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Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by ansem the wise 59, Dec 10, 2007.

  1. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    :(:( I can't stand reading all of this. But still, your child has did nothing wrong. I know that you wanted a child, but you didn't want one early yet. Zerieth, you is wrong about one thing. The mother do want the child, but the child knowing that it's own father was cruel, this'll show how much the child can do better.
  2. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    There is no point in arguing with a simple minded person.
  3. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    . . . . . Key, you say that based on past experiences. Without the experiences that shaped your past, you would not act the way you do now. That in no way was meant to be an insult. So, if you were born because your father raped your mother, then you would act differently.

    And summoner, children aren't adults. They don't reason the same way as adults do. So, if they grew up in that environment, they might either strive to do be better or become some sort of drug addict, depressed about the truth.
  4. But you can't be sure. Until a baby has been born you can't say what type of person they will be. A baby is innocent and I support anyone that wants to ban abortion and I hope that it is made illegal one day. You wont change my opinion on this. I know what I must do. To avenge my baby and repent for my sins I will spend my life trying to ban abortion and I will succeed in doing so.
  5. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    I wish you the best in luck, but one person can't change the world. It takes the voice of many to do that. Perhaps you will succeed, or perhaps you will fail. Still, i hope you realize that you can do other things. You don't have to feel this way for the rest of your life. Did you know i am against the death penalty? People can change, so why must we keep blaming our selves for things we've done. The only reason why i made that argument about rape victims is because a lot people i know wouldn't be able to stand the reminder every day and would kill themselves. Its sad, but it can happen. Would you rather lose the baby, or lose the baby and the mother? That choice should be open to them if they don't think they can handle it.
    And your right, we can never be certain about the future. While sometimes we can glean insight to it through dreams, we can never be to sure about the actual future. So we can't make ANY judgments based on that.
  6. But if I was to get raped again and if I got pregnant, I would have the baby. That is called being brave. If I can be that brave now then why can't someone else be that brave?
  7. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Because not every one is brave. Do you mean that you were raped? If so, you have my deepest apologies. I hope the man gets gutted.
  8. Yes I was raped and I got pregnant and I had an abortion. But if I was raped again and got pregnant again then I would be brave and not have an abortion. If I can be that brave now then why can't everyone?

    People are supposed to be brave all the time. If they are afraid then they make desicions based on fear and that makes them a coward. Just like I was a coward.
  9. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    It is sad that not everybody is brave. But I do have to say I like KeybladeofMemory's thinking. Her thinking in that situation is like mine.
  10. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Are you still a coward, or are you actually able to do what you say you will do? Don't judge people so harshly, you've been there. Tell me WHY you got an abortion, then you can judge yourself.
  11. I did'nt get an abortion because I was raped or because of the father. I had one because I let my fear get the better of me and I took my baby's life because of how cowardly I was. If only I would have been brave and not let my fear control me, I know I would'nt have gotten an abortion. If a man raped me right and if I got pregnant right now I would not get an abortion, I would never do what I did again.
  12. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    I see. I think i can see the rest of this. If only i could talk to you in real life, i would have you completely read. D***. Remember that not everyone is like you. Some are to afraid to even consider carrying a rapists child. Rape is an unforgivable crime. I hope that man receives his just reward. Graceful Assassin really is a fool for not seeing it so early. Blast it all, what a mess. I am sorry for you, truly i am. I hope the rest of your life is filled with happiness. Its what you deserve.
  13. People should get over being afraid and be brave. Everyone needs to be brave an fight their fear. It's what is best.

    If it makes you feel any better, Twilight Keyblade beat the crap out of my ex.
  14. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    You know Twilight Keyblade in real life? Wow...
  15. Yes...he's my new boyfriend.
  16. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    If you wanna do something badly then go do something about it. What is the whole point of arguing on this thread. Go Protest. There is no use on crying over the subject anyway. You talk about how you want to make it illegal and such of the natures, but what have you accomplish so far? I don't hear you on the news.

    So instead of fussing go and try to ban abortion. Make a protest. Go out there and get your word out.
  17. I will and I will suceed. I promise you that.
  18. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    All I have to say is good luck and I do hope you succeed in what you set out to do.
  19. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Nice, but the guy needs to be in prison if he isn't.
  20. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    -_?_?_- Who was the one who started abortion in the first place & how did it came to being anyways?

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