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Advent of a Dirge RP

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Haresuno, Sep 21, 2008.

  1. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Tyra was at the peak of the mountain of Tears, home of the water alem. Looking two miles towards the Dragoth advance he noticed the Alem camp was deserted.

    "What could of lead them to leave the dragoth to advance through our lands!" She mumbled outraged.
  2. Zeronus

    Zeronus New Member

    Kai stomach growled.

    time to eat

    he walked to the outskirts of a village, and saw a farm with a little cottage. the residents of the cottage seemed to be in a hurry to get somewhere. he walked over to the family.

    "what's the hurry?"
    "haven't you heard? the Dragoths are coming this way." said a man.

    Kai looked at the family. It consisted of a mother, a father, and a son. Kai stomach growled again. Kai snapped his fingers. black chains erupted from the ground closing around Kai's victims.

    "wwhat are yyou?" the father stuttered.
    Kai smiled "do you need to ask?"
    terror filled the fathers eyes "a Dragoth"

    Kai smiled as he walked towards the mother.

    "stay away from her!" the Father screamed

    There was a flicker of annoyance in Kai's eyes. he snapped his fingers again and the chain that held the father got tighter. the father screamed and Kai, once again, snapped his finger but with more force. the mother and son cried out as the father's eyes started to bleed, and then the father's lungs collapsed. the chains dropped the limp body. Kai turn towards the mother. Kai's K-9 teeth grew into into vampiric fangs. the mother was to afraid to cry out as Kai bit into her neck. after about five minutes, Kai withdrew from the mother and the chain around her dropped as well. Kai looked over at the kid. He'd almost laughed when he saw the kid had actually pissed himself. Kai drew his sword and walked over to the kid. he swung his blade and ,once more, the chains dropped. as the chains disappeared, Kai fled into the woods leaving the bodies behind.

    >just to let you know, Kai can survive eating regular food, but prefers to drink human blood<
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2008
  3. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Tyra heard cries from a farmhouse mere metres from where she was perched, running out from the building was a small enough figure with a sword.

    Although she had never seen one before she knew what it was... a Dragoth.

    She jumped off the tree it sinking back into the ground, she could smell the blood from the house door.. Chancing a look she stuck her head though the door, what she saw sickened her, she threw up against the wall, the taste in her mouth horridly unpleasent.

    "Ill make that bastard pay!" She whispered using her patches to search for the figure.
  4. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Avel stood atop the massive wall that separted the Dragoth from Sky Peak. His arms folded beneath his chest he couldn't help but grin at the amassed army before him. Turning he lept from the wall, scratching the side of the wall to slow his decent. A small group of casovier crowded around him, "Well soldiers. As much as I hate to say it, I've got to," He looked each of them in the eye equally. Each held their own battle experience, their own scars, to show their metal. Good soliders, all of them. He should have been ashamed that he only saw them as pawns for a battle. No. This is a war, and they as well as himself knew that they were nothing more then pawns. To fight, and die if necissary, "They've got a large army. Bigger then all of the Alem tribes combined. I don't doubt that a majority of them are prisoners forced into fighting, but still." Sighing heavily he forced himself to continue, "Good news is that we, as a people, have more battle expertise and we know how to fight longer, harder, and tougher, without using much of Life. As I see it we posses the advantage, but we still need more soliders. It is the only way to garuntee success." A few nodded, if reluctently. He grinned once more.
  5. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    Kareino had listened to Avel carefully. She hadn't nodded, she just looked at him all the time he had talked. Then she took few steps closer to him and asked, "Are going to leave alone?" she looked him into eyes and waited for the answer.
  6. KeybladerX

    KeybladerX New Member

    They had been traveling for 3 days. The sight of Sky Peak was a joy to behold because not only did it signify the end of their long journey, but also tells them that they are now safe. Large towers stood atop high walls, which encircled the entire city. As Xante watched on, he could not help but think 'Who could ever hope to breach these walls'.

    After they passed the gates, each of the men split up to meet their families and friends, to greet loved ones all around the city. Xante, however, had no one to meet.
  7. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Tyra was stalking the Drogth for awhile now, she went unoticed. Every time he turned around she would disguse herself as a bush or tree. Leaving one in its place as he wont suspect somthing.

