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Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by ansem the wise 59, Dec 10, 2007.

  1. Sovieto

    Sovieto Banned

    That may help at a low percentage, but that wont stop the much higher percentage of the people of the world from doing the things you want to fix.
  2. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    lo, abortion is bad, I'm like done with this forum for a while. Later guys!
  3. Sovieto

    Sovieto Banned

    With the entire forum? Or just this thread?
  4. samibabi

    samibabi New Member

    This debate has been interesting...I see many people going off into unrelated tangents.

    There are many reasons that I am pro-life, one of them being that I believe human life is sacred. According to my belief, human life begins at conception because that is when the human soul is created. Human souls should ONLY be taken to Heaven by God himself. We have no right to take that life away.

    People say that Science disproves the very existence of God. My opinion on that is that you can't completely believe Science. Science was yes, created by God (according to my belief, similar to that of the Roman Catholic Church), but humans have changed much about it. Believing fully in Science doesn't make sense to me. I tend to believe in walking by faith and not by sight.

    As for making rape non existent, good luck. It's a terrible thing, I know that for a fact. Many people I know have been violated in this way. Thankfully, none of them became pregnant and did not have to deal with having a child. Even though they didn't, I believe, for the most part, that almost ALL of them would have chosen to stay pregnant and save the life of their innocent unborn infant.
    The whole rape thing, yeah, rape sucks. But why make an innocent child suffer and take away their life just because some stupid person violated you? I understand that taking care of and raising a child that was a product of a rape may be extremely difficult, especially as a teenager, but I would say set up a private adoption.
  5. What we need to do is become a woman, that's the only way how we'll be able to understand the emotional destress that a woman goes through.
  6. Mike

    Mike Member

    Hmm...that's not completely true, although it would help us a lot.

    I mean, if we could live life through another's eyes, then we could be certain of our own existence. Does anyone else have a consciousness? Well...you'd certainly know after that.

    What we should do is become a fetus...then we'll know if abortions hurt, and if we have a consciousness.

    EDIT: My reasoning is that, the ultimate question is not whether or not pregnancy is difficult, or rape is traumatic...we know that it is.

    The question is, are fetuses 'human beings' in the sense we need? If not, abortion's fine...if so, then abortion's murder.
  7. I think that are are and they aren't. . .
  8. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    Abortion is wrong. It's murder. Why would anyone want to support giving people the choice to murder a baby? It's sick.
  9. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    I feel the same about taking away the right to an abortion though, It should not be allowed. I agree that it is wrong and other options should be considered. But making it illegal is absurd.
  10. Abortion. . ."The Real Deal"

    Look Demon, you may be my friend but, I never take you as my friend or enemy as in terms of debate.

    For one, you don't seem to understand that there three types of people on the very huge debate of abortion. There are the Anti-Abortionist, the Pro-Choice, then there are the Pro-NOT FOR ABORTION. What you need to do is understand is that each of these "factions" have totally different opinions. But even as I say this, the Pro-Abortionist are not even considered any sort of "threat". It's now mainly a war if you will against the Pro-Choice & the Anti-Abortionist.
  11. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    How can you support murdering inocent babies? Give a counter to that if you will. What are the "pros" of abortion, because there are lots of cons....
  12. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    Free will, In my honest opinion I feel law should be scrapped and we should see how we survive on morals alone.

    I doubt it would work very well but I'm the type of person who would rather try this than take away peoples rights such as the right to have an abortion.
  13. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    Pulse the way you want to do things would lead us to our end.

    No one has the right to murder an innoccent baby. NO ONE
    Pulse, I cannot allow for injustice to continue. I will do everything in my power to put an end to such evil. Abortion must end.
  14. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    Anarchy. Good and bad. It allows the bad people to do things, and the vigilantes to rise up and stop them. I'm interested in trying something like that Pulse. But many would die......Chaos.

    Then you need to get rid of rape to illegalize once and for all abortion demon of darkness. Thats their crucial debate line.
    "Oh, what about rape?" Its touchy, I know, but even in situation of rape its wrong...
  15. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    If we had tougher punishments then it might help with the crime rate. We let people have it easy in this country. We need better punishments.
  16. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    In my opinion taking away someones right to abortion is unjust.

    When you say tougher punishments what do you mean...?
  17. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Sounds like an interesting thing to happen, laws being abolished. But then we'll all end up in a state of anarchy like places in Africa. Those areas are controlled by warlords, and they are the ones who determine who lives and dies.
  18. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    So what your saying Pulse is that murdering a baby is just? You have a mental problem pulse, either that or you are just pure evil.
  19. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    don't call people "pure evil" demon. That is "unJust", we have no right to judge anothers character unless you really know them, or they've done something against you.
    But Pulse, your taking away the life of a child is also taking away their free will, their right of this so called "choice". YOU shouldn't make a decision for someone else!?! Its not "free will" to have someone else order bacon for you if you hate bacon and really want sausage? Your "choice", this belief in "Pro-choice" abortion is merely one of the many forms of hypocrosy.
  20. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    Sorry Mythril Roxas, I just got so mad at Pulse.

    Which is more important? Life or Happiness? Ofcourse life is most important. Humans have seeked survival since humans have existed. Destroying a baby is an abomination to our very existence. It's inhuman. Allowing someone to have an abortion is like allowing someone to murder aanother human. Our morals and laws don't allow for that to be legal. If murder if illegal then abortion should be also and anyone caught having an abortion should be sentenced to 1st degree murder.

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