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Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by ansem the wise 59, Dec 10, 2007.

  1. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Twilight, your not debating. Your yelling, and if I was a mod i would have removed several of your posts. Read whats behind the post, and you'll figure out that we are not being heartless or cruel. I have seen one person in this thread who was what you say we are. If you want to know who that is you need only look into a mirror. I am a baptized christian, but I go about life in a different way than you. I help people when i can, and i fight for those who can't. I'm a law abiding person who never strays over the line. Its people like you that make me sick. You keep shouting out about how the world is going to pot, and its your god given duty to help us go to heaven. But what have you done? Instead of helping people, you make their hearts weaker. You of the weak heart should learn how to speak before you do so. If you know what i mean, you'll understand. If you don't, I know you will insult me again. I am a person you don't know, an unknown entity. And I am someone you are afraid of. You are afraid of me, because i am telling the truth. A truth that you don't want to see. Key is not the only one running away, you are to.

    Wrap your mind around this. Almost all of my friends are atheist. All of my friends are good people. Just because someone's atheist does not mean they are evil. Thats called generalizing, and its very lazy and stupid.

    Also what if the mother of an unborn child was told she was going to die in child birth? Would you sacrifice the mother or the child. What if both died? Banning abortion is a bad idea. How-ever, getting an abortion just because you don't want to have the baby is kind of stupid to. Teens get pregnant because they know they can get an abortion. Guys, its called a condom. Use one. A complete banning of abortion is a bad idea, but leaving it as is is no good either.
    Last edited: May 22, 2009
  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    ALL OF YOU SHUT UP!! Seriously, we must take this to the religious thread & if Star saw this, who knows what she'll do. Also, Twilight, not all christians is going to tell those who don't follow christ will go to hell. I'm one of them. Seriously, I don't want to offend anyone by saying that they will go to hell. Key, well, you & me already spoked about this. Just don't repeat the same mistakes again & let god soothes you. Not all atheists are evil Twilight. I seen one who I'd never thought would be one because he's too nice & intelligent. I even seen another one who don't believe in Jesus, but he's not mean. I can't say anything else to anyone now because I have given all of you almost more than half of the knowledge of God's word that all of you need to know.

    Moog, I still respect your decision of being an atheist, but I still will pray for you & whenever you decide to convert yourself to God, he's always there for you. Don't let past experiences affect you. Now we're really off of the subject. I'll be real scared if I hold a party to bring all KH-3 members together in real life to finally meet each other because I'll be scared of what all of you will do. Abortion is terrible, but God will forgive those who did that. Besides, women like Key can be scared of raising a baby & chose abortion. Also, why you quoted what I said moog if you're not going to say anything? Just curious.
  3. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    He wanted to make Twilight see what you said. That quote spoke for itself. Also SB, your kind of being a hypocrite. Re read your post and tell me that it has something to do with this debate. Be sure to keep a straight face. :)
  4. I know I can't get everything my way but this is the one issue that want to go my way.

    Let me put it like this. I would make gay marriage legal if everyone would let me make abortion illegal. See, I can compromise but I will never compromise on abortion. NEVER!!!

    In the scenario that you listed above, let's say that a mother was goin to die if she gave birth. This is the one and only situation that I find abortion to be right. Anyother situation will be illegal.

    Zerieth, you have no idea the pain and suffering I go through because abortion is legal. That is my only wish, I only want abortion to be illegal. If I can have that then I can die happy.
  5. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    -_-_- Do you even know what a hypocrite is? I wasn't acting like one. This is telling all of you to take all of this to the religious thread & my last sentence has to do something about the debate. Don't change the subject now. Seriously, y'all just argue, scream, & curse & talk about the others & a whole lot of stuff happens.
  6. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    This ain't Burger King. You can' have it your way. If you make Abortion illegal, than that would be illegal too. You're a hypocrite.

    Well, from this post, I find that your don't consdier other people religion. I have plenty of Christian friends, and not ONCE did they say I was going to Hell. They have something call restraints and manners. How would you feel if I go up to you bash about your religion and say that you was going to hell??

    Let's bring this to the religion thread.
  7. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Thanks Yukou, at last we can get back on track. To be honest Twilight, you have a point. I don't know what your going through so you might as well share. Your arguing with me using that one thing as a weapon. I can't be expected to duck if i don't know what it is. Key was able to find the strength to share with us, now its your turn.
  8. You want me to share why I hate abortion, then I shall.

