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Action Replay MAX Codes

Discussion in 'KH Coding' started by Demi Shock, Jul 22, 2007.

Who is the most helpful hacker/coder in this thread?

  1. Demi Shock

    33 vote(s)
  2. DjC

    16 vote(s)
  3. Ransu

    3 vote(s)
  4. ishotansem

    3 vote(s)
  5. ansem the wise 59

    3 vote(s)
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  1. Demi Shock

    Demi Shock Guest

    Ok guys, I was reading the Coder Ranks thread that I started, and DjC, you made some good points, but so did the mods. Its ok that this thread might be closed. It might not seem useful to the mods, but our cause is just. The point that they were trying to make is that this isnt a forum for Coding, its a forum for Kingdom Hearts. I can see why the thread could be insignificant to the purpose of the forum.

    However, this does not stop us from being coders. Ill PM you and everyone else about the details.
  2. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    We can understand coding is what you like doing, the decision was made NOT to close this topic but to merely unpin it as it does not benefit the entire community. You were punished for questioning a mods decision which rule breaking.
    The topic is still here and as long as we have people willing to contribute codes it will remain here providing you abide by the rules set.
  3. DjC

    DjC New Member

    a stickied thread gets stickied because its popular, ventually all kh2 topics will die. and the new threads that r stickied r already dieing
  4. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    No, A thread should not get sticked because its popular. To be blunt, that is idiotic thinking.
    As I stated in the PM's I have been sending you, a thread is Pinned because it is important to the Forum as a Community.
  5. DjC

    DjC New Member

    well this is the only fourm ive ever been on that stickies threads for importants. kh-vids.net stickies threads cause there popular, and look at them, they have over 15,000 members
  6. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    Yes, and all members are like you. Seriously I am getting mad as it is 2am where I live and I have the final episode of Death note to go. Please will you PM me any more queries and I will get back to you tomorrow afternoon.
  7. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    OK, let's settle this. The thread has been unpinned. It's not getting re-pinned. It doesn't need to me pinned. In fact, a bunch of the more recent posts I've seen in this thread are saying the exact same thing I said before. You are running out of codes. As for the other threads dying, they aren't. Every new member who joins has something to post in those threads. That is why they are pinned. There can be long pauses between posts in pinned threads and have them be pin-worthy. And just because a thread has a high post count does not make it worth pinning.

    And before you say I'm abusing my powers by unpinning this thread, consider this. I stuck up for this thread. One word from me and any number of people would be more than willing to delete it. However, I saw no reason to close it and thus left it open. I used my powers to save this thread. So don't go accusing me of abusing my powers to keep you down.

    Now, with that said, this conversation is over. If you have something more to say on the subject, do it by PM in private. This thread is for AR Max codes. If you want to continue coding, do so. No one's stopping you, despite what you seem to think.

    Continue on ladies and gentlemen.
  8. Demi Shock

    Demi Shock Guest

    Thank you Pulse and EbAl for your words.
    Who cares if this thread is stickied or not? The posts will keep it alive, not the stickies, so lets stay busy.

    Lets get this thing moving along now.

    So....anybody have swap magic and a copy of KH2FM+?
    Im going to need some testers for codes soon.

    I need to talk to some of you on aim.
    Just add me.
    Ill be on.
  9. Demi Shock

    Demi Shock Guest

    If you are interested in learning how to use maxconvert, modifying codes, using the Universal Character Modifier, Or any other Modifier sets, PM me and ill set you up with a personal tutorial.
  10. Duskdragon

    Duskdragon New Member

    Hey, I'm really new to this site, How much are AR MAXs? I really want one, I've found usefull codes here and on another site, I forget the site, and can you save with AR Codes on?
  11. Luke

    Luke Member

    Mine was 30 or 40^

    I have a SM and final mix+ so i could test somethign
  12. Demi Shock

    Demi Shock Guest

    You can find a copy at your local EB games or other game store, I purchased my copy online at Ebay for about $28. Hope that helps.

