this world referz to the devil.
  6. sma2112

    sma2112 New Member

    First off whats with you and using "z" instead of "s"

    Ok so you conisder killing one single cell murder? So what about when you stomp on ants, insects, single cell organisms, plants? According to your mind set every second you commit murder. If you eat meat in a sense you are also a murderer. Plus it still has nothing to do with you or good. According to people like Twilght who always reverts to god as an arguement, God is above the human plane and science so why the hell shouldn't he be above killing an unborn fetus that cannot sustain life? I understand that if the person deicdes to abort around the time that the fetus has a chance to survive while incubated, then don't allow for abortion. However it always comes down to choice, because their are rape, incest, etc victims who want to keep the baby, and then their are people like Kairi who would only abort if the child would be physically or mentally disabled.
    And how the shit are liberal"S" twisted?
  7. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    idk, something I do ^_^

    if its a human being. You "twisted" what I said! I DIDN'T SAY A SINGLE CELLED ORGANISM, I SAID A HUMAN BEING!!!!

    Thats the radical sense. "call me an elitist", but I think Human beings are more important than animals. I do believe animals have souls, but its reality. Survival of the fittest, but in this case its because we're smarter.
    abortion = murder.(PERIOD!)
    I proved that in the beginning of my post, plus liberalz believe murders don't deserve to die, they deserve jail because "murdering is bad", when they'll go have their daughter get an abortion. THAT IS TWISTED IN EVRY SENSE OF THE WORD.
    choosing a murderer over an unborn baby.
  8. sma2112

    sma2112 New Member

    You were saying? By that I didn't twist anything, you just contradicted yourself.
  9. So you despise God because of your life? How do you view the relationship between God and humans?

    Your perspective of a child is wrong. A fetus has a soul and therefore it is alive. You say you are Pro-choice, so basically your saying the mother has the right to end her unborn child's life? That's like saying a killer has the right to kill. We don't allow people to kill another human, and if they do they will be punished. So we should not allow the mother to kill her unborn child. Of course we cant let other people murder. Murder is evil and evil should be destroyed. If I was president then I would pass a bunch of amendments that would make it clear that people have to take responsibility, have morals, be good, follow the rules, and if not then they will be punished brutally. All in the goal of deafeting evil. And making abortion illegal is part of the war against evil.

    Personally, I think you don't understand that their is more to reality than this world, or humans, or this universe. In truth the planet earth and all who live on it, is just a tiny part of the big picture. Science is limited to our universe, our science cannot explore things outside of this universe. God is not one of this universe, he is greater than science and science is below him. That's why we must have faith in God, and I find it sad that you wont open your eyes and realise your place in the grand design of reality.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 10, 2008
  10. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    A DER?!?!
  11. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    And human cells can't be single-celled organisims. Human cells can't exist on their own, like a single-celled organism can.
  12. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    good point Desert W
  13. sma2112

    sma2112 New Member

    Dude just because its a single cell doesn't mean it isn't human, it has human DNA, it makes up a human being so screw off and use real facts.
    I seriously feeling like never touching these damned debates because of people who don't use real info and because of religous asses like Twilight who say God is above human things like science, but he is still apart of something like abortion or gay rights. Seriously fuck off with that stupidity. I understand you believe in God but I don't so stop bringing him up in every debate when you say he can't be disproved by science because it on the "human plane."
    Please just kill yourself and go up to "heaven" and talk to your God.
  14. Yeah, like humans are perfect, you aitheist are greedy, rude, mean, and you only think about how you can get ahead in life. I'm a christian and I am kind, caring, selfless, and I don't go around making fun of everyone's faith like you. Seriously how can you tell someone to kill themself, WTF is wrong with you? You go around talking like that and you say christians are bad. I don't hate you, I love you as a human being and I want you to be happy. But I don't want you to go to hell, that's why I'm going to pray for you, I'm going to pray that you accept Christ.

    Second, I am a christian and I know the world is in trouble, but I also know that the world will never get better unless people start following God. I want to help the world, I want to stop all this foolishness that has got the world in th horrible shape it's in. But I know I can't do it alone, I have to have God's help and then I can go out and with his help I can do good in the world, but don't thank me all glory be to God. I wish you all the best and may God open your eyes and bless you.
  15. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    Your a bitch. I hope you come back as a slug, or a kid that gets beat, or a bug or something. You'll never see thingz for what they really are with that mind set.
  16. sma2112

    sma2112 New Member

    Roxas how very christian of you. Oh yea and I probably see things for what they really are thanks to the lack of a religious belief to cloud my thinking. I see life for what it really is, Not some little waiting room to get into Heaven.

