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Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by ansem the wise 59, Dec 10, 2007.

  1. Zerieth, you don't get it. If someone killed your mom then you would want them to go to jail so they could be punished, right?

    I killed my baby so I deserve to be punished like a murderer. It's not what I want to do, it's what is right. A murderer must be punished.
  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    @_@_@_@_@_@ I... I don't know what to say anymore. God just kept my mouth shut after reading all of this.
  3. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Let's just keep god out of this for the time being.....

    But wait! God loves everyone, correct? Thus, he wouldn't want you to suffer because of a choice you made - he doesn't want to punish you.
  4. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Killing your self is the same as running away. If my mother died, i would grieve but i would hope that her murderer would see a light and become a better person. I would not wish death on him/her. God does love you, and it would be a crime to die now. To many people would miss you, and you would die with regrets.
  5. But why did you say that my baby was'nt human or the it did'nt exist? That hurt my feelings and made me mad.
  6. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    In my mind, if its not a screaming brat its not a baby. Its my view point, its a fetus not a baby. Are you not gonna die now??
  7. Stop saying that. Your view point is wrong. You called a baby a "screaming brat" this proves you have a negative view of babies. Why? A baby is a gift, a little blessing.
  8. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    It is, but i have had some bad experiences with babies. Its just the way i am. I don't say someones view is wrong. I debate with them to change their view to mine. Its fun.
  9. How can you have a bad experience with a baby? They are the very essence of human purity.

    So now your saying my pain is fun to you? Your're sick.
  10. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    He never said that at all. He said that he likes debating - not being a sadist.
  11. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    What happen in the past stays in the past. I don't know why you beat yourself over it. People make dumb mistakes and that is life. You live, love, and forget.

    There is no reason why you should beat yourself over it. Are you afraid that people are going to judge for the decision you'd make? Well, then you just should tell him to go fuck themselves.

    People make things that they regret and in order to fully live as a decent person, acknowledge the mistake, and move forward.
  12. But a person should always be brave and never make choices based on fear. That's what I did so i'm a coward.
  13. Elly, you did'nt have to tell them about what happened. Trust me, these guys make me sick. You can't get anything through their thick heads. They don't have any emotions, they use their minds more than the do their hearts if they have any hearts at all. They don't have any morals. They believe everyone can do whatever they want even if it hurts someone else. They are the type that wants to get wasted on a saturday night because they think life is all about having fun. I have have elimenated fun from my life because I have to sacrifice my happiness to make the world better. I can never rest, I can never have fun because I must protect everyone else.

    I mean look at Yukou's sig, it has the word "shit" in it. How rude is that.
  14. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Because my signature speaks the truth. Things happen.
  15. You don't have to use the word "Shit" in it. Most civilized people consider that to be rude in conversation. Plus your signature does not speak the truth. People should'nt act like the past never happened because then they will repeat their mistakes. People must fight their mistakes and overcome their inner evil, they have to defeat their temptation and fear and destroy it so they can become stronger.
  16. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    <_> YOU MAKE ME SO MAD ZERIETH, but I'm not going to talk about you or Yukou. This is about key here. You do have a heart. You is not evil & God see that in your heart that you is not evil. Stop saying things like that. That's nothing but devil talk trying to pierce into your mind. Repent.

    (Pm me again once you come back on.)
  17. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Well I am not that civilized. Compared to you, I think I am living life to the fullest. It is cool that you believe in your self-righteous acts and that you do care about the world, but I am not a cold hearted person. You judge people because they don't follow your standards. You judge people because they don't believe in the same beliefs as you. What kind of person are you?

    People come in many different shape and sizes and who are YOU to judge on what people actions are. If people wanna have an abortion than so be it. It is cool that you care about life and things of that nature. I didn't bash you on that. We are having a debate on what abortion should be about and here you are calling people thick headed and having no emotions.

    Not once did I write TK is stupid, he doesn't know what he is talking about. His god and beliefs are false. Not once did I say that, and here you are judging me because I believe in a different way.

    All I said was that people should learn from the past, forget about it, and move on. What's the point of dwelling in the past? Is it going to the bring the baby back? No. Is it harming your life? Yes. People need to get their act together and move on. You have one life and there is no point on putting restraints on it.
  18. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Yes I am stubborn. Stubborn as an ass. But I do have morals. How DARE you insult me like this? And since when did I believe that anyone could do whatever they freaking want? Jesus.... I don't even want to get wasted? You want to know why? Because it would kill my liver. What the hell are you, an elitist? Er... maybe wrong word. I dunno, but point is, you're very 'crusadery'. Go ahead, don't rest! Don't have fun! 'protecting everybody else' - what a joke! You can't protect anyone if you insult everyone! And Yukou's sig DOES speak the truth. Things DO happen.

    You're an evangelist, aren't you?

    Once again, HOW DARE YOU. Zerieth was trying to save her, you "heartless monster". I won't have you slandering Zerieth's name just because he is another pro-choice person. . .
  19. STOP IT!!!!

    Twilight is partly right. We do need to have restrictions on life. It's something called laws. If we did'nt have laws then we could'nt keep peace and order in society.

    I know Twilight personaly. He usualy puts on a fake smile for everyone so they wont worry about him. He thinks he is doing what is best, all he wants is to make it to where unborn children have the same rights as everyone else. What is wrong with that?
  20. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    "Heartless Monster?" He called me that to.

    Ok Key, this is what I am going to say. You can chose to listen to me or not. It is up to you.

    It is okay that you feel what you did to your baby was wrong. I am not in your shoes, so, I don't know how you feel but it is fine that you acknowledge your mistakes.

    This is the future/present. How would your baby feel, in heaven of course, feel knowing that his/her mom beat herself up because of her own mistakes. No child wants to see that happen to their parents, I know I don't. If I do see that in my own parents, then I would think I, the child, is causing all this pain.

    You need to move on with your life. It is not good to dwell on the negative energy. You are a mother and you have to worry. I am not saying forget about you baby, no. Just saying that your life deserve better. You are punishing yourself for something that happened already. Do you really think if you punish your self hard enough that it will bring your baby back?

    Do you really think your baby like seeing you being punish? You already loss your baby, do you really want to lose yourself too?

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