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Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by ansem the wise 59, Dec 10, 2007.

  1. sma2112

    sma2112 New Member

    Wow so I guess a girl who was raped is a whore huh...
    Just because a girl became pregnant on accident doesn't mean she was a whore.
    My friend Leeza was raped by both her father and boyfriend and almost became pregnant twice, it wasnt her fault as with many rape victims or other circumstances, my view is that if you dont care if there is a life in you go ahead and get rid of it what am I going to do it doesn't have anything to do with me.
    I understand that many people like you demon hate the fact that someone can kill off a life inside them but think of what the kid would have to deal with; no parents, foster parents, or just plain unloving parents. Imagine how screwed up their lives would be and if you're one of those religous types then at least in your mind you should be happy that the child is in "heaven"
    Last edited: May 29, 2008
  2. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    o'k i apologize i forgot about the rape thing but as you stated their are foster homes and people out there that would love to have a child if you don't want it. everyone deserves to live you have no right to take some one's life, that is god's right. that baby might grow up to change the world or something. and i'm very sorry for what happened to your friend sma2112.
  3. SkylerOcon

    SkylerOcon New Member

    But of course you assume there is a God, and by giving power to something that is not proven, your whole post falls apart.

    Sometimes the risk of childbirth (Even with a c-section) is just to high. Sometimes the mother just can't risk that.
  4. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    look about god, better safe than sorry. i'd rather believe in god than risk going to hell. and if i had to choose between my life or my baby i'd rather die.
  5. Mike

    Mike Member

    Many religions believe in "Original Sin." Some (not all) of these have unfortunate consequences as a result of this; namely the child still has not been absolved of original sin, so it's much like a quote unquote 'nonbeliver.' It ends up stuck in limbo, or a 'nullified' form of heaven, or something along these lines.

    I don't think this is true, it seems particularly unjust...but just saying.

    In Canada (the only statistics I have access to), less than 4% of abortions performed are for reasons such as rape, incest, or given any medical reasons (even possibly absurd reasons). Like if you say your leg hurts so you don't want to go through with the delivery, that falls into this 4%. Got to admit though, that's still higher than I expected.

    Not to mention, 2 hours before labour, you can have an abortion in Canada.

    This is something known as Pascal's Wager (Feel free to look it up in Wikipedia).

    Unfortunately, the ultimate argument against Pascal's Wager (though seemingly the logical choice) is that selfish belief is not true belief. Not saying this is what you're doing...but what you wrote here implies that.

    In other words, if you believe because you believe...it's different from believing out of fear of punishment.
  6. sma2112

    sma2112 New Member

    good point mike
    but demon again foster parents arent usually that good at least from what ive seen
    plus adoption isnt guranteed especially if a kid doesnt get adopted before the age of 13 then it becomes very difficult
  7. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    to mike i do believe in god but not out of fear, i was just giving sma2112 an example.
    secondly to sma2112 are you a foster child, i'm not trying to be a smart ass or anything just wondering.
  8. sma2112

    sma2112 New Member

    no but my friend was until he was finally adopted but his adopted parents still didnt treat him well
  9. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    you can't judge all foster parents by just one couple. i mean there are people that treat their biological children bad.
  10. Mike

    Mike Member

    @demon of darkness:^^The correct way to respond to that is:

    @sma2112: Would you rather your friend was aborted? Or are you better off from knowing them?
  11. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    good point mike.
  12. sma2112

    sma2112 New Member

    that was a good one but idk he has issueses and told me the foster homes and adoptions agencies he jumped around treated him like shit
    ah i dont care anymore, all i know is that i think abortion should be left up to the pregnant girl.
  13. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    look sma2112 i understand what your saying but what about the father's choice, and i can't understand how a parent can value their convinence or their lives over their child.
  14. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I think that abortion is stupid. Instead of killing the baby, why doesn't the girl just give the baby to an adoption place? After all, the adoption places need more children because there just aren't enough children for everybody who wants to adopt.
  15. sma2112

    sma2112 New Member

    im guessing you two think pregnancy and labour are easy?
  16. Mike

    Mike Member

    ^^No...Murder is easier, and less painful (for the poor pregnant woman).
  17. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    who said anything about pregnancy and labour not being easy?
    the point is a baby's life is more important than an adults.
  18. Mike

    Mike Member

    ^^That's a completely different debate, one which I'm pretty sure you don't mean to get into.

    I think what you mean to say is "A baby's life is more important than convenience in an adult's life."

    Because one could argue, a baby has potential to do more than an adult (given that they live to adulthood), but at the same time, can you value one life over another?
  19. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    well see the parent has had a chance to enjoy life, so that baby deserves the same chance.
  20. Mike

    Mike Member

    But again, this is a different debate entirely.

    Though I see your point, just to be pedantic, does a 3 year old child have more of a right to life than a 4 year old child? What if the 3 year old child was the next Hitler and the 4 year old child was the next Einstein?

    Does baby Hitler have more of a right to life than an adult Einstein?

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