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Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by ansem the wise 59, Dec 10, 2007.

  1. All I want is to hear my baby say, "It's alright mommy, you can live your life. You can move on because I forgive you." That is all I want to hear my baby say.
  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Seriously, all of you need to stop it. Yukou, I know that you're not a cold hearted person, & I respect you for that, but still, you must still support someone else regardless of their opinion. This goes for you too Twilight. Moogles, now you really need to shut up, be careful of what you say, & think about why he said that, & I'm saying this with a calm voice. Why? Here's why & this is all from you:

    "Go ahead, don't rest! Don't have fun! 'protecting everybody else' - what a joke! You can't protect anyone if you insult everyone! And Yukou's sig DOES speak the truth. Things DO happen."

    "Once again, HOW DARE YOU. Zerieth was trying to save her, you "heartless monster". I won't have you slandering Zerieth's name just because he is another pro-choice person. . ."

    Twilight was never heartless. He's really is kind. He was at first, well, I don't want to go into all of that, but he's real kind, cares about everyone, & wants to do God's work. You is the joke & I'm not saying that to be mean. Why I said that? Protecting everyone is not a joke. That's what he wants to do. Twilight insulting may hurt some of you, but seriously, what you said is really cruel & downright evil. If you was here earlier, you could've seen what he spoken to me.

    As for you Twilight, you is donwright wrong on your part. As a christian, you must NEVER ever criticize or downright others. Calling Zerieth & the heartless, you is wrong on that part. You & me already talk this over & you know how much we have to keep on talking about this. Don't say that they don't have emotions, because they are humans of God too. They do have morals & don't say that these pple are about saturday nights because moog & Zerieth & the others may not be all like that. You should watch what you say.

  3. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    1. I said that (heartless monster) just so he would see the inanity, or some other adjective I can't think of right now, of his statement.

    2. Tell me what I said was evil. What was evil about it?

    3. If I were here sooner, what would I have seen he had said to you?

    4. Life is a joke. Ask Terry Gilliam. Or any other member of the Monty Python Crew.

    Oh, and FYI, most of my saturday nights are spent working TT_TT.
  4. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    2. Keep on rereading the blue part & you may sense the cruelty that I had sensed.

    3. What Twilight said to me is now between me, him & God.

    4. <_> NOW YOU JUST TICKED ME OFF RIGHT THERE! Life is not a joke! Otherwise, God would not have breathed life in you, me, or anyone else. HE HAD US HERE FOR A REASON!!
    Last edited: May 21, 2009
  5. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    . . . . I sense no cruelty. He was slandering Z and I - and like I said, just how can he protect others if he insults them?.... And he insulted Zerieth, who had been, for the last few posts, been trying to save Key.

    3. Then WHY IN HELL did you make a reference to it?....

    4. Nyah! This isn't the religion thread, yanno!
  6. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    2. That may be his way of showing careness.

    3. I want to share it with you, but, my spirit just keeps my mouth shut, meaning that I can't share it with you yet.

    4. -_- This is a debate. You was the one who brought up that life was a joke, so don't try & start something with me now & for some reason, I sense that you have the spirit of a child.

    Anyways, Yukou is right about putting negative energy on yourself & pressuring yourself with it key. Remember what I have told you.
    Last edited: May 21, 2009
  7. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    2. . . . Careness? Carefulness? Carelessness? Caringness?

    3. Wh'ever.

    4. I'm Aetheist - save it for the religion debate thread. And yes. I am a soul stealing demon and I stole the spirit of a child centuries ago. *Rolls eyes*
  8. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Your baby has already said that when you first conceive it. Your baby wants the best for you as his or her mother and as a person. It is you for not wanting to move on.
  9. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Wow twilight, that was not something i wanted to wake up to. Still, fools will be fools right? Read what i posted then read it again. I give nothing but the truth. It might be a painful truth, but its best to look at it than run from it.

    Yukou is right key. You can move on, and continue to live. Its not for any of us to pick who should die, that is gods decision and only his. Your still here, so guess what that means? If you want to be punished, hasn't all this pain been enough? Its time to keep moving forward.
  10. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    You too? Now I know a lot of Atheist people. Not to get off topic, but my friends are atheist too and it is the most funniest things, not to poke on what you believe in, but it is funny when they bump heads with a highly religious person. My friend, who will remain nameless, made this Christian girl cry, cause she told her that her god was fake, a shame, and false. Haha.