    Happy Coding!
  13. DoorToLight

    DoorToLight New Member

    Demi Shock is more right than any of us. i just got here a few weeks ago and i like helping all of you guys out with the codes. i dont know if i have been a great deal of help but i like wat i do. who cares if the threads unpinned or unstickied or whatever, people will still come here whenever they need help and if we all like doing what we do here so much the change wont make a difference and well all continue helping others with the codes. now i really would hate to see this thread be shut down cause i was on here a guest for so long for codes and i finnally made a membership and i like helping out with you guys so just because it is unstickied doesnt mean it is over

    o and dusk dragon an action replay can be about $40 at an ebgames or gamestop or on their site Home - Codejunkies US yes you can save while using it theres also a bunch of codes in this thread but be sure to read if it is a code that works:)
  14. ven_roxas

    ven_roxas New Member

    can someone pm me these codes???
    Reaction command mod
    Universal weapon mod
    Universal character mod
    Room modifier
    Party modifier
    Neo moveset mod
    Neo status mod
    Shortcut modifier
    Model mod
    Weapon attachment mod
    Role mod
    Equipped weapon mod
    Ally sephi
    Dw sora
    Ally roxas
    Quick startup
    Event trigger mod

    btw these are for armax
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2008
  15. DoorToLight

    DoorToLight New Member

    i dont know all of these codes off hand but im sure if you look through this thread you are bound to find what you like:)

    yes an ar max is completely legal btw his name is DjC (got no idea wat it stands for though:p)
  16. Demi Shock

    Demi Shock Guest

    Yeah, I got your pm about the MAC use, I dont have a mac, but they work on PC just fine. If anyone else needs some of the sets, PM me and ill send you a link to "Demi Shock's Coding Pack V1.0" its got all your modifiers and a couple other fun things.

    btw, his aim is like DJ Cruz, so that probably has something to do with it. lol.
  17. Duskdragon

    Duskdragon New Member

    I'll learn to hack if it's posible with out a Game Shark or AR device, also, how do I get that converter?
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2008
  18. DjC

    DjC New Member

    welcome dustdragon ^^. ill teach u how to convert codes, ill send u my famous pm tutorial. o and its pronounced DjC. and it stands for my first, middle, and last name. yes my last name is Cruz. but none of u know my first or middle name.
  19. ven_roxas

    ven_roxas New Member

    wat is the code to replace donald/goofy with xemnas from memories scyscraper (first fight)


    can someone pm me the armax versions??
    E001FDFF 0035B55C
    1033E830 00000200

    E001FDFF 0035B55C
    1033E830 00000201

    E001FDFF 0035B55C
    1033E830 00000218

    E001FDFF 0035B55C
    1033E830 00000222

    E001FDFF 0035B55C
    1033E830 00000300

    E001FDFF 0035B55C
    1033E830 00000301

    E001FDFF 0035B55C
    1033E830 00000302

    E001FDFF 0035B55C
    1033E830 00000400

    E001FDFF 0035B55C
    1033E830 0000040E

    E001FDFF 0035B55C
    1033E830 00000411

    E001FDFF 0035B55C
    1033E830 0000041B

    E001FDFF 0035B55C
    1033E830 00000B06

    E001FDFF 0035B55C
    1033E830 00000B07

    E001FDFF 0035B55C
    1033E830 00000B08

    E001FDFF 0035B55C
    1033E830 00000B09

    E001FDFF 0035B55C
    1033E830 00000B0A

    E001FDFF 0035B55C
    1033E830 00000100

    E001FDFF 0035B55C
    1033E830 00001214

    E001FDFF 0035B55C
    1033E830 00001215

    E001FDFF 0035B55C
    1033E830 00001216

    E001FDFF 0035B55C
    1033E830 00001205
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2008
  20. Ransu

    Ransu New Member

    here you go! :D





















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