    For the past 2 years I have thought about abortion every day from morning until night, only finding peace in my sleep. I constantly feel sad for all those babies that have been aborted. To think that their mother's cared so little for their own baby. To think that pro-life people think of life as no more than a thing that can be thrown away out of fear or because it's unwanted. The very idea that some can think of an unborn child that way drives me crazy with anger and sadness. To think that their are some people who are against the death penalty for a murderer but yet they support killing an innocent baby that has done nothing wrong, it makes me so angry.

    To think that a baby's soul knows that his own mother hated he or she, how sad that must be for an aborted baby's soul to know that their are people who don't even consider he or she human. It was when this pain and the knowledge that it hit me, I have to be the voice of the unborn. I have to tell this country, "STOP KILLING OUR UNBORN!!! THIS IS NO WAY FOR AMERICA TO ACT!!!" My entire life is devoted to making abortion illegal. I have'nt been truly happy for 2 years and I will never be happy till abortion is illegal.

    So there I shared it with you, Zerieth.
  9. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    You act like people just go get an abortion because it is a fun thing to do. No. That is what Pro-Life people should understand. Do you really think a mother think getting an abortion is fun. There are serious risks with an abortion. You can tear your baby maker, mess up your tubes, and death.

    Some people get abortion because due to Medical Reason. My cousin Grandmother told me that she got not one abortion but 3-4 because due to difficult times during her countries, such as war and famine. She rather let the baby go, then rasie the baby in difficult times and seeing the baby suffer and die of starvation. She did regret her decision, but she move on. Now she is a strong lady. And now her vagina is mess up because of her numerous abortions.
  10. 1. If women don't want to get pregnant then don't have sex. If you get raped then be brave and put it up for adoption.

    2. If your your cousin's grandma was living in such conditions then why was she having sex?

    3. America is not living in such conditions as the woman you talked about.
  11. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    1. Maybe they LIKE doing it. And sure, there may be birth control, but that doesn't ALWAYS work.

    2. A release? Raped by soldiers?

    3. . . . Yet. And it was and example of what can happen/has happened. Also, ever been in slums before?
  12. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Well its about time. However condition 2 there requires me to say this. Easy for YOU to say, YOU don't have a bastards child in you. And we DID live in those conditions before. And she SAID her country, as in not this one. Africa's a pos now, along with other third world countries.
  13. 1. How many times have I made it clear that I don't care what people like to do. Statistics show that having sex during marriage and not before is better. If it is proven that it is better than people should have enough common sense to wait till marriage no matter how boring it is.

    2. Then those soldiers should be punished but not the child. Perhaps she should have had the child sent to America?

    3. At the moment though, America is not in that kind of shape so it was not a very good example. No, I have not been in the slums but poor women should'nt have sex if they don't want to get pregnant.
  14. Please stop it. I have seen Twilight cry just thinking about abortion. You can't imagine the constant pain he is in because of abortion.
  15. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    *Sigh* KeybladeofMemory, he joined this debate, so he's stuck in this debate. Playing the, "He cares so passionately that he is crying over it" card will not work. It never will with us. This was supposed to be a friendly debate, but it got unfriendly because he came in and started calling us heartless. I would say he's earned what he's getting.

    In any case i still have to agree with both sides. Banning abortion completely is stupid, while not doing any thing to the current laws is just as stupid. If you don't want to get pregnant, don't get laid or use condom's or other forms of protection. Condoms are the best for it.

    But, if you are raped i believe it should be your choice whether or not to get an abortion. After all, being raped sucks, but being stuck with a reminder for the next 6 months? That is even worse, and people have hung themselves over less.
  16. But the father raped the mother. Why are you sentencing the baby to death for what it's father did. It's not the baby's fault if it was concieved through rape so it should'nt be punished.

    Your saying, "The baby should die for what the father did" That is wrong.
  17. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Better than it growing up knowing that the mother not only didn't want it, but its daddy was a bad man who raped people cause he wanted to. I would rather die than know my father was a rapist.
  18. I would rather live and show my mom how different I am from my father and how much I love her and live a life of good.

    When you abort a baby because of rape your're saying the baby did something wrong. What did it do wrong? Tell me that.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 22, 2009
  19. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Each to his/her own. Personally, i would rather do without the 6 months of constant reminder of what happened. I did say people have hung themselves for less.
  20. But what did the baby do wrong? What did it do to deserve death? That is what I want you to answer.

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