    Back on the subject, I like it how people judge people they don't share the same beliefs, and it just prove the stereotype.
    Goldfish likes this.
  11. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    It's not funny Yukou. Seriously, just because we don't agree on the same thing doesn't mean that we should argue & name call & curse on here & stuff. That's not christianly & even if you're an atheist or not, that doesn't mean for anyone to criticize someone or downgrade someone. even talks like this shouldn't be used against someone.
  12. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Yeah... I don't like baptists....... No offense, but they were rude and oppressive to me for TWO YEARS before I moved out of that damned place.... Just because I didn't believe in god. Beliefs are what make the world go mad - and I'm not just talking about religion either. Look at the last hundred pages of this thread, lol.
  13. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    You didn't know the situation. She was forcing her to convert. Saying things that she will go to hell if she don't believe and yelling at her for being evil, injustice, and cold hearted.

    My friend, who is the most caring person in the world, that I know don't deserve that. When people are bashing people because they don't follow their point of ideas, I think they deserve it. I have never on this site has bash anyone on their religion nor their beliefs. I just want to put my view out there and debate about it. I don't go on her and point the finger saying that your are a monster for being against abortion, etc.

    So when people deserve to be smack, I'll smack.

    Also another interesting note, most of the people who voted for Obama are not necessary Pro-Choice, but are open minded about abortion and I just saw this on CNN that 54% of the people who voted for Obama are Catholics, that supports or are open to the idea of abortion.
  14. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Odd how that works, but biden would have taken the choice away instantly. People should be able to choose, and not have such choices made for them. That is why i am pro choice, and for gay rights. What kind of government do we have if we make laws that limit a persons choices?
  15. Look I am a christian and one of our jobs is to tell people that if they do not accept Christ then they will go to hell. We are not doing it to be mean, we are doing it to warn people of what will happen once they die. God commands us to do this, so it's a part of our religion. WE HAVE TO DO IT!
  16. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Jehova's witness does that. Thats why no one likes them all that much. We don't HAVE to do it, but we choose to. There are very few things we HAVE to do. Its just the way things are. I do try to convert people, but its rare that i ever manage to set it up just right. Even people like me can't control others to the letter. Humans are queer creatures, and there's no telling what people will do next.
  17. The reason I said that you all were "heartless monsters" was because of the way some of you act. Zerieth you were calling her baby "a nonexistent human" which was hurting her feelings. Yukou your attitude just makes me sick, you act like a rebelious punk and I hate rebelious punks. Moogles_Forever, you just act like a child, you think life is all about having fun and I can not stand people who act like a child.

    And all of you STOP MAKING FUN OF CHRISTIANS!!! We are trying to warn you people to save your stupid ass' though I have no idea why God loves you people enough to try and save you.
  18. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Then stop telling us that we are so evil and cold hearted and monsters. We are people too. Have you consideration for what other people feel even though they do not agree with you?

    You don't tell people that they are going to hell because they don't believe in what you do. It is call manners. Learn some.
  19. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Y'know what? I'm just going to humor you.
    *Sticks out tongue*
    And what's wrong with having fun? And once again, how dare you assume what I believe (again)?

    . . . . . . Oh, right. The whole 'becoming president' thing.

    I never made fun of Christians. And Key, they were bullying me. All 50 of those bastards. Because of my beliefs. Yukou was borderline, but then presented the reason for it. Zerieth didn't either - and Jehova Witnesses --> are somewhat annoying <--(First insult!)

    . . . . . . You DO realize you're talking to an obstinate aetheist, right?

    On a side note, we should probably move all talks of religion to the religion thread.

    Last edited: May 22, 2009
  20. We have to tell people they are going to hell unless they accept christ and if we don't then they means we have betrayed our religion. To a christian God is everything and we put God in every aspect of our life.

    Nothing is wrong with having fun but life is not a game and it is not a joke.

    Look, every aithiest I have met have been rude, mean, and cruel. I have an aithiest neighbor who turns his music up way to loud, he beats his dogs, and he stole stuff from my church.

    Another aithiest neighbor put his junk on my yard.

    I could go on and on. The point is I have never seen an aithiest that has extremely high morals and manners.

    From my experience all aithiest are evil.

    On the issue of abortion. I believe in the end Pro-life people will have their way. I believe abortion will be banned. Then I can die happy.

    You have no idea how much this one issue affects my life. Everyday I constanly think about this issue and it affects every part of my life. I wont be happy until abortion is illegal and all the babies that have been aborted are avenged. My whole life is centered around banning abortion.

    I don't have any fun because I am to worried about abortion. I have sacrifced nearly all of my joy and my life just so I can spend my entire life trying to ban abortion.

    Now do you see why I want to ban abortion? It's not just a political or moral matter, it's a personal matter. When I am old and on my death bed I want to die knowing that abortion is illegal and that millions of babies have been avenged and millions have been saved.

    When I die I want to enter heaven and see all the aborted babies there and they can say to me, "Thank you for caring about us. Thank you for being a voice for us. Thank you for doing what was right."

    This is my only reason for continuing to fight.

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