    I need to get to the Sky peak... But i must finish this c##t off first

    Tyra would normally shame herself from cussing.. But that was before she had seen just how horrid these vermin where
  8. Zeronus

    Zeronus New Member

    Kai knew something was following him because he could hear it. He didn't know the exact identity of the follower or followers but he was sure that he's seen the same bush or tree about five times now.

    don't know what good it'll do to stalk me, but i don't have time for this

    Kai walked over to a random tree and placed his hands upon it. a dark surge of energy went out of his hands and into tree. it turned pitch black and emitted darkness. the darkness downed out all light for about one mile. Since he only put enough energy in the tree to last for about ten minutes, Kai used his super human speed and ran back towards Sky Peak.

    they can't follow me now
  9. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Gerik himself seemed to hurry more than the rest of his people. He couldn't understand why he wanted to get to Sky Peak, he just knew that he wanted to be there.
  10. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Arianna was sitting on the top edge of the wall, looking out at the world. She didn't really find a lot of fun in the 'safety' of home. She wanted to see what else was out there. She often liked talking to outsiders because of their stories.
  11. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Avel shook his head at the young casovier woman. He didn't know her name -there wasn't a need to know your pawns during a battle-. Regretfully he cursed at himself for thinking of a woman as just another pawn, but it had to be done. He scanned the surrounding terrain once more before he spoke, "No, not yet. Right now I think the Alem leaders are starting to gather at the mountain base city," His tone held only a little warmth. Warmer then his voice during a battle but none the less, "we need to head back now. It is important. I know it is." He waded through the small crowded of Shadow strikers to get to the front, "All right soldiers, move out!" He threw his hand forward and lept into a dead run, straight for the city Lugarith. Why someone had built a city so close to the Alem was beyond Avel's knowledge.

    Detier sat at his writing desk in his small tent, which was large enough for several men standing abreast and tall enough that his own head never brushed the ceiling. Heaps of books laid opened and scattered around the ground and more joined them as Detier grew impatient with his research. Scribbling notes into the sides of a piece of paper he picked up the book he had been flipping through and tossed it over his shoulder, and even before it landed with so much as a thud he embraced Life. The feeling of Life flowing into him, like a gale of wind hitting him against a hard wall, or a rushing river tossing him against rocks as he drifted without a care where he was going. Using Life to manipulate the air he levitated a book towards him. Being of the Yento, and second in command, he was given records that many would die just to know existed. A rare piece of knowledge was that the smaller amounts of Life you used, the less effects it had on you. Though that wasn't something any of the Alem leaders wanted their people to know. There needed to be a balance to how much Life was used and if everyone manipulated Life for the most ridiculous of reasons then balance would be lost. Among the Alem leaders was one Detier didn't like very much. Alev Mexim of the Casovier. He forbid any of his people to use Life unless it was a last resort. Even though most would say that was a fine idea, Detier didn't want to think of forbidding people from the savory sweet feel of Life. With Life flowing through you, you could feel every detail of a surface, you could smell farther then anyone else, you could see great distances with great ease, and the rush of it. Like you could do anything, and nothing was impossible! Detier shivered and let go of Life once he grabbed the book out of the air. The shiver was just as much for letting go of Life as for the fact that he needed to remember the seduction of Life, and how tempting it was to use as much as you wanted. He returned to his notes.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2008
  12. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    The sun was setting, it had been hours since the Dragoth escaped. Stupidly he done an attack to a tree, she had a taste of his power, which she would now use against him.

    Tyra was stretching her patches beyond there normal bounds, She was searching for the skypeak. She had never been there before.

    "I'm hungry" She mumbled pulling a ripe banana tree for the ground.

    "Perfect" she said taking a bite of one
  13. KeybladerX

    KeybladerX New Member

    Xante was bored. He had been in the city for hours on end, but had nothing to do, no one to see. It was a relief to his ears when he found out that plans were being made as to the current crisis. It was also a surprise to hear that he had been invited to join the planning session.

