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Action Replay MAX Codes

Discussion in 'KH Coding' started by Demi Shock, Jul 22, 2007.

Who is the most helpful hacker/coder in this thread?

  1. Demi Shock

    33 vote(s)
  2. DjC

    16 vote(s)
  3. Ransu

    3 vote(s)
  4. ishotansem

    3 vote(s)
  5. ansem the wise 59

    3 vote(s)
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  1. DjC

    DjC New Member

    lol u should get swap magic like me, im pretty sure ill order it. and then get coder. u dont need a gameshark disk to use coder. and u should also get fm, its worth every penny
  2. ishotansem

    ishotansem New Member

    im getting the swamp magic 3 for christmas :)
  3. DjC

    DjC New Member

    but do u have fm? and i am hoping to buy one in the next 6 days. i found a good deal that comes with both swap magic 3.6 and the slide tool as well
  4. ishotansem

    ishotansem New Member

    nope im getting the new zelda for ds for christmas then im planing to get one though a couple months after because ill have some money.
  5. DjC

    DjC New Member

    did u unscrew ur ps2 faceplate yet? cause i need some encourage ment on that
  6. ishotansem

    ishotansem New Member

    nope i thought ur just suppose to put in the disk then it will load then say"put in game"then you just play the game.
    wait a sec encoragement
    i unscrewed my ps2 then it blew up.Is that good?
  7. DjC

    DjC New Member

    oh god. u didnt know. i hope u also know that u are required to have an slide card/tool. if u need help with it go to the swap magic guide i made. i use to be the one asking questions but now i know what im talking about. so go there and ill answer ur question instead of spaming

    and no u dont open up ur ps2
  8. ishotansem

    ishotansem New Member

    So these sparks and fire coming from my ps2 are bad?

    so this isnt spam whats the unerversal moveset digits
  9. DjC

    DjC New Member



    Character Moveset Modifier [KH2 US]

    200F9000 10400005
    200F9004 944F004C
    200F9008 240100YY [Note 1]
    200F900C 142F00ZZ [Note 2]
    200F9010 240F00XX [Note 3]
    200F9014 A44F004E
    200F9018 03E00008
    201D14F4 0803E400

    [Note 1] - The "YY" values.
    These tell the code what character you're modding. Like if you're playing as Roxas[Yes, you CAN use this code in conjuction with the Universal Character Modifier for Maximum Damage!], you'd set it to Roxas's value, else the moveset doesn't change...

    01= Sora
    02= Donald
    03= Goofy
    04= Mickey
    05= Auron
    06= Mulan
    07= Aladdin
    08= Sparrow
    09= Beast
    0A= Jack
    0B= Simba
    0C= Tron
    0D= Riku
    0E= Roxas
    0F= Ping

    [Note 2] - The "ZZ" values.
    o_O This part of the code is weird. It supposedly affects the position of one's weapon. However, if you set it to 'Sky' on certain people, it freezes. And if you set it to 'Normal' on certain people, they T-Stance when attacking or even moving.

    02= Normal
    01= Sky

    [Note 3] - The "XX" values. (These values need re-testing. Someone help me here please. I beg ye. The first few work just fine, but once you get down to around where Riku was, you get BSODs with Music. =( )

    01= Sora
    02= Valor
    03= Wisdom
    04= Master Form
    05= Final Form
    06= Anti Form *
    07= Lion Form
    0A= Dual-Wield Roxas
    0D= Roxas
    11= Donald
    14= Goofy
    17= Aladdin
    18= Auron
    19= Ping?
    1A= Mulan?
    1C= King Mickey **
    1D= King Mickey ***
    1E= King Mickey ***
    22= Sparrow
    23= Riku ****
  10. saisuke

    saisuke New Member

    Ok, I fixed the problem, you have to unequip high jump. Now I'm testing what happens with it in OTHER forms. In Wisdom Form, you T-Stance as soon as you press O. I'm seeing if the drive gauge depleting will reverse the effect since it won't let me revert. Wait, apparently not. I'm gonna test it as Roxas, even though I'm pretty sure I'll T-S because of his moveset, but it's worth a try. (Not DW Roxas) I'm typing this as I go, by the way. My game's starting now. It DOES work with Roxas! But as I stated in an earlier post, he does everything right, just not in the right positions. When he jumps, he just stays in the jump position, and same with gliding. But when you reach the ground, it doesn't T-S!
  11. DjC

    DjC New Member

    yeah but does he t-stance while jumping cause thats a problem
  12. ishotansem

    ishotansem New Member

    dont use quick run with any characters then sora they t stance and even getting his doesnt bring them out the infinite jump code is almost useless with dw roxas.gotta go
  13. DjC

    DjC New Member

    see u later
  14. saisuke

    saisuke New Member

    Normal roxas just stays in his normal jump position. I'll take a few screenies.
  15. DjC

    DjC New Member

    thats really wierd... ur not suppose to be able to innfinite jump with any one but sora.... what code did u use again?
  16. ishotansem

    ishotansem New Member

    ill say this quick if you jump with dw roxas with infinite jump he t stance normal roxas with infinate jumpe doesnt............
  17. ishotansem

    ishotansem New Member

    double post....
    i guess there animation allows it same with kh1 sora
  18. saisuke

    saisuke New Member

    Ok, I could only get one screenie with my stupid eye toy, but here it is. Next time I'll do it with a real camera. (Video capture=no go)


    EDIT: HOLY CRAP! I managed to get Roxas into Atlantica, and he is able to walk! It's weird...
  19. DjC

    DjC New Member

    COOL! thats awsome

    EDIT: thats normal. if u play as somone who isnt sora and try going to atlantica either:

    1. ull freeze cause the character isnt supported there
    2. u just wont float and will be walking on the ground w/o a tale and fins
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2007
  20. saisuke

    saisuke New Member

    It's funny because I got him into Pride Rock as well.

    EDIT "DISCOVERY I THINK":: When you attack in Pride Rock, it makes some of Sora's sound effects...
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