    And Twilight as usual you went completely off topic on what i said. I never said I don't like people because they're religious, I just don't like people like you who always relate religion to these debates and then use some bullshit defense about how science/man can't disprove God and all that other bs.
    Most of my friends are Christian, Catholic, and Buddhist, I respect their choices and I avoid starting religious fights, but if you're going to sit their and through the bible at every debate I am going to argue against it.
    And I am definitely greedy, rude, mean, and only think about how I can get ahead in life. I am kind to those who I find deserving and respectful to those same people. But if they go off on things like you do I am rude and I get in their faces.
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2008
  17. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    So human DNA makes a human being? Scientists can make our DNA, duplicate it. So there dup[licated DNA is a human? NO. DNA doesn't make a human, its after the sex, when the sperm and egg meet thats when its a human.

    quitters words, you know your wrong and you cower away.

    Go kill yourself? I hate people who talk like that. YOU COULD REALLY MAKE SOMEONE GO OFF AND KILL THEMSELVES OR OTHER PEOPLE. Your an ass. Taking a life, murder, can get very religious, because most peoples morals are based on their religion. DUH!!!!

    I ain't a Christian dumbass.

    It opens up a new way of thining dumby. Closed Mindedness never solved anything.

    I ain't waiting, you just a stupid crybaby.

    At least Twilight doesn't flip out.
  18. Mike

    Mike Member

    From shadowing this discussion, it would seem your mind is clouded by your inability to see others' perspective...like the theists you dislike so much.

    Let's put it this way...have _I_ ever used the bible in this discussion?

    Or conversely, have 'atheists' used falsified, or misinterpreted, science? Certainly...Science can't even wipe science's own ass, let alone prove something. I mean, using Reductio Ad Absurdum is your idea when it comes to arguing something like this? (ie. "waiting room to get into heaven." You turn it into a joke so you don't have any choice but to laugh and ignore the possibility...this is what happens 7 out of 10 times with atheists...and they wind up later having 'deathbed conversions' when they no longer have the mindset of a teenager. The other 2 are "I choose not to believe," then those scarred by a traumatic event, and then lastly, those who actually have reason not to believe)

    Many, many Christians are anti-aborition because of religious values...many Christians are anti-murder for the same reason. It's not wrong, or stupid, or taking the easy way out...it's a personal decision. You don't need to know the science of death to believe murder is wrong...nor do you need to argue science in a debate about 'killing babies' (which is their stance on this issue).
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2008
  19. sma2112

    sma2112 New Member

    Ok first off Roxas what the fuck, why would I kill myself if I believed I only had this life. I fear death because I think there is nothing after it so why would I waste my one and only existance.
    And finally back to the threads original purpose. Abortion. Mike you have a good point and I understand people find it do be murder for whatever reason and I'm not saying "Yes lets abort every fetus" but in truth it is not our choice. I don't love the idea of abortion but I am Pro-choice, though my life I have found that everyone should get a chance at life, but I also believe that if someone feels that they shouldn't suffer through pregnancy and then giveaway an unwanted child then they should have the choice.
    And from now on I will try to avoid any reilgon bashing, but I may stay away from these threads because they never end. I think the gay rights one was close to ending and then some jerk came in and started it again(I think).
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2008
  20. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    lol, what a baby....

    I don't CARE what you believe because obviously you don't care what others believe, so why should I "care" about you? You just told Twilight to "go kill himslef". TWILIGHT IS MY FRIEND. You sir are an asshole. You are selfish, you care nothing for others. Your cold, you feel nothing, see nothing, hear nothing nor think anything that might be true because it "goes against what you belive". What the F David Blane? You'll never see anything for what it really is. You are CLOSED MINDED, and as everyone knows, I hate closed minded people. So yeah, scurry away little boy, you only prove me right. You quit now because you know your wrong.

    Yeah buddy, so live life up! Live life to the fullest, go move to hawai, go see the pyramids or something. If you see this as a waist of time, why are you here?
    Ah, yeah it is. We can make it illegal so more unborn babies don't die.

    Do you all see? This kids a hypocrite, in every sense of the word. HYPOCRITE. You can't believe that everyone deserves a "chance at life" and then be pro abortion. Thats like these limozene liberals who say "Global Warming is bad and all you people watching need to start recycling and help keep the earth alive and blah blah blah blah blah BLAH!", and then they go and fly private jets and ride huge ass hummers around and stuff. HYPOCROSY. HYPOCROSY means you LIE. LIARS never are taken' seriously. Stop lieing.

    yep, they just keep goin' and goin' and goin' and goin' and goin' and goin' and goin' and goin' and goin' and goin' and goin' and goin' and goin' and goin' and goin' and goin' and goin' and goin' and goin'.......and goin'.

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