    'My reputation precedes me' he thought wryly as he walked towards the officers camp, where the planning would be done.
  14. Zeronus

    Zeronus New Member

    there's a mountain, there's a mountain, and, OH LOOK, another mountain

    The landscape changed little on his way to Lugarith. once in a while he'd come across a rabbit to eat. the taste was foul but he couldn't risk being trailed again. about an hour later he saw Lugarith. towers attach to walls that rivals the height of the tallest mountains.

    whistles "that's a huge F*@#^& wall"

    he saw a group of villagers heading towards the gates. he quickly slide in among them, silently entering the fortress of his enemy.
    he almost tripped over himself when he got a full view of the city. it was completely and utterly beautiful, at least compared to what he was used to. the architecture of each building seemed one of a kind and all equally amazing.

    This place is AWESOME

    thought for a moment

    NOOOOOO, we have to destroy this town....dammit!
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2008
  15. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Avel and the group of Casovier reached the gates of Lugarith before the sun had even begun to sink to far from the sky. Slowing to a halt he turned and motioned the rest to continue. As they passed him he counted them to make sure all were there. Satisfied that they all were accounted for he resumed his run through the city.
  16. KeybladerX

    KeybladerX New Member

    The commander's camp at Sky Peak was stuffy. Xante sat beside 2 experienced men, both who had faced many years of war, including the original with the Dragoth. Many more commanders sat around a rounded table.

    "I knew that this would happen!" one of them shouted. "This is why we should have destroyed the Dragoth years ago!!"

    "The past of no relevance whatsoever. The problem facing us now is our plan," Xante said. " Have we got one??"

    "The nearest most fortified city is Lugarith," said the commander. "It is the best place to build up a defense to meet the Dragoth"

    "Surely you wouldn't leave the army to burn our fields and villages?!" said another in outrage.

    "We cannot meet the Dragoth on open lands. Their numbers are just too great." Xante said. "I think Lugarith would be the best course of action."

    "Thats assuming Avel even lets us into the city. I don't trust those casoviers."

    "He has no choice in the matter." said one of the experienced men. "His lands are also under threat. I'm sure an alliance would be a most attractive proposition"

    "Good, lets get the men ready. We leave at dawn" said Xante, leaving the camp.

    "Who put him in charge?" asked one of the officers.

    "He took it upon himself, apparently." answered another
  17. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Tyra needed to quench her other hunger.. Pulling a large orb of water from the ground she began to drink..

    "now the sky peek...." She mumbled, about 3 hours previous one of her patches.. the largest one had found it.. It was 6 miles southeast. Swalloing herself in a gaint dragon/hawk made of bark and moss she began to fly swiftly towards the destination
  18. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    All of the Vac'Amen traveling with Gerik arrived at the base of the mountain, "Alright, Sky Peak is up near the top. It will take us some time, but that shouldn't matter. Pace yourselves and rest if you need to. Don't be too hard on yourselves."
  19. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    OOC: Just to be clear, Zeronus pointed this out to me earlier, but Lugarith is at the base of Sky Peak. Sky Peak is the name of the mountain. The Alem dwell in the sides of the mountains. I apologize for not getting all the specifics of the Alem down. Also Alem would rather run then ride, and many do not like Alem because they can use Life and so people associate them with the Dragoth more often then not.

    Detier yawned as he strolled out of his tent. Low level plains reached in every which way he could look. The sun had yet to begin turning the sky into a canvas of different hues, and he could not waste time. He had to find more books for his research. Many leaders would like to know what he had been learning these past few months and now that they were all gathering in one place he didn't have to worry about messengers or spys. He could address them all at once with his own voice. He would have to leave soon as well. He did not like knowing that there must be a balance to light and dark, and even less knowing there was a balance to time. For anything you gain, you must take away something equally as important. That was the way of the Yento.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2008
  20. Zeronus

    Zeronus New Member

    Kai wandered the city for hours. there was barely anything that hadn't interest him. he noticed through his wandering, he was a little nervous about the number of Alem. he walked around on the cities limits, trying to find any weaknesses in the wall.

    Dammit, not even one fracture

    he knew he had to find some weakness in this fortress, or the Dragoth army would suffer serious damage.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2008

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