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Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by ansem the wise 59, Dec 10, 2007.

  1. Here is where the punishment comes in. Once abortion is banned if any women is found to have an abortion they will be tried for murder.

    I plan on making it tougher for people to get medical stuff down in another country. If the authorities find out that your going to another country to have an abortion then you will be taken by the police and your child will go into state's custody where it can have a chance for a good family to adopt it.
  2. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    You can't expand your policies to different countries. You have no Jurisdiction over other Countries' Policies. So if their country supports abortion, then abortion it is.

    People go to different countries to get organ transplant done and plastic surgery. Some buy body parts off a black market, and yet America doesn't take action on it.
  3. You misunderstood what I meant. I meant if the police find out that you are planning to have an abortion in another country then you will be put under arrest while your still in the US. Since you made the arragements to have an abortion when you were still in the united states, it counts as attemptive murder and your child will be taken from you as soon as it's born and givn a chance to be placed in a good home.
  4. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    You really people are that dumb? I mean if I wanted to get an abortion. I would just say that I am visiting my home country or going on vacation. I mean, the Airport Policies said that who ever is almost at term can't get on a plane, but the right time to get an abortion is around the 3rd month, and some women doesn't show in till their 4th.

    So, I mean, lie, and your home free.
  5. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    but most are undecided.
    if those that are undecided are persuaded to do what is right, then we save lives.
    liberalism makes these women want to feel like its okay to not take responsibility for their actions, and make them feel like its "okay" to get an abortion, like that child is just an obligation. Thus we have all these unborn children's rights being defiled. its inhumane.
    things happen, but they happen for a reason. You deny reason when you deny a life. Thus you are insane, whether it be for that brief moment, or for the rest of your life. You cant stop abortion, but you can save the masses from getting one with restrictions. From your side of this deabte, imagine this: for every women that gets an abrtion, you think your protecting that women's rights. But for every women that you protect their rights, your killing a child AND their rights. So its preserveing rights over life and rights. I'd pick the child's life ad rights over that women's rights any day, because every women that is thinking about getting abortion obviously has something wrong with them, so I'd rather save the one with a clean slate that COULD in fact change the world.
    My dad was almost aborted. Imagine if he was. Then me and my sibings wouldn't be here, my mom would never have found the man of her dreams, and more importantly, my dad, one of the greatest men alive, wouldn't have had the chance at life.
    So when your talking about an abortion, your also not talking just about that one child, but every person that child would affect someday in his or her life.
  6. See, that type of thinking is so rude. "Let's lie and get away with every thing cause we feel like it! Oh yeah!!!"

    People need to take responsibility for what they do. If you don't want kids then don't have sex. It's that simple. Don't go and kill the unborn baby just for your stupid mistake.

    That's why when I do ban abortion I will make sure there are programs set in place that will take care of the woman financialy and medicaly until she gives birth. Once the child is born she can give it up for adoption. She gets to live her life and the baby gets to live. So everyone is happy.

    What do you have against adoption, yukou?

    I plan on making it to where a pregnant woman must be scanned at the airport to confirm she is pregnant. This scan will be kept on record and when she returns we can pull out that record and scan her again. If she no longer is carrying the baby then there will be a full criminal investigation that could lead to charges of murder to the woman.
  7. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    U'r all good until here TK. This is evil, communism, NWO bullshit. THAT is de-priving the women of her rights.
  8. But it tells us if she commited a crime or not. If she comes back pregnant then she has nothing to worry about. How is this communism?
  9. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    health records, commiting crimes biologically is ALWAYS the governments fault, not the peoples. You cant dive to deep into peoples privacy. Then its communistic BS, srry TK.
    If women would ever do such things if abortion was illegal would suffer depressiuon, they'd be caught eventually, and they should get a ticket or something or be put into a mental institution for a while, not jail time.
  10. But I intend to give the unborn child the same rights as a new born baby. If she has an abortion it would be murder and would carry the same penalty as murder. I'm not saying we have to go into her records, it would just be like a security scan at the airport except it would scan if she was pregnant.

    I don't see how that would be invading her privacy or anything communist.
  11. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    it does.
    how would you like it if someone was scanning your belly, interogating you just because you were pregnant? Think about the everyday pregnant women here TK. They wouldnt like that kinda stuff. Its dumb.
  12. It's not a personal scan. It's just when a person passes through the security scanner then it will also scan for a baby and match said scan to the persons passport. When the person returns to the airport and passes through the scanner again it will scan the woman and if she is not pregnant then it could me she had an abortion.

    I'm only trying to protect the unborn baby. What if she goes over to another country and aborts her baby. How can justice be given to that baby if we don't take steps to do so?
  13. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    my point is that you cant save them all Twilight, but we can save most of them.
  14. I was'nt trying to invade the mother's privacy. It was only a sercurity measure, a small security measure to insure that a murderer does'nt get away. If the a pregnant woman scans show she's pregnant when she comes back then she wont be bothered or anything.
  15. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    i understand.
    I was merely confused by your wording.
  16. It's not like people are touching the woman. It's just a scan that says, "Mrs Mia is Pregnant" When she comes back through the scan it will say "Mrs Mia is still pregnant". Then that's all. It's a pregnant scan that is intergrated into the security scan at airports so it wont be an invasion of privacy.
  17. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    that will cost a lot of money Tk, you do realize this.
  18. Human life has no price. If it protects human life then I will gladly pay for it.
  19. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Is Abortion, when a doctor kills the baby inside the mother before it comes out?
  20. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    It's communism. Read 1984. What you propose is basically starting the Big Brother government. It is not good